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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"Perhaps it was getting tired of being Megatron's puppet for destruction. Did it run away after the battle?" He asked. Even Predaking didnt act totally tolerant toward the Autobots, so why would this Predacon act like a human animal they kept around the house?
Shadowstrike growled in frustration, before walking over to Recon and shaking his shoulder, "Recon." She hissed, watching the creature closely. "You need to wake up."
Recon yawned, "What is it femme? Where's the fire?" He asked, sitting up. The thing was gone now, and Recon flinched. He scratched at his armor on his back, "It feels like a scraplette under my plating" He muttered, looking at Jet before carefully getting up.
"I have a name." Shadowstrike growled quietly before narrowing her optics. "I would check under your armor." She told him. "There was this creature, almost like a scraplet, and It crawled under you when I tried to kill it." She explained
"I think I'm fine, plates get itchy sometimes and if it was a scraplette then it would be biting me. I dont feel any biting" He said with a shrug, "Though, I guess I could do without my armor for tonight. Eh, I'll think about it" He said.
Shadowstrike growled in frustration, "What if this creature was a threat? It can screech at a frequency high enough to permanently damage audials. Trust me, I heard it. It also snapped pictures of all of us. If this thing is a threat, do you want it to be over your head if something happens? You could get kicked out of the Autobot's!" She snapped quietly
Recon stopped, looking over at her. "Sounds like you werent dreamin'. Well then, alright. Just prepare yourself, not all femmes can resist the intensity of an armorless mech like me" He said, joking of course. He took the chassis plate off then the gauntlets. Without the two pieces the back part of the armor fell and the creature jumped away from Recon and crawled up the wall. "Well I'll be damned, you were right" Recon said, watching it as it crawled along the ceiling then jumped on Knock Out and hissed at the two before squeezing itself under his armor. Though it hurt more than Recon's did since it wasnt as bulky.
"Of course I was right!" Shadowstrike snapped before cursing to herself as it squeezed itself under Knock Out's armor. "Scrap." She muttered, before walking over to Knock Out and putting a servo on his shoulder. She hated to wake him up, but they had to catch this thing. "Be prepared to grab it if it runs off." Shadowstrike told Recon before gently shaking Knock Out. "Knock Out, you need to wake up. We have a issue."
Recon nodded. Knock Out opened his optics and sat up, stretching. "Yes, love? What is it?" He asked, looking around and stood up. He rose an optic ridge, "What the?" He rolled his shoulders and winced, "Why does that hurt?" He asked himself. "You got a scrap of a creature under your armor, pal" Recon said.
"I..... All I remember I was too busy beating mercilessly on Starscream hehe, was I think another Predacon came out of nowhere and defended HER, then ran off. With her in tow. They went off into the wilderness, somewhere, I have no idea... Sorry, Prime." She looked down at the floor, only a little bit ashamed of her lack of knowledge to provide.

@RedTeam Grif
"It did the same thing to Recon." Shadowstrike told him crossing her arms. "We've been trying to catch it. I don't know if it's a threat or not, but it has taken pictures of us and it can screech loud enough to damage audials." She explained to Knock Out
Optimus stayed quiet while thinking, then looked to Loudmouth. "Your still online despite meeting two Predacons and two of the most dangerous Decepticons." He said, not wanting to lose any of his Autobots in a fight. "Do you think they'd join the Autobot cause?"

Knock Out shuttered, "I'm getting the little bugger out then" He growled, taking his shoulder pieces off first then his chest piece. It kept crawling out of sight, making Knock Out continuously shutter. When it was shown, it hissed at them and got to a part where Knock Out himself couldnt reach and dug its claws in and curled itself. Now it was holding on for dear life, like a tick. You kill it then it wont let go without so much pain.
Shadowstrike cursed, "Scrap. I can't get it off without quite a bit of pain when it's hooked on like that." She told Knock Out, sounding frustrated. "Do either of you have any ideas?" She asked Recon and Knock Out.
"Well it looks like a itty bitty Predacon. And apparently they like being pet, try that" Recon suggested with a shrug. "Though I dont have sharp digits, you can do it" He said to Shadowstrike.
Shadowstrike nodded, before reaching out and starting to gently pet the creature on its back, being careful not to get Knock Out with her sharp digits. "This is probably one of the weirdest things I've ever done." She said with a slight laugh
The thing started purring, loosening its claws but before it did it looked back at Shadowstrike and Recon and snapped a picture before jumping in Shadowstrike's servo and nuzzled her thumb digit with its one-opticed helm while purring. The purring sounded like wires snapping, but it was happy now, looking up at Shadowstrike and snapping a few pictures.
Shadowstrike furrowed her optic ridges in confusion, "That's enough pictures." She told it, even though she wasn't sure if it could understand her. "I don't know where it's from. There's no insignia. And I don't know why it keeps taking pictures." She told the other two
Knock Out looked back at it, as did Recon. "If I didnt know better I'd say its harmless" Recon said, making it look over at him and snap a few pictures before it looked at Knock Out and did the same. "You think it has the power to kill us like scrapletts do?" Knock Out asked.
"I don't know. All I know is it has the power to destroy audials. Mine are still ringing from its screech." Shadowstrike muttered, examining the creature
Knock Out looked at the back of its helm and pulled something out of its helm. Once he did it basically went into stasis, going limp and he looked at the little microchip. "Let us see what its history is, shall we?" He put the chip into a device and the pictures showed up on the screen. At first they were normal pictures, then they got bloody and horrific. Some bots hanging upside down with no helms, dismembered bots and even sparks being ripped out.

Ex, <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halloween__pfft_what_s_this_crazy__by_forgottenhope547-d6qshjv.jpg.a6f02b98ad4bdc8dbd9f708bd46ba214.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halloween__pfft_what_s_this_crazy__by_forgottenhope547-d6qshjv.jpg.a6f02b98ad4bdc8dbd9f708bd46ba214.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • halloween__pfft_what_s_this_crazy__by_forgottenhope547-d6qshjv.jpg
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Shadowstrike covered her mouth with a servo, letting out a horrified, "By the Allspark..." She breathed, not able to believe what she was seeing.
"I dunno about the blue one- the one that came in later, but Matriarch was determined to follow me back into the base..." She looked around, then sat up and looked around, "sooo... What's next, Prime? I mean, you have to have some plan of action. Right? You've always got some kind of plan going on in that helm of yours..."

@RedTeam Grif
"No way, this thing has been alive since the Autobot/Decepticon war!" Recon said, "It documents everything" Knock Out said, they still were in the war pictures, bots impaled and insides scattered like they were nothing. "Its seen everything!" Even showed Megatron ripping out Bee's voice box, not a pretty sight. "We have to show Optimus"

"It would be wise to have a Predacon on the team, I hate putting my team in danger so I suggest we need to track the Predacons down before the Decepticons do. And when we do, I dont want any contact with the creatures until we know they are safe" Optimus said.
Shadowstrike nodded, "I agree." She said, sounding saddened by the pictures. "It looks like this creature saw more on the Decepticons side of the war."
Recon nodded. "Mean glitches, they are" He growled. "Do you think its been to Iacon?" He then asked, and Knock Out shrugged and started skimming through the pictures before stopping at a picture that would piss anyone off if they were the right people. It was Elita One, sword at her throat. The next picture, her frame on the ground and her helm missing. "...." Knock Out could only make a small noise of surprise.

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