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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Shadowstrike looked up at him, her optics full of worry. "What are we going to do? You saw his reaction to Jetstream and that other rouge mech. What if something happens and they find us?" She whispered frantically, gripping his servo tightly
She looked at Matriarch for a moment, then she opened her comm link again, Hey, Bumblebee, Bulkhead? Ratchet, somebody come bridge to my location, I need some medical attention here.

Bulkhead here. Ooooo I wanna go with, I wanna see some con tailpipe being SMASHED! Miko, stop that. What you need, Loudmouth?

I just need Ratchet to get his aft out here.


I see someone is having fun. Just get out here, please. Bring your med kit, Wrench thrower.

Excuse me-

She closed the comm link before Ratchet could go full rage. Meanwhile back in base, Bulkhead and Ratchet prepared to bridge to Loudmouth, "Hey Bee, you wanna come with?" Bulkhead asked Bumblebee.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
Matriarch nodded at hearing the name, then heard Loudmouth contact someone and she flicked her tail in worry, were they going to not help her?

Bee nodded, jumping up. He beeped in agreement to go, following Bulkhead and Ratchet. What were they called for? Was it Cons causing trouble?

Starscream rolled his optics, "Whatever Skywarp, I cant talk anything through that thick helm of yours even how hard I try: He snarled, irritated with his little brother.

"Its okay, Shadowstrike. I have everything planned, well more or less. I know your scared, okay, but I wont let anything happen to you. Your too precious to be to let go." He said, putting his servo on the side of her face for comfort.
Shadowstrike tilted her helm into his hand, reaching up and covering his servo with hers, closing her optics. Her faceplate was hot from embarrassment and flattery. "Okay..." She whispered after a moment, "I trust you." She opened her optics and looked up at him.
Bulkhead threw the bridge open and walked through with Ratchet close behind, to find Loudmouth crouched over a Matriarch, stroking her back like she was a cat.

"What in the name of Primus is this?!" Ratchet shouted, gesturing at Matriarch. "What? It's an injured cybertronian, so get to fixing, medibot!"
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"But having a thick helm is good....I mean even if it hard to talk anything through it,what about stoping Bullets?"he aid with a shrug...yep he was stupied....he really though starscream, ment he had a thick head,but he just dint know the meaning,or maybe he did and was just messing with starscream or something,but Overral he has been like this for eons so here is no way he is messing around....he is just naturraly stupied.

Angel was infront of the dino as she would nod,seeing soon a ground bridge open near by and 2 Bot coming through it,she would look at loudmouth and back at the two bots...so seems theas two were autobots and allies with loudmouth...well aslong they dont start leting bullets loose he would be calm
"Good, just dont doubt what you want. You said yourself you wanted to leave and I will help you because I really want to help you" Knock Out said, giving her a look of an unknown feeling that never showed in his optics.

Matriarch saw the Autobots and out of instinct she stood up and roared, her tail wrapping around Loudmouth and lowered her helm beside Angel as if she was protecting them. Her back leg lagged toward the ground, making her slant a little.

Bee jumped back, his servo turning into a gun and pointed it at the Dinobot with a beep of alarm as he looked over at Loudmouth and beeped in question.
"Err, Loudmouth that IS a Predacon, you know that, right?"

"Yez, Bulkhead, I'm aware but that does not merit lesser treatment for any Cybertronian, riiiiiight?"

"Well..." Ratchet looked Matriarch, then sighed heavily and set the med kit down, then jumped back as Matriarch jumped up and roared, "Loudmouth that thing is dangerous, get away!"

"No! Ratchet, just- Matriarch, sit down, please!"
Shadowstrike saw the look he gave her and her faceplate grew even hotter, if that was even possible. "Thank you." She told him sincerely, and before she could change her mind, stood on the tips of her pedes and gave him a quick kiss on the side of his faceplate.
As soon angel saw the Dino jump up and roar she would place her hands on its head as she wa close and say "It ok! they wont hurt ya! they are hear to help ya mate!"she said trying to calm Matriarch and not attack the autobots,Rubbing her head hoping she would calm down and not cause some killing again like she tried earlier with them.
Matriarch sat down when she was told, setting her helm on the ground and growled in pain at her leg. Bee beeped in confusion, an actual Predacon not giving two frags about all this. He started inching forward, reaching his servo out and jumped back as Matriarch blew steam at him.

Knock Out widened his optics in surprise, did that just happen? He then smirked, he could do one better. "Perhaps we need to make sure no suspicions are rising. I think," He leaned forward, reaching behind her and his own faceplate close to hers. "We could use this as an excuse" Before he pulled back he kissed her quickly, pulling back and handed her a gear.
Jetstream spoke over the COMM so she was easier to hear.

"I was thinking we could head back to the human town we met at, and fix ourselves up the best we can."

She drove silently, and after a few minutes, she spoke.

"Its nice. Driving with you, not worrying about anything. It's extremely nice..."

Thundercracker nodded, then glanced at Skywarp, then back at Starscream. "Remember the Air drills we used to practice? Will we be doing that more often, or is there no need for it?"

(Gotta go early tonight. Sorry for the late post, but goodnight!)
Shadowstrike was shocked for a moment, before she regained her bearings and gave him a flirtatious smirk, "Smooth move." She purred, taking the gear from him. "Let's get out of here before Blitzwing gets too suspicious."
"That thing-"

"Thing, Ratchet?" Loudmouth growled angrily, her optics narrowed as she stood up, looking Ratchet in the optics and said, "Who was it that said on that day, 'Every being deserves a chance for redemption'? Who was that Ratchet?!" She shouted, raising her voice. Ratchet stared at her for a longtime, then sighed and said, "of course. No matter of con or bot, we are all cybertronian.... I will assist, but you must come back with us when Om done." And with that, Ratchet began to work on Matriarch.

Having convinced Ratchet to action, Loudmouth finally noticed Bumblebee and squeaked, blushing a little, "H-ha! Hi Bee, when did you get here?!"

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac
angel would see ratchet starting to fix up the dino,she say beside the head of Mat and would continue peting her as she would say "so you have not told me ya name mate....minde telling me?"she ask at the dino with a smile...but no mouth,she whanted to keep the dino accupide wille she was being fix and aswell keep her from attacking anybody,angel whanted to know more of her as well nothing to do Honestly.
Recon's engine purred, "Thanks Jet, you know just being around you is nice" He said, taking in what surroundings he could pick up. "Hey, you are pretty good with those swords" He added, thinking back to the fight with Blitzwing.

Starscream shrugged, "If you two found this energon then perhaps you two would gladly scout ahead. Maybe I can tag along, maybe find some more of this rare energon"

Knock Out nodded, "Perhaps we could do this again sometime, I enjoyed it." He said, growling flirtatiously before walking out and without a word to Blitzwing starting typing on a datapad.

Matriarch looked to Angel, "Matriarch is my name" She said, her tail wagging and it flicked Ratchet and she looked back at him. "Male Cybertronian, Autobot. Name, Ratchet. Thanks" She purred.
Shadowstrike's faceplate heated up, and if Cybertronian's could blush, she would be blushing up a storm. She followed after Knock Out, holding the gear in her servos. What was she supposed to do with this? She resumed her position against the wall, except she sat down with her injured leg stretched slightly out
Knock Out looked up, getting a message on his datapad. "I will be back" He head, walking out. Blitzwing looked over at Shadowstrike and beckoned her over, "Come here veal quick"
Shadowstrike tried not to show her alarm as she slowly pulled herself up, limping her way over to him. "What is it sir?" She asked, stopping a couple of feet away from him
Blitzwing ripped the IV out of his arm and grabbed her throat. "So, you und zeh Doc eh? Heh, zeh mech is supposed to sparkless, but zat isnt vaht I vunted to ask. First of all, wy all zeh secrecy? Your leg still is malfunctioned, vaht are you hiding?"
Shadowstrike's eyes widened in surprise, and she tugged at Blitzwing's digit's. "I-I may have p-permanent damage s-sir." She struggled to speak, feeling the old wounds on her neck from Starscream start to throb again. She technically wasn't lying to him. But if she told him what he wanted to know- her and Knock Out planning to betray, her spark would surely be ripped out there, along with Knock Out's.
Blitzwing's servo didnt let up, "Permanent damage? So vaht is it vealy? All zis secrecy over vun leg? Tell me zeh real story or I tell Lord Megatron your just a liability" He snarled.
"I-It's nothing sir! I s-swear! I just didn't w-want Lord Megatron to f-find out because I-I would be t-taken o-offline." Shadowstrike hated herself for having to act like Starscream, but it was her only hope for getting out of this alive
Blitzwing tightened his grip on her throat,digging his own digits into the wounds Starscream made and trying to push deeper into them. Standing up he turned and slammed her back down on the table, standing over her. "Vatch your aft avound me, femme. I dont trust you, and you should feel grateful I'm not telling Lord Megatron" He snarled. "I dont like hurting vun of my own, but you, I dont sink you are vun of my own." He let her go, walking out.
Shadowstrike coughed as Blitzwing walked off, feeling a bit of energon leak down her throat from the scratches Blitzwing had re-opened. She clenched her servos, feeling rage wind up in her, along with tears threatening to spill from her optics. Damn it all! She had become so weak! She was tired of this, tired of trying to act like she could be a Decepticon. She simply wasn't made to be one.

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