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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

"Why wouldnt I be?" Knock Out asked before following her through the ground bridge then looked around. "Do you think she is still out here or did she run back to the Autobot base? If the ladder then the cause is already lost" He said. "Perhaps I should have invited Breakdown"

Recon sat up, wincing. Those werent normal energon shots that were fired at him, he knew the burning feeling. Plasma. He looked over at Jet and his visor went up off his optics. "The shield may be replaceable, but it has never broken before" He said, then pressed a digit to one of his audials and then handed her an antenna with an audial-piece. "Here, this is a secure channel. Only two way between the wearer and the Cybertronian who gave it. Use it to contact me anytime you need something that the Cons dont know about" He said, "Or just wanna talk" He added with a half smile.
"She was shot in both legs. She opened up a Ground Bridge, but I don't know where it led too. She was limping heavily when she went through it." Shadowstrike looked around them, shaking her head at the mention of Breakdown. "We've got this under control." She looked around them, her optics looking for any signs of life.
"Then I suspect, if she is as injured as you say, then she wont be back for a while. Well since we're here I guess we could look for any other Autobot to kill. Seems like there might be a few somewhere, what do you think?" He asked, looking over at Shadowstrike.
Jetstream took the audial-piece, a grin growing on her face, and she gently attatched it to one of her audials.

"Thanks, Recon! I'll be sure to contact you soon."

Jet paused, looking at his sheild, then at Recon.

"I'll see you later."

The femme stepped forward, giving the mech a hug with an arm, before stepping back again, waving, and transforming, as she sped off towards the Decepticon territory. Jet felt great, actually. She made a friend, a real, actual friend she could trust with her spark. Soon, driving at high-speeds, she arrived within the borders of the Decepticon territory, and went farther in, just in case.
Recon waved back, once she was gone he sighed and leaned back against the wall. He figured the plasma shots from Blitzwing would give him some pain later, but it was worth it. When Jet got inside the borders the jet Blitzwing landed in front of her. "Transform. Now" He said emotionless.
Shadowstrike nodded. "I wouldn't doubt it. If she did make it back to base, she would've said Decepticons attacked her here. Autobot's are more than likely in the area, looking for us." She looked around them, and pointed at a nearby building. "That seems sturdy enough for me to climb. I can get a better view of the area that way." She took off, and with a running leap, scaled the building easily before crouching down. Using her snipers scope, she looked around the area, seeing if she could spot anyone else.
Jet screeched to a halt, making sure she didn't run into him. The femme transformed, saluting with an equally emotionless face. She was ready to take the heat, or lecture, or punishment. Whatever he had in mind, she was ready. Prepared. Prepared to get hit in the side of the head, to get shot in the chassis with a plasma shot, to have her spark torn out.


Okay, maybe she wasn't ready for going offline. But she was listing all of the harshest punishments in her mind, so she could somewhat not be so surprised when she gets it.
Knock Out watched after her, raising an optic ridge before looked around. What she had was true, if an Autobot was attacked then more would come. Like cockroaches. Behind him, he didnt even hear the silent steps of the blue-opticed mech with his sword. He had his optics covered by a blue visor. Knock Out didnt hear him, still watching Shadowstrike to make sure no Autobot attacked her while her back was turned.

Blitzwing grabbed her by her throat, lifting her up to his level. "Ver did you go?" He snarled the question, as if he wanted to make sure the rouge had hidden her and gotten her to safety.
Oh, yep, throat-grabbing.

Jetstream gasped a bit. "I-i went out of t-the borders, s-sir. I r-realized I w-w-was trailing o-off, so I-i headed b-back, s-ir." She let her limbs fall limp, waiting for what came next. A course of pain soared through her body suddenly, and she winced, wanting to claw at his digits.
Shadowstrike eventually sighed, putting away her sniper before turning to look at Knock Out. She was about to tell him she saw nothing, when her optics settled on the mech behind him. "Knock Out, behind you!" She called, aiming her pistol at the enemy mech as she jumped down
"You didnt pay attention to your trackers?" He asked, his seemingly permanent narrowed optic glaring at her. "Vat kind of scout are you if you dont even watch your trackers? I met a rouge outside of zeh borders, did you meet any mech out zer?" He demanded, his grip tightening oh so slowly.

Knock Out turned in time to have a fist bash in his face and the mech picked him up and threw him at Shadowstrike. Putting his sword in front of him, Cyrax pointed the blade at the two Cons. "I was told two or more Cons hurt one of our scouts. Was it you two?" He demanded, his stature looking scary and his split face showed he was in some dangerous fights.
"No, s-sir."

Jet looked Blitzwing directly in the optics, not really revealing anything. Her digits started to grip onto her sides, since this was extremely uncomfortable. Fear started to bubble up in her spark, but she did nothing to show it.
Shadowstrike dug her pedes into the ground as Knock Out crashed into her, barely managing to stay upright as her back slammed against the building. "I was one of them." She grunted, pushing Knock Out off of her.
Blitzwing didnt talk for a minute, then he looked over to the audial-piece that Recon gave her and reached for it. It didnt look like something they gave their scouts, where did she get it. Before he could get a hold of it he stopped and his digit went to his own audial-piece and after a few moments he dropped her. "Ve are going back to base" He growled, transforming and blasted off.

Knock Out stood up, brushing himself off as he looked at Cyrax with crossed arms. The Autobot scoffed, "You Cons dont know when to stop" He snarled and took a pistol from its holster and aimed and shot. Though it didnt hit anyone as he put it back in its holster, he just stood there. Knock Out looked around, "Uh...?"
Jetstream stumbled to the ground, bearly balancing on her pedes as she watched Blitzwing take off. Her servos started feeling around her throat, noticing the metal was bent a bit. Jet sighed, looking around. The femme walked a bit, gathering her senses, before transforming and driving around the human town slowly, in order to take in the details. She heard voices in the distance, and cautiously started driving toward them.
Shadowstrike narrowed her optics, switching to her energon sword. "Arent you going to attack us?" She asked, not liking the Autobot's sudden silence. She moved to stand by Knock Out, giving him a confused glance
Before Jet could see what was happening, there was a thud on her hood and Riptide backflipped off the car. "Sup Con, didnt think I'd be back so soon did'ja? C'mon, put em up!" She said, putting up her fists which on her wheels.

Cyrax pointed upward, after returning the confusion to Shadowstrike, Knock Out looked up and widened his optics to see a lot of lead bars coming down at them. "He shot the supports!" The red mech yelped, leaping to the side. Cyrax was gone.
Jet let out a surprised noise, putting her engine at full throttle, the wheels on the car suddenly spun violently, burning Riptide's servos. Jetstream transformed, her mask sliding over her face, her duel swords sliding out of her arms, and the miniguns once again emerged from her shoulder plates. Jet got in her fighting stance, slowly backing away. Another shot of pain coursed through her body like it did when Blitzwing was holding her throat. She figured the damage done to the throat must have done something to her circuits, somehow.
"Where ya goin?" Riptide asked, shaking her servos and blew on them before putting them into fists again. "Your a Con right? C'mon, put 'em up" She said, confused to why the femme was backing away. Riptide bounced on her pedes a little, a little ball of energy she is.
Jetstream continued walking backwards, not stopping. She kept her optics trained on the bot through the visor, noticing an Autobot insignia. Thoughts were running through her mind, but she eventually got to just focusing on not having her spark snuffed at the moment. When Jet finally got twenty meters away, she stopped, and watched the bot. Apparently, this was going to be her fighting style, in which she adopted rather quickly.
Riptide put her fists down, "Aww, you dont wanna fight? I- Yikes!" She dove behind a building as Blitzwing came back. "You are coming vis me to zeh base, orders. Make sure you dont vunder off again" He said from his jet mode. Riptide watched with her big purple optics, whoa, a real Con warrior!
"Slag!" Shadowstrike cursed, dodging a support that fell too close for comfort. She ran over to Knock Out's side, cursing under her breath. "That tricky little glitch." She growled
Knock Out looked around, "Think he left?" He asked, now trying someone over the comms. "What the...? My comms are jammed!" He said in alarm, tapping the side of his helm. "What is that Autobot up to?" He wondered, now on his highest guard. Cyrax wasnt done, stalking around before dropping down beside Knock Out and slamming his elbow into the Con's neck, making him freeze and twitch. He then kicked Knock Out into Shadowstrike, not knowing if he had landed the hit on the femme or not.
Jetstream's attention snapped to Blitzwing, and she nodded.

"Yes sir."

Her blades retracted, her miniguns going back into her shoulderplates. She transformed, still aware of the bot that surprised her. She revved up her engine, ready to follow the jet to base, or take a groundbridge.

(Gotta go to bed for the night, goodnight!)
Blitzwing requested a ground bridge and one opened up in which he wated for her to go through first, mostly because he didnt trust her, and followed after her. Why did he have to get stuck with making sure the scouts were in order?


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