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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

The femme looked the pink cybertronian over, with her blue green-optics open wide, then after a moments pause, she said, "Loudmouth.... Who's side are you on, 'Angel'?" She threw back, backing away a few steps, keeping her guns trained on Angel, until suddenly her arm shuddered, and she looked at it angrily, making a face, and mumbling, "No, no, no, no don't you dare-" just as her arm plain fell off, shooting off one bolt as it hit the ground, shooting off into the distance. Loudmouth made a face, her engine revved angrily as she picked up her arm and tried to shove it forcefully back into it's socket.

Angel slowli lowerd her Pistols as she saw what happend......she would Helm palm as she would say slightly disapointed "Thats how Ya face a Rodeo?......."she said as a Nother voice could be heard "That must be Very embarrassing....."Bob said as he was attach to angels Helm,she would see no danger here and would Holster her Pistoles on her waist,Placing one hand on her hip and would say ".....Ya need help with that Parthner?"she ask toward the femme a she try to place her Servo back...yep...no danger here,She did seem Very Fragile a angel could tell and aswell preaty easy.

angel look around seeing there was no one around,Scraching the back of her helm as this was very akward and aswell never happend to her...angel could just finish her right now but felt Pity for the defensless bot so...aleast one chance.

"I DO NOT NEED HELP! AND BACK OFF, I can still blast your helm off! And... whatever that thing is," She said, finally jamming her arm back in place, changing her other arm to guns again and gesturing at Bob, then moved back, "And for your information I am NOT DELICATE!! I ONLY NORMALLY STAY TOGETHER JUST FINE!!!" She shouted, reaching a grand total of 110 decibels, growling angrily and narrowing her optics.

"For he record My name is Bob!"The mall Bun on Angel helm yelld back at Loudmouth...and she was loud atlright!,Angel shook her head in slight anoying...yep she was not that Friendly,angel just noded and would say "Ya name Fits you perfectly...."she Mutterd to herself as soon she place both of her hands on her holsters to make sure and just ready for anything,the Pink bot would clear her Voice box and would say "Now ya dont need to be angry Parthner...just being Friendly...plew sure to meet you,now....i think we started with the wrong servo now?" she said towards the Loudmouth.

"...if im correct she is 30% Friendly and 70% Hostile as of now i can tell"Bob said Very silently to angel as she just look at the femme...she needed to be carfull as this bot dint seem to be NOTHING friendly towards her,she dint know what faction she was as of yet but angel would respond pass question "Ya have to know i dont belong in any side parthner"

Matriarch watched Starscream go, a low growl in her chassis then she watched after Shadowstrike as she walked away. She looked back and walked over to a drone and slammed her tail into him as she changed to her Dinobot form. "Direct to nearest life form, now" She growled, in which the drone hurriedly opened a ground bridge and the Dinobot jumped into it and out the other end, standing her tallest and roared her loudest.

Silvershot brough the spider-bot up to his face and raised an optic ridge as he stared at it. Raising his servo he lightly stroked it with his digit, "Yer a cute felluh, arent'cha?" He asked, "So who is this other bot you named?" He then asked again.

Shadowstrike looked over her shoulder as Matriarch went through the Ground Bridge, a growl of annoyance rumbling in her Chasis. "Where did you teleport her?" She asked the Drone, turning to walk over to the Drone
The drone looked up, "To the nearest live being, ma'am. Would you like to be teleported as well?" He asked, getting ready to re-open it. "And ma'am, if I might suggest, see Knockout about that blow you received from Commander Starscream. He hits pretty hard" He suggested.
Jetstream was cruising along streets, about a hundred miles away from the human town that other cons were scouting. She always preffered checking the outside borders, and it was nice to have some peace and quiet. The vehicle went rather slowly, at ten miles per hour. While other cons were freaking out about the sudden change in their surroundings, Jetstream was very interested into why it happened, and accepted the chance to finally view this planet. Usually, Jet was just another con among the scouts, not really given any major orders, ever. But now that some cons were suddenly disposed of (which she found extremely tragic), Jet wondered if an actual authority would give her a command. She wasn't all too pleased at the thought, since usually those orders were to make an autobot go offline.

Lots of decepticons expected it to be 'easy' and 'quick', but Jetstream completely disagreed with that. In her opinion, taking away a spark was one of the hardest things for her to do, though she never really thought to hard about the concept, because she's never really made anything go offline before.

Jetstream continued her slow cruise, completely drowned in her own thoughts.
Sighing, Shadowstrike begrudgingly agreed. It did hurt like pretty badly, and if she was going out in a while, she didn't need any weaknesses. "Fine. But if that Dinobot does anything suspicious, let me know." With that, she turned and walked off, heading in the direction of Knockout's medical area.
(I do have two new characters, so I will RP one with ya @crypsalis .

And @Seraph Fighter I will be Knockout for a minute)

Even out of town had a few buildings here and there, and a particular mech was standing by one. He was leaning against the wall, wondering what to do with himself at the moment. That's when he heard the hum of another engine and he took the knife from his back,readying himself as the car slowly passed by. He growled low, who was it?

Knockout was where he would normally be, cleaning some of his tools he used. He figured someone would be coming in sometime or another and if so then he would be ready to greet whoever it was with his sharp objects.
(Thank you! I really appreciate it.)

As Jetstream passed the mech without noticing, an uncomfortable tension grew in her spark, like something was watching her. The car slowed down to a spot, just staying there. She was on high alert, waiting for any kind of movement. Jet felt her chassis tingle with paranoia yet excitement, waiting.

It could just be my processor playing tricks on me...

The con decided to stick with her instincts, waiting.

If something pops out, get a good distance away before transforming...

Jetstream started thinking of a back up plan, while optimizing all her sensors on high-alert, extremely tense.
Recon waited as the car stopped,his sword glowing and his orange optics glowing as well. C'mon, transform! He thought, if he were to attack he was going to attack when the Cybertronian could defend itself. He took a step forward just a little, this wasnt his first rodeo.
With a slight vibration of the ground, the car's engine instantly roared loudly, backing up at full speed. When she was about 10 meters away, Jet transformed, her mask instantly sliding over her flace plate, and her miniguns emerging from her shoulder plates. The femme's dual swords slid out through her arms, instantly pointing them infront and behind of her. Her frame was shaking, her optics wide behind the mask.

Frag it, stop acting like such a sparkling!

Jet scolded herself, but that didn't exactly help.


She didn't know how she got 25 Eons through without a single fight. Not a single one, with any enemy at least. Her frame loosened up a bit as she concentrated on first finding the bot. She spotted a pede, but stayed put. This was her first rodeo.
Recon could hear her armor making a sound only trembling would make. Stepping out he stood a few meters from her, his sword at his side. He looked her over, spotting the Decepticon enigma on her and growled again, his servo with the sword tightening its grip. "State your name, Decepticon" His voice was deep and more or less smooth as he talked.
(Okay, did you put me down as Arcee yet? And I think I might make a new oc but a mech. And I learned Knock Out is two words)

Shadowstrike stopped a bit away from Knock Out and rubbed her faceplate, watching him a moment before speaking. "I was told to come see you before I went out anywhere." She removed her servo from her faceplate, showing him where Starscream hit her
The femme instantly pointed her miniguns and swords at the mech. Jetstream paused, her frame not shaking as much as it was.

"...Jetstream." She felt utterly stuck, stuck on what to say. Nothing came to her mind. Jet blurted out what came to her processor first.


She really didn't mean for her words to come out trembling, or sounding like she had a gear stuck down her audio.

What made those cons think I was a fit scout? Ready for the field?

Jetstream was searching the mech for an insignia, but found none. Or maybe she was just focusing on his sword and optics too much.

(Going to, and neat)

Knock Out looked over at her, raising an optic ridge as he saw the damage. He then shook his helm, "I can fix it, tell me; what did you do to earn a direct hit from the Commander?" He asked, gesturing to the flat surface of the table for her to sit on as he turned to get some supplies.

Recon smirked as he heard the fear in her words. "Might as well tell a trembling scout. Recon is the name and fighting is my game, of course if you decide to attack me" He said, though was still ready to react in case she did attack. "I thought the Cons were nowhere near here, what is a scared scout doing all the way out here?" He asked.
Jetstream gave him a questioning look, her frame eventually staying still.

"didn't know the field was also an insult-throwing place.... huh."

She murmured, quietly.

"And I like to see the outsides, it's a whole planet out here."

Jet's voice was normal, not hinting of sarcasm or an attempt at an insult. For a second, she forgot that she was supposed to be hostile towards this mech.

"What's your faction?"
"Faction? Oh right, I keep forgetting you Cons and Bots are at each other's throats. Well I'm neither, Bots are too uptight and Cons are too irritating" He shrugged, "If your out here all on your own I would think you'd get jumped by someone like me. Ever thought of that?" He asked.
Jetstream didn't know wether or not to put her defenses down or not. She stuck with keeping it safe.

"Yes, a few minutes ago, actually...."

"But I never really worried too much, because lucky me, I went 25 Eons without a fight with any hostile bot."

Jet decided that she wouldn't be the first to shoot, if things kept going on this path, even though it was kind of against Decepticon's fighting style.
"25 eons without a fight? Well that makes me want to fight you" He said with a smirk, his sword now in front of him. "Cons are meant to fight, they kill because its fun. You are no Con, your a sparkling parading as a Con. Fight me" He said, his blue visor covering his eyes though you could still see them. "I'll teach you how to become a real mean fighter"
Jetstream fumed up at his statement, but calmed down, her anger dissapating. If she concentrated, she could act quicker and smarter than if she was a mad raging bull. Jetstream bent on her kneejoints, shifting her weight to her lower body, so she could aim and hit with more accuracy. She stepped one foot back, balancing herself and ready to dodge. Jet felt ready, ready for a fight.

Her miniguns were ready, and she lowered her duel swords slightly, fully acknowledging them.

She let all thoughts go, focusing on every movement the mech made, and her surroundings.

Jet stayed silent, waiting once again.
With a flick of his arm a big energon shield brought itself up and he put it in front of him. Dashing forward he made an effort to bash her with the shield, swinging it in such a way it could crush a small Cybertronain.
Jetstream ducked, swinging on her heel to get around and behind the mech. When she successfully avoided the shield, Jet instantly began shooting, the small plasma shots shooting in places where wiring showed, like joints, and also in the facial area. Jet kept on backing up, her swords ready. The femme began walking backwards rather quickly, wanting to know how he used his sword, first.
Recon growled as shots hit, turning and blocking the shots with his shield he started walking forward then ran at full speed at her. Putting his sword to stab he thrust it forward and if she moved to the sides he sliced that was as well. He didnt know if he wanted to kill this femme or not, seemed kind of pointless to. Just a Con scout.

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