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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Jet went into a temporary panic, not knowing what to do. She had two options, and literally a few seconds. Jet knew she was flexible and somewhat light, and she often used that as an advantage in training. Then she had an idea. Jet ran towards him, jumping when she was just a meter in front of him, and nearly didn't make it.

But to her surprise, she actually made the jump over the large mech. Violently turning around, Jet stabbed her swords at his legs, staying low, not knowing if she'd miss or not.
Recon got one of the swords to his leg, making him hiss in pain. This little scout might have more bite than her bark... He turned and got in close combat. Reaching forward he grabbed one of her wrist and pulled her toward him and put his sword to the back of her neck as he kept hold of her. "Your actually pretty good, been a long time before someone made me have to think" He said with a wide smile.
Jetstream was extremely nervous when she felt the sword at the back of her neck. Her optics trailed up to meet his, having an internal battle on what to do. She thought if she stabbed him or shot him, he'd cut off her helm, just like that. But he might do that anyways. Right now, the way she saw it, her spark was in his servos, and she didn't think she'd last for long, despite his words.
"Quit given me that scared look, you actually put up a good fight." He said, his visor sliding back up to reveal his gold optics. "Way I see it, your a trickster. I was fooled by your innocent act, though the back of my knee still hurts. So I dont see any reason of taking you offline" He shrugged, lowering the sword and put it on his back and let go of her wrist.
Jet stepped back, and eventually decided to lift her visor. Her green optics looked at him with a glint of... Trust, it seemed.

"Really...? Thank you... Uh, you're a really great fighter too."

Jet let out a meek smile, waiting a moment before sliding her dual swords back into her arms. She really hoped he wasn't tricking

Her right now, because she was pretty sure that he wasn't going to attack.
"I dont get a lot of scouts this far, I'v just been back here doin' what I do best" He said. He got a mischievous grin and hooked his leg around hers, making any balance lost and grabbed both of her wrists, his bigger servo keeping them held together as he prevented her from falling and pulled her back up again though kept a firm hold on her wrists. He was probably a helm or two taller than her, making this even better. Though even when he did this he had no violent gleam in his optics and he laughed. "Scare ya?"
Jetstream let out a loud, high-pitched yelp, completely loosing control of the moment. Her optics were as wide as saucers, gripping onto his servos tightly while he held her wrists. She shot him a look while he was laughing, and eventually she let out a short laugh, lightly pushing him. Her eyes suddenly widened even more, as she thrusted her hands to the sky, screaming,


Only to reveal that nothing was there. Jet bet that he was gonna look, that trick worked for most bots.
Ah slag! was the first thought that came to Recon, while reaching back for his sword and grabbed the handle though when he looked up he saw nothing. Sighing with a snicker at himself he straightened and dropped his servo to his side. "That's embarrassing" He said, rubbing the back of his helm with an embarrassed smile. "You had me going for a minute, I-" He stopped and his smile disappeared as he heard jet engines. He looked up and saw a jet coming straight for them, he grabbed Jet and put her behind him and grabbed his sword. He was a big mech. The jet transformed and the mech landed with a thud. "Who are you?" Recon snarled. "Depends on who's asking" The cold answer came, the Decepticon mech known as Blitzwing looked up.
Jet gave him the same mischievous smile, before suddenly she was behind him, apparently he was hiding her from-

Oh no... A jet?

Jetstream tensed up, she recognized that voice. Blitzwing. The femme just stayed quiet, matching Her feet to the mech's feet.

What could she do? Jet decided not to do anything, but a part of her knew that Blitzwing was going to attack Recon, and then he'd see her, and tell the others, and then she'd be 'disposed of'-

Jetstream felt her optics flicker slightly, at an idea.
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Shadowstrike just huffed as she sat down on the table, watching Knock Out gather his supplies. "He sent Graveblade down to me on my mission, the mission the Commander himself was originally supposed to be doing, and Matriarch had showed up and well, let's just say the Autobot managed to escape with injuries. And Starscream yelled at us for it and I may have lost my temper." She rubbed the wound again, sighing. "Not to mention Graveblade gave him some Dark Energon."
"Look, I'm not lookin' for trouble Con" Recon growled, his sword at the ready. His audial antennas angled down, he wasnt sure about this mech Blitzwing. "I sink you are, rouge. I vuz told zat one of our scouts hasn't returned in quite some time. I vuz ordered to look for her, und her energon signature led me out of our territory und near here. She is not allowed to go zat far" Blitzwing said, his German accent easily being recognized. Recon cursed in his processor, trying to think of something to say. "There was probably a mishap with the detector. Things like that-" He was cut off as Blitzwing's face switched to red and he yelled, "If you are hiding zeh scout I vill tear your spark out!" Recon narrowed his optics, "Come try it, ugly" He challenged.

Knock Out turned back to her, brushing her servo away from her face and started to fix the wound. "Sounds like either Commander Starscream has his helm up his aft or you need to watch your attitude. If it were Lord Megatron then you probably would have been taken offline" He said, working fast and with skills that were obvious he had worked on over time. "Only drones are worth losing most times"
Shadowstrike sighed, "When doesn't he have his helm up his aft." She muttered, noticing how fast Knock Out was working. "You should know by now that it's rare that I lose my temper. And I know how to act around Lord Megatron. All I need to do to get back on the Commander's good side is kill a Autobot or find some Dark Energon." Her tone of voice suggested that it would be simple. She was actually just trying to sound confident
Jetstream shut her optics tightly.

Fragging tracking, slagger boundaries, scrap-aft rules, aft-slagging Decepticons, Damnit!

Jet cursed in her mind, how in primus was she getting out of here? The femme was almost pretty sure that Recon would win against Blitzwing, but she didn't want him getting injured, or having a whole bunch of decepticons chasing him. And why was she important to them? They actually came looking for her?

If Jet could sneak away, far enough from both of them so that Blitzwing wouldn't 'tear his spark out', maybe all suspicions would be avoided. But she didn't know when to move out, if she did now, Blitzwing would obviously notice her.
"I am surprised Grave Blade found the Dark Energon, around here in a new place its hard to find it that fast. Obviously its here, somewhere. But I assume killing an Autobot is easier then finding Dark Energon, this place is bound to be crawling with the filthy scraps" He said, tilting his helm for a minute before continuing to work. "Which one ran?"

Recon had to think, the Cons were some mean glitches and they would probably kill the femme for disobeying rules. Another reason why he was rouge. Blitzwing walked forward in which Recon had the idea of backing up. He put his left servo behind his back to tell her he was moving and to move with him smoothly. The building they were backing into would give her a chance to hide.
Shadowstrike furrowed her optic ridges, thinking. "I never got her name. She was fast though, more than likely a scout." She laughed slightly as she remembered the Autobot trying to strike a deal with her. "She wanted to work together because we don't know what planet we're on. Coward." She snorted, her voice full of disgust.
"Autobots do have a tendency to try and make deals that would save their own spark" Knock Out agreed. "Did you happen to get her speed mph? If its anything that is different then perhaps she might be carrying something to make the speed. I only know of one Autobot that can go faster than almost anything. I have seen his race, wouldnt say he's faster than I am though. Do you know of a mech named Blurr?"
Jetstream took the hint, backing up with his steps, soundless. She noticed the building, and figured that Recon was probably thinking the same thing she was. As the got next to the building, Jet quickly moved to the side and behind the building, which happened to have a small door, but there was a larger garage, and she figured she could crawl into that. Jetstream made her way into the garage, and was relieved to find out that the wall connecting the house to the garage had a hole, and Jetstream bearly got through the hole, and she was finally in the house.

Weirdly, there was nothing in it, except for a concrete floor, which she damaged on accident.

Jetstream transformed, the sound not being able to be heard from outside. Jetstream slowly backed up into a dark corner, the car lights all off.
Once he knew she was out of Blitzwing's sight he put his visor down and a snarl crept across his face. Moving forward he rose his fist and slammed it into Blitzwing's face, making the mech reel back and shake his head. "You vill pay for zat, scrap heap!" Blitzwing yelled, putting his servos up and lunging at Recon who put his shield up and ran straight into Blitzwing, the sound of clashing metal and buzz of hard-light energon made a weird sound. Recon swung his sword in which Blitzwing grabbed his wrist. Recon slammed the shield into the Con's chassis to try and dislodge him, in which it did. Blitzwing backed up and switched back to the icy personality and lowered the guns on his shoulders and when Recon blocked his shield covered in ice. "Shill out" Blitzwing made a pun.
Shadowstrike nodded, "Yes. This femme seemed pretty fast, not as fast as him though. I think she had something on her pedes helping her, but there wasn't enough time for me to get a good look." She explained, thinking to what she knew about Blurr. Could this Autobot have been his partner?
Knock Out thought, then stepped back as he finished up. "Good as new. Now, do you want to go kill and Autobot or would your rather keep track of the Dinobot?" He asked, "Because I plan to go with you, I want to see this speed for myself and estimate if its biology or upgrades the femme is using and maybe I can get my servos on it if it is upgrades" He said.
The femme internally winced at the sounds from outside, an image forced into her mind of what was going on. She had the urge to just burst out there and help Recon.

Don't forget, your still a Decepticon...

But Recon is the nicest bot I've met in a couple of minutes and I stayed 25 Eons in the warship...

Jetstream's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds outside, and she stayed there, intent to listening to them.
"Let's try and find this Autobot." Shadowstrike strike nodded, standing up as she looked over at Knock Out. "I need to finish what I started before the Dinobot beats me to it." She crossed her arms, hoping Matriarch was somewhere else. She didn't want a repeat of the previous situation
Recon wasnt about to let this mech try and take a scout because she was curious. "I dont know where your scout is, Con!" Recon yelled at Blitzwing, almost scared to break the ice off his shield in case the shield shattered as well. "I sink you are lying, you vouldn't be attacking so furiously for no reason" Blitzwing shot back, in which Recon growled. "Maybe because your threatening my life is the reason I'm fighting. Look, I dont-" He was cut off as Blitzwing shifted personalities to the crazy one, "Dont be crazy! I vould never hurt a little mech!" He laughed, his guns heated up and he shot, in which Recon blocked and he felt his spark drop as the shield shattered. The next shot hit him right in the chassis, making him stumble back. Blitzwing laughed again, then he switched to icy randomly and looked around, "I lost zeh signature..." He said, then with one last look at Recon he transformed and took to the skies. "I vill be back, miss ya!" The crazy personality laughed as he blasted off.

Knock Out took lead and made his way to the drone, "Open up a ground bridge, we wish to take ourselves to the battlefield" He said. The drone nodded and typed in a few things on the panel in front of him and a ground bridge opened. Knock Out stood back, looking to Shadowstrike and gestured to the ground bridge. "After you"
Shadowstrike nodded to the Drone before looking back at Knock Out. "So polite." She commented sarcastically before walking into the Ground Bridge
Jetstream heard Blitzwing blast off, and she waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone. She quickly drove out of the garage, pulling up to Recon before transforming immediatly. "Are you okay?" Jet looked him up and down, before noticing the shattered sheild on the ground. She paused, from the look on his face-plates, it was a heavy loss. Jet pondered for a moment, before talking.

"I could try to help you get the sheild fixed-or.. maybe I could help you get a new one, before I have to go..."

She wasn't naive, she knew that they wouldn't just give up on looking for her. She'd have to get back in the borders, and quick. But honestly, the femme felt utterly terrible for Recon having to loose his energon sheild for her.

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