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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

"That would be great," Eclipse says. "But how do we find her?" She stands back up, and leans against a tree, the shadowy cloud pooling at her feet. When she sits down, it's like she's sitting on a pillow of shadow.
Shadow said:
Antonio tilted his head so he could see around his shadow. He stood up and slowly went over to where they were talking. His shadow followed by his side. "So is there a way to call the others to us?" He asked. Though he hadn't said anything he had been listening closely. After he got over the morphing demon. It was a guy and a girl at the same time? How does that happen in any world?
The rabbit morphs into her female form. "That's the problem. I don't know how to reach her. They say she started the family of legends. They're pretty spread out I guess we'd only have to find one of them to reach her. There should be books about them. Maybe we should check the nearest library."

( @Chelsea Griffin )
"Sure. I wonder if anyone else will show up," Eclipse says, straightening up as shadow seems to stream off her to form in a pool at her feet. "So no death, I'm betting," the cat hisses telepathically. Yeah. Hey, I've known you for basically all my life and I still call you 'the cat'. Do you have a name? Eclipse thinks, looking down at it. "Coda. It is a word that means the end, particularly in music. Or an addition, like an afterlife," the cat meows. Coda. I've heard of that before. Thanks.... Coda, Eclipse thinks, smiling.
Eclipse was smiling and Devil slowly backed away from her. "Eclipse smiling not a good sign." She says backing into a tree.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Sure. I wonder if anyone else will show up," Eclipse says, straightening up as shadow seems to stream off her to form in a pool at her feet. "So no death, I'm betting," the cat hisses telepathically. Yeah. Hey, I've known you for basically all my life and I still call you 'the cat'. Do you have a name? Eclipse thinks, looking down at it. "Coda. It is a word that means the end, particularly in music. Or an addition, like an afterlife," the cat meows. Coda. I've heard of that before. Thanks.... Coda, Eclipse thinks, smiling.

TellurideDevil said:
Eclipse was smiling and Devil slowly backed away from her. "Eclipse smiling not a good sign." She says backing into a tree.
Telieos morphs into a bird and starts to fly towards the nearest town. Not even waiting on the others.
Eclipse shakes her head. "No, you're perfectly correct," she says, grinning again as she follows Telieos on wings of shadow. Coming, Coda? "I'm already there," the darkness whispers.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Eclipse shakes her head. "No, you're perfectly correct," she says, grinning again as she follows Telieos on wings of shadow. Coming, Coda? "I'm already there," the darkness whispers.

Telieos lands in front of a library and shifts back into male form. He walks into the library and holds the door open for Eclipse.
Antonio's shadow grabbed his shirt collar and floated up in the air, dragging Antonio with him. He dropped Antonio in front of the door from a few feet off the ground. Antonio hit the ground with his knees locked then they buckled and he fell. His shadow hid its face in its hands, floating down to land softly beside him. It shook its head, glancing at Antonio through its 'fingers'. Antonio stood quickly and brushed himself off, blushing slightly.
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Seeing Eclipse had left, Devil dashed after her. She arrived at a library and groaned. "Why?! Why would you bring me to this place of horrors?!" She fell to her knees and began to fake weep.
Shadow said:
Antonio's shadow grabbed his shirt collar and floated up in the air, dragging Antonio with him. He dropped Antonio in front of the door from a few feet off the ground. Antonio hit the ground with his knees locked the they buckled and he fell. His shadow hid its face in its hands, floating down to land softly beside him. Antonio stood quickly and brushed himself off, blushing slightly.
TellurideDevil said:
Seeing Eclipse had left, Devil dashed after her. She arrived at a library and groaned. "Why?! Why would you bring me to this place of horrors?!" She fell to her knees and began to fake weep.
Telieos stares at Devil. "It's the only possible way we can end this game. The truth is this person we're looking for is regarded as a myth. She could or could not be a real person. The family if legends she started could also be a myth as well. Nobody has actually seen them."
Eclipse lands gracefully, the wings disappearing and Coda forming on her shoulders. Hearing what Telieos and Devil say, she tilts her head. "Did you mean that libraries scare you?" she asks. Faint bemusement is evident in her voice, though her face is a taught mask of worry. "And one of our allies is afraid of books," Coda observers, disbelieving.
"YES!!!!! I HATE THEM!!! their so old, and dusty, and the librarians smell like wet dogs." Devil goes quiet, and looks at the ground. She begins to mumble things under her breath. She had a weird irrational fear of library's that she could never get over.
"I cannot believe this. Irrational fear of libraries..." Eclipse shakes her head, and strides inside. "Libraries are peaceful. And the really old ones don't even have librarians, the Ancient ones. But librarians do not smell like wet dogs." Her voice floats back out. "If you're too afraid to face a book, then stay out here."
"I'm comin. I'm comin." Devil ran in after Eclipse and as soon as she reached her friend she clung to her arm like a lost child.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]
"I cannot believe this. Irrational fear of libraries..." Eclipse shakes her head, and strides inside. "Libraries are peaceful. And the really old ones don't even have librarians, the Ancient ones. But librarians do not smell like wet dogs." Her voice floats back out. "If you're too afraid to face a book, then stay out here."

TellurideDevil said:
"I'm comin. I'm comin." Devil ran in after Eclipse and as soon as she reached her friend she clung to her arm like a lost child.
Telieos closes the door behind them and walks off towards the books about myths and legends. He looks for the one titled Van Fen'rir. "Looks like we've found our book....I hope."
"I hope so, too," Eclipse says, peering over Telieos's shoulder. Coda leaps off of her back and saunters around the book, sitting with an oomph of shadow.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"I hope so, too," Eclipse says, peering over Telieos's shoulder. Coda leaps off of her back and saunters around the book, sitting with an oomph of shadow.

Telieos sits at the nearest table and opens the book. He starts to frantically flip through the book. Each page being blank. "What the hell?"
"A spell, perhaps?" Eclipse asks, perched on the edge of the table. She too is scrutinizing the book, and the gears of her mind are turning. "Did you think this would be easy?" Coda asks incredulously, stalking over to the book. He sits down, shadowy tendrils puffing outward.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"A spell, perhaps?" Eclipse asks, perched on the edge of the table. She too is scrutinizing the book, and the gears of her mind are turning. "Did you think this would be easy?" Coda asks incredulously, stalking over to the book. He sits down, shadowy tendrils puffing outward.

"Yeah, most likely a spell. But who cast it?" Telieos inspects the entire book. Not a single word. "This is crazy, try finding a book about a disengagement spell."
Ace leaves the forest and heads to the nearest town Yildew hoping that's where the others are. After some searching around Ace senses the others and follows the sense to the library and enters. Walking up to the others he asks "What'd I miss?"
Jin wandered but not aimlessly. He was following a new sense granted to him to seek out the other candidates. But all this time he just kept second guessing whether he should follow through on that guy's words, he knows it wasn't just a bad dream because of the new sense. Using it was just like any other of his sixth senses but this sense was just different not sure how but different. Jin didn't even look where he was going his extrasensory perception allowed him to make last minute adjustment to avoid colliding with anything but he just kept on going where this new sense directed him as he had no other lead on what to do about all this.

Jin noticed the targets where getting closer and he then began to pay attention. He saw a pair of doors upahead and his sense told him four candidates are within. He didn't stop to open the doors but ran right through them reducing them to pieces. That new sense then finally quieted itself and Jin hoped it would stay that way.
Telieos turns around swiftly, his arms turn into turrets. "Who are you?" He points them both at Ace and Jin.

( @Newtype )
Light said:
Telieos turns around swiftly, his arms turn into turrets. "Who are you?" He points them both at Ace and Jin.
( @Newtype )
"I'm Ace, i'm not here to fight ask Devil or Eclipse." Ace say raising his hands in the air to show he's not holding a weapon.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"I'm Ace, i'm not here to fight ask Devil or Eclipse." Ace say raising his hands in the air to show he's not holding a weapon.

"Fine." Telieos drops the gun pointing at him and points both at Jin. "And you?"
"I was told if I don't kill you all then I'll die." Jin responded not answering the question. Jin summoned a divine katana to his right hand and began emitting a holy presence. "Are you sure you want to point a gun at me?" Jin asked. His senses told him this guy infront of him is a demon. Jin then used divne magic to wrap his blade in a floating aura of holy water!
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