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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Newtype said:
"Maybe I could save him a long quest collecting the items and despell the book myself." Jin said walking to take a look at the book. "Of course this will go much smoother if I know what spell was used on the book so I can use the direct counter spell to avoid any nasty side trip wires so to speak. I'll also need to determine what brand of magic was used."
"That's the problem, we don't know what magic was placed on it or what spell. We don't even know if there is a spell it may just be a blank book. So we can't make a direct counter just a basic universal one." Telieos starts to relax in her chair for a moment and turns to stare at Ace. "I wonder when you'll start moving Ace."
Light said:
"That's the problem, we don't know what magic was placed on it or what spell. We don't even know if there is a spell it may just be a blank book. So we can't make a direct counter just a basic universal one." Telieos starts to relax in her chair for a moment and turns to stare at Ace. "I wonder when you'll start moving Ace."
"Sorry just... never mind." Ace chuckles for a second then says "Well i'm off be back soon hopefully." Ace said leaving the library and going to look for a large cauldron.
"You could've taken the time to analyze book mystically but it seems you insist on doing this the hard way. I will leave you to it then." Jin said sitting back down. He really could've done this himself and faster but wondered if these people were worth saving. He contemplated annhilating them this very moment and was more confident in that then this. Jin decided to voice this "Since you insist on doing it the long way then I'll give Ace an hour before I take matters into my own hands." Jin used a spell to create a floating image of clock.
Newtype said:
"You could've taken the time to analyze book mystically but it seems you insist on doing this the hard way. I will leave you to it then." Jin said sitting back down. He really could've done this himself and faster but wondered if these people were worth saving. He contemplated annhilating them this very moment and was more confident in that then this. Jin decided to voice this "Since you insist on doing it the long way then I'll give Ace an hour before I take matters into my own hands." Jin used a spell to create a floating image of clock.
Telieos crosses her arms over her chest and kicks her feet up upon the table. "And who are you to make that decision and statement. We were perfectly fine without you being here. What really gives you the right to waltz in and threaten us? Don't tell me it's because some stupid deity told you to kill a couple people in a dream. Take matters into your own hands? Don't make me laugh, these matters had and still have nothing to do with you to begin with. You're a guest here act like one, you don't want to upset the other people in this library would you?" Telieos scrolls through a random child's book next. "So what, you fight us here and let's say you do kill us. Then you kill every other participant before the year ends. Do you really expect Grimm to just give up his position? No, he won't he'll just kill you on the spot. This is just a game to him. Smarten up... you've been showing out and acting like an idiot since you've gotten here." Telieos continues to scroll through the children's book.
"Wait, are you not joking about the sacrificial virgin part?" Eclipse asks. Her voice is rather soft, and she has a peculiar expression on her face.
"I can deal with Grimm myself. I am only doing this to humor him and to get that annoying new sense to shut up. I only thought about going along with your plan in case there was anyone I felt I shouldn't kill." Jin replied rising to his feet divine and demonic aura emanating from his body. "I think I will end your gender changing ways right now." Jin said. He assumed his true form and held in his hand held a divine sword. A wave of pressure annihilated the area of the library around him and created a giant hole in the roof revealing a swirling storm in the air above.

Ace returned hauling in a large cauldron and after a few seconds of struggling to get it inside he placed it next to the group and sighed. He'd found the thing in one of those rip off magic stores but the clerk said it was real so Ace bought it. It took thirty bucks and alot of pushing but it was here now. Ace then said "Be back soon with the other-" Seeing Jin he said "You think you can kill a deity of death by yourself then go on ahead were not the ones stopping you."
"Yes, but would someone please answer my question as to whether you were joking about the part of needing a sacrificial virgin?" Eclipse says. She looks at Jin, and her chin is tilted rather high. "I do not doubt your strength, but I also do not doubt Grimm's. So if you want to kill him for us, then please, do. It would save everyone a lot of trouble."
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Wait, are you not joking about the sacrificial virgin part?" Eclipse asks. Her voice is rather soft, and she has a peculiar expression on her face.

Newtype said:
"I can deal with Grimm myself. I am only doing this to humor him and to get that annoying new sense to shut up. I only thought about going along with your plan in case there was anyone I felt I shouldn't kill." Jin replied rising to his feet divine and demonic aura emanating from his body. "I think I will end your gender changing ways right now." Jin said. He assumed his true form and held in his hand held a divine sword. A wave of pressure annihilated the area of the library around him and created a giant hole in the roof revealing a swirling storm in the air above.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Ace returned hauling in a large cauldron and after a few seconds of struggling to get it inside he placed it next to the group and sighed. He'd found the thing in one of those rip off magic stores but the clerk said it was real so Ace bought it. It took thirty bucks and alot of pushing but it was here now. Ace then said "Be back soon with the other-" Seeing Jin he said "You think you can kill a deity of death by yourself then go on ahead were not the ones stopping you."

Telieos pushes the book towards Eclipse to show her the part in which it lists a sacrificial virgin. "Yeah it's true." Telieos looks over to Jin and stares at him. Unimpressed by his short temper. "It's really easy to get in your head. Just a few words and you go berserk." She notices Ace standing behind Jin and starts to wave. "Get over here with that. I'll have to handle this guy." Telieos stands up from her chair and completely takes her tie off. "I have the perfect form that'll take care of you." Telieos morphs into a rabbit and approaches Jin's foot.
Eclipse frowns a little as she scans the words. "Ah. I see..." She swallows a little, nervously. "Uh, I can, uh, help you there. I don't fear death. And-" her face begins to turn a little red. "I can fulfill that part. If worst comes to worst." "How noble," Coda remarks.
Jin increased his conditioning to Absolute Condition before Telios shifted and then speed teleported into the sky before Telios was halfway towards him in rabbit form. He was no longer replying to the words of the other candidates. A giant lightning bolt came down from the sky and struck Telios's position.
Newtype said:
Jin increased his conditioning to Absolute Condition before Telios shifted and then speed teleported into the sky before Telios was halfway towards him in rabbit form. He was no longer replying to the words of the other candidates. A giant lightning bolt came down from the sky and struck Telios's position.
When the lightning fades there is nothing left but ash. There is no trace of Telieos except the rabbit sized ash deposit.
"Maledictionem," Eclipse curses. "Did you really just kill the one person who actually knew a way to defeat Grimm?!" She closes her eyes, digging the heel of her palms into her forehead. "And I thought that the griffin was the last..."

(Did... did Telieos really just die?!)
"No way he shouldn't be dead already. It can't be dead, how could it be dead after just one attack. I didn't think someone a candidates to rule the gods would be this weak. But if that's the case then this may have just been a laugh for Grimm." Jin said to no one in particular.
"YOU BETTER NOT BE F*CKING DEAD, TELIEOS!" Eclipse yells at the ash. "IF YOU MORPHED INTO ASH TO FREAK US OUT THEN WHOOP DEE DOO GET BACK HERE." I'm too exhausted to deal with this f*cking bullsh*t, she thinks, growling. "You're scary when you're mad," Coda remarks. "Or just embarrassed from your previous comment, I'm not entirely sure which." Eclipse glares at him. F*ck off, Coda. "You don't tell the incarnation of Death to 'f*ck off'". I just did. "Watch it," Coda says. He's not quite mad, his attitude betraying a vague amusement.
"Guys where is Telieos?" Devil says, looking around frantically for her fellow demon. (Sorry i have been busy all day and haven't been on)
Suddenly, a blonde haired girl, no older than fifteen, pops out of thin air, sitting crossed legged on one of the tables, a book in her hand. She doesn't seem to really be paying attention to them, barely looking up at them as she speaks, "Oh, hey, Grimm, how can I- wait, who the fuck are you?" She finally looks up fully, then she registers that who she's looking at is not at all who expected. She puts her book down slowly, her dark blue eyes narrowed at them as she scowls, her eyes zeroing in on Eclipse, knowing it was her blood that activated the spell, "You. How did you find this spell?"
CelticSol said:
Suddenly, a blonde haired girl, no older than fifteen, pops out of thin air, sitting crossed legged on one of the tables, a book in her hand. She doesn't seem to really be paying attention to them, barely looking up at them as she speaks, "Oh, hey, Grimm, how can I- wait, who the fuck are you?" She finally looks up fully, then she registers that who she's looking at is not at all who expected. She puts her book down slowly, her dark blue eyes narrowed at them as she scowls, her eyes zeroing in on Eclipse, knowing it was her blood that activated the spell, "You. How did you find this spell?"
"Hard work that's how!" Ace calls out not entirely grasping the situation.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Hard work that's how!" Ace calls out not entirely grasping the situation.

( Ace... xD I love the characters you make Cadin. )
Eclipse looks back at her, her electric blue eyes taking in the girl. "Magic and pixie dust," she says sarcastically. "My... ally.... knew something about it." Tilting her head toward Telieos, she asks, "is this the one that you were talking about?" "Looks like her," Coda growls, drawing a little closer to Eclipse. "And plus, there was a book." She addresses the last part toward the girl.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Hard work that's how!" Ace calls out not entirely grasping the situation.

Chai looks at him blandly, picking up the book they used and throwing it at him. "Fucking bullshit - a five year old could disarm this spell. It's meant for people who are looking to found me, and congrats! I'm here!" She says it with mock enthusiasm, then crosses her arms across her chest. "What do you want? If you put so much 'Hard Work' into this, then you should at least be able to tell you why you absolutely needed to disturb me."
Jin didn't respond to Telioes words and merely floated in the air at the ready. This battle was alot more in the favor of Jin then the others would ever know. Jin would only use the tools needed and nothing more, it's why his opponents believe they have a chance against him.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Eclipse looks back at her, her electric blue eyes taking in the girl. "Magic and pixie dust," she says sarcastically. "My... ally.... knew something about it." Tilting her head toward Telieos, she asks, "is this the one that you were talking about?" "Looks like her," Coda growls, drawing a little closer to Eclipse. "And plus, there was a book." She addresses the last part toward the girl.

"I'm not one of the van Fenrirs. I'm just their messenger. If you need to get in contact with one, I can probably help if I think the reason is important enough."
Light said:
( Ace... xD I love the characters you make Cadin. )
(Isn't the greatest when there's comic relief to lighten the mood.)

CelticSol said:
Chai looks at him blandly, picking up the book they used and throwing it at him. "Fucking bullshit - a five year old could disarm this spell. It's meant for people who are looking to found me, and congrats! I'm here!" She says it with mock enthusiasm, then crosses her arms across her chest. "What do you want? If you put so much 'Hard Work' into this, then you should at least be able to tell you why you absolutely needed to disturb me."
The book hist Ace square in the face and knocks him over. After Ace stands up he say's "Geez no need to be mean, we were hoping you could tell us how to beat Grimm." Ace says politely.

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