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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord](Isn't the greatest when there's comic to lighten the mood
The book hist Ace square in the face and knocks him over. After Ace stands up he say's "Geez no need to be mean, we were hoping you could tell us how to beat Grimm." Ace says politely.

She looks at him, her expression skewed as if she's trying to gouge whether or not he's joking. Her cheeks puff up, trying to hold back her giggles, eyes amused. She bursts into laughter, slamming her hand on the table and laughing as if that's the funniest joke she's ever heard. "Haha, that's a good one! You're so cute, my god! Now, what's the real reason?"
CelticSol said:
She looks at him, her expression skewed as if she's trying to gouge whether or not he's joking. Her cheeks puff up, trying to hold back her giggles, eyes amused. She bursts into laughter, slamming her hand on the table and laughing as if that's the funniest joke she's ever heard. "Haha, that's a good one! You're so cute, my god! Now, what's the real reason?"
"Not joking here." Ace turns deadly serious to show her that he means business.
Newtype said:
Jin didn't respond to Telioes words and merely floated in the air at the ready. This battle was alot more in the favor of Jin then the others would ever know. Jin would only use the tools needed and nothing more, it's why his opponents believe they have a chance against him.
( ! ) Telieos had already seemed to disappear. By now Jim's entire immune and lymphatic system has been shut down and destroyed. After Telieos split his body up into several fast moving cancer cells. Which move much faster throughout the body in the lymphatic system. By now Telieos is in all sections of Jin's body with nothing to protect Jin now that the Lymphatic system is gone and which the giant tumor developing in his brain there is no way to stop the growing tumors along his body.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Not joking here." Ace turns deadly serious to show her that he means business.

Completely ignoring the battle going on in the back, Chai completely stops laughing, then leans forward to look at Ace closely. "I hope you know that you're talking about a god, here. And, as you are now, I seriously doubt all of your powers combined-" She gestures to everyone in the room, "-would be enough to beat him."
(!) Jin's body was never infected due to his Contaminant Immunity. This means Telioes was simply a bunch of cancer cells that did not infect Jin. Jin's omni sense picked up Telioes as a bunch of cancer cells and immediately surrounded the cells in a field of radiation then Jin made the field implode in on itself.

(Note that the creator of this RP is trying to cover up the fact they didn't read my cs completely be deleting a posts in which I proved them wrong. If you click the link divine empowermemt on my cs and then click divine weaponry Absolute Condition will be right there which would completely nullify anythingnher character did to mine in her next post and allow me to kill her character instead with an Absolute Attack.)
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CelticSol said:
Completely ignoring the battle going on in the back, Chai completely stops laughing, then leans forward to look at Ace closely. "I hope you know that you're talking about a god, here. And, as you are now, I seriously doubt all of your powers combined-" She gestures to everyone in the room, "-would be enough to beat him."
"And I don't really care what you think." Ace said coldly "Now are you going to tell us how to beat him or not?" Ace asked calmly.
Devil squeaks and ducks behind Eclipse, dodging a book flying toward her. "Hey now! No new to throw things!! and we could use some info on him."
"Yeah, you are kinda cute when you say it like that," Eclipse says to Ace. "But he's dead serious, blondie. I mean, I know Grimm's immortal but apparently there's some way to kill him. I don't know. I just heard about it from these guys." Coda looks up at the girl with unwavering shadowy eyes. "Do you not recognize me?" he asks, his voice ascending its telepathy and filling up the room in its haunting way. "I am Coda, or Death, the thing that your Grimm is king and god over."

(gtg I don't know if I can get back on tonight but I'll try)
Newtype said:
(!) Jin's body was never infected due to his Contaminant Immunity. This means Telioes was simply a bunch of cancer cells that did not infect Jin. Jin's omni sense picked up Telioes as a bunch of cancer cells and immediately surrounded the cells in a field of radiation then Jin made the field implode in on itself.
( Contaminant Immunity would come from the Lymphatic system and in case you didn't notice. That's gone. So you have zero immunity. Also you just blew yourself up from all over. Thanks for trying but turns out you did the work for me. Next time don't assume you have the advantage over everyone. )

Telieos turns himself into radiation as well to add to the explosion. Which blows Jin to bits. Telieos merely lands in clean clothes in his male form. He approaches Chai and bows. "I apologize for how rude their both being. We'd just like to know if we can get in contact with any of the Van Fen'rir... specifically Layla."

( @CelticSol )
"Yeah he is the Emo Hello Kitty do you know him?!" Devil yelled pointing at the little shadow cat. "it would make sense since you know Grimm and he is kinda like Grimm so..." Devil kept muttering to herself not really talking to anyone. Then when Telioes begin talking her attention snaps back.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"And I don't really care what you think." Ace said coldly "Now are you going to tell us how to beat him or not?" Ace asked calmly.

TellurideDevil said:
Devil squeaks and ducks behind Eclipse, dodging a book flying toward her. "Hey now! No new to throw things!! and we could use some info on him."
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Yeah, you are kinda cute when you say it like that," Eclipse says to Ace. "But he's dead serious, blondie. I mean, I know Grimm's immortal but apparently there's some way to kill him. I don't know. I just heard about it from these guys." Coda looks up at the girl with unwavering shadowy eyes. "Do you not recognize me?" he asks, his voice ascending its telepathy and filling up the room in its haunting way. "I am Coda, or Death, the thing that your Grimm is king and god over."
(gtg I don't know if I can get back on tonight but I'll try)

Chai rubs the heels of her hands into her eyes, groaning. "Okay, I'll repeat this again; I am not one of the van Fenrirs. I'm not allowed to just give out info to some bitch who recited a spell and smacked some blood on it. I'm their messenger. I send messengers or take people to them. I need to fucking know which one you want to see, why, and then I may or may not take you to them."

She turns to Eclipse, her expression angry, "And second, don't fucking call me blondie. Ever. As it stands right now, I am the only connection between you and even getting the opportunity to get close to Grimm, so I'd speak with a little bit more respect, don't you think? And, embodiment of Death or not, Grimm will fucking stomp you out because you're not playing his game. And plus, it's not my business if he kills all of you. I honestly don't give a flying fuck. If someone is going to give me a straight answer of what's going on, why you want to beat him, I will be glad to help you out, but since you're being indirect and demanding things that I actually don't have to give or tell you. So, you can give me a straight answer respectfully, or I'm going to leave, and your chances of living will leave with me. So, your choice."
Light said:
( Contaminant Immunity would come from the Lymphatic system and in case you didn't notice. That's gone. So you have zero immunity. Also you just blew yourself up from all over. Thanks for trying but turns out you did the work for me. Next time don't assume you have the advantage over everyone. )
Telieos turns himself into radiation as well to add to the explosion. Which blows Jin to bits. Telieos merely lands in clean clothes in his male form. He approaches Chai and bows. "I apologize for how rude their both being. We'd just like to know if we can get in contact with any of the Van Fen'rir... specifically Layla."

( @CelticSol )
Chai frowns at him, her brow creasing. "Of all of them, they decide on Layla," She mutters, mostly to herself, then turns to face Telieos, "Alright. I still need to know why you are requesting her help, and what you will do with it once you get it."
CelticSol said:
Chai frowns at him, her brow creasing. "Of all of them, they decide on Layla," She mutters, mostly to herself, then turns to face Telieos, "Alright. I still need to know why you are requesting her help, and what you will do with it once you get it."
TellurideDevil said:
"Uh oh. We got Blondie mad." Devil says in a quiet taunting tone.
"It would be nice if you would stop referring to her as Blondie." Telieos turns towards Chai. "Grimm has started a death game.... We do not wish death upon him... We just need Layla to get him to stop. Countless others are dying because of this game. I've seen the kindest people turn into murder crazed animals in a matter of days because of this game. So please if you can... Please take us to Layla!"
"Yes please. I am sorry for calling you Blondie but I did not catch you name. Would you mind telling me it?' Devil smiles sweetly hoping no more books will be thrown.
Light said:
"It would be nice if you would stop referring to her as Blondie." Telieos turns towards Chai. "Grimm has started a death game.... We do not wish death upon him... We just need Layla to get him to stop. Countless others are dying because of this game. I've seen the kindest people turn into murder crazed animals in a matter of days because of this game. So please if you can... Please take us to Layla!"
TellurideDevil said:
"Yes please. I am sorry for calling you Blondie but I did not catch you name. Would you mind telling me it?' Devil smiles sweetly hoping no more books will be thrown.
She glares at Devil, then sighs, "My name is Chai. Like Chai tea, except not," She turns to Telieos, slouching and scratching the back of her head. "It's not as simple as just popping into Layla's house and asking her for help. Not only is she a thousands-of-year-old dragon, but she's also basically a Queen to a large group of supernaturals." She sighs, putting her head in her hands. "I could technically bring to her right now, but the likeliness of all of you getting slaughtered by her or her servants goes from about 15% to about 93%," She leans forward to whisper, as if someone would overhear, "And also, she's a bit of a bitch sometimes."
CelticSol said:
She glares at Devil, then sighs, "My name is Chai. Like Chai tea, except not," She turns to Telieos, slouching and scratching the back of her head. "It's not as simple as just popping into Layla's house and asking her for help. Not only is she a thousands-of-year-old dragon, but she's also basically a Queen to a large group of supernaturals." She sighs, putting her head in her hands. "I could technically bring to her right now, but the likeliness of all of you getting slaughtered by her or her servants goes from about 15% to about 93%," She leans forward to whisper, as if someone would overhear, "And also, she's a bit of a bitch sometimes."
TellurideDevil said:
"Wait. She.Is.A.Dragon???!!! SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!" Devil yells and beings day dreaming about dragons.
"Yeah... I'm quite sure I said that before. I don't know if Ace was there though." Telieos looks over towards Ace.

( @Cadin shadow lord )
@Cadin shadow lord[/URL] )
"Yeah, humans think they're myths because they're practically extinct. Back in the day, a shit ton of humans took up arms, became dragon slayers, then started trying to kill dragons left and rigth for the glory and the gold. If you value your life, don't even talk about that when you're around her, because the genocide of her race would obviously leave a bit of sore spot."

She holds her hand out to Telieos, "Now, gimme your hand. I need to see if you're lying or not."
CelticSol said:
"Yeah, humans think they're myths because they're practically extinct. Back in the day, a shit ton of humans took up arms, became dragon slayers, then started trying to kill dragons left and rigth for the glory and the gold. If you value your life, don't even talk about that when you're around her, because the genocide of her race would obviously leave a bit of sore spot."
She holds her hand out to Telieos, "Now, gimme your hand. I need to see if you're lying or not."
"Like I would bring that up." Ace says, he knows not to bring mass genocide up in a conversation.
CelticSol said:
"Yeah, humans think they're myths because they're practically extinct. Back in the day, a shit ton of humans took up arms, became dragon slayers, then started trying to kill dragons left and rigth for the glory and the gold. If you value your life, don't even talk about that when you're around her, because the genocide of her race would obviously leave a bit of sore spot."
She holds her hand out to Telieos, "Now, gimme your hand. I need to see if you're lying or not."
Telieos shrugs and takes her hand. He stands and waits for a reaction.
Light said:
Telieos shrugs and takes her hand. He stands and waits for a reaction.
She takes his hand in both of hers, her hands very small and oddly cold. She closes her eyes, rhythmically tapping a beat on the top of his hand as she hums what sounds like a lullaby. After about a minute, she tilts her head, as if she were listening to something, then suddenly opens her eyes, which are darker, and stares at Telieos strangely. She waits half a second, listening for something then she drops his hand like she had been shocked. She begins to whisper very quietly in French, almost to herself, then shudders. "Alright, you're not lying," she says it shakily.

She clears her throat, then turns to the rest. "So, if I take you, I feel like you should be warned," She looks to all of them, crossing her arms, "The place you're entering is known as a sanctuary for supernatural beings, protected by the Mistress and her army. Yes, I said army. A thousand men and nearly twice as many women. Newcomers are generally met with hostility until Layla initiates them into the conclave. We will be guests. If any of you are halfbreeds, or humans, you will not be greeted warmly. When you get in there, you will treat everyone you meet as politely as you can, which means no snide comments, no cheap shots, no sarcastic remarks, nothing. I've been lenient. These people can and will kill all of you if you speak against them. You're guests, you're foreigners, you're outsiders, but most importantly, you're an unknown variable in their lives. That means danger, and they will attack if you give them reason."

"When you meet Layla, first, you will bow to her, then you will address her as My Lady, Mistress, My Queen, or Master. Your choice out of those. Anything else will get you in huge trouble with the servants, as only a few select people have permission to use her given name, myself included. If you even try to insult her you will be killed. If you try to attack her, she will personally kill you if the servants don't get to you first. The men should be extremely polite, as she's more strict with them and she generally favours women. Still, watch your tongue, be direct in what you want, think through what you want to say before you say it, don't speak unless spoken to, and, god fucking forbid you do this in front of her, don't be a fucking idiot and use your head."

She pulls a huge ring of keys off her hip, then holds out one that looks a bit like a knife. "That aside, are you ready?"

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