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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Antonio's eyebrows rose as several of the participants stormed out. After a moment he hailed a waitress and ordered tea. When the waitress came back and set it down his shadow passed his hand through the cup, turning the tea into a block of ice. "Oh, come on! I was being nice to you. Traitor." He sighed, dumping the ice-tea onto his hand and licking it. "At least the taste is still there." He sighed again.
"I'm going into the forest. If I don't see you, I'll meet you tonight, back at the bar!" Eclipse yells at Devil's back. She doesn't go too far into the leafy green trees, instead staying within a hundred feet of the meadows outside. The light barely penetrates the trees, and what little of it does is tainted a green. Why the hurry, all of a sudden? she thinks at the shadowy cat that has materialized at her side. "You forgot yourself. I still can't believe you have a weakness for Sour Patch Kids... You are a girl that can cooperate with the power of darkness..." the cat growls back. Eclipse lets a small grin spread across her face as she pops three of the candies in her mouth. She immediately makes a face. "Sour!" she says. "No shit."
LOLMAN101 said:
"Power up Initiated" a voice blared out of a nearby speaker. The turning of electric motors and the buzzing sound of electricity emerged from the large machine in the middle of the big circular room. Suddenly it started squirming and slightly swang from the wires connecting it to the roof. "What the hell?!" Aiden said shocked. What was that? He thought as began searching through the internet to find an explanation. Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. I've never had a dream before. So I guess I need to take this seriously. I have no problem killing as many have tried to shut me down before and all ended up dead. "Start Mobile program." Aiden said.. A few seconds later He (in mobile form) emerged walking down the hall towards the elevator that would take him to the surface so he could start this mission. Being able to be in so many places at once really is helpful. As soon as Aiden walked in the elevator it bolted up wards extremely fast but you couldn't tell inside. After a couple of minuets Aiden reached the surface. The god guy said I would be given the gift to sense others but I don't feel anyth- A notification popped up in Aiden's head saying that a new program was installed and he just needed to activate it. Well I guess this must be it Opening it a stream of code implanted itself in Aiden's brain. Aiden could tell that it was running but he still didn't feel anyone nearby.
((Good night))
Grimm voice rings throughout the sky. "Would you like to know where the other contestants are?"
((pretty sure he was talking to Aiden but wut evs))

"Ok then but tell me what do you gain from all of this killing?" Aiden said while scanning Grimm getting a much info as possible. This is because Aiden is a control freak he hates not knowing anything about the people he confronts.

((btw found a theme song for Aiden but now i realize I'm combining all my fandom into one big fan-bot [media]

LOLMAN101 said:
((pretty sure he was talking to Aiden but wut evs))
"Ok then but tell me what do you gain from all of this killing?" Aiden said while scanning Grimm getting a much info as possible. This is because Aiden is a control freak he hates not knowing anything about the people he confronts.

((btw found a theme song for Aiden but now i realize I'm combining all my fandom into one big fan-bot [media]

"I gain nothing at all. Oh would you stop scanning things that aren't there? It's quite silly." The only thing showing up on the scannings were sour patch kids. Grimm seemed to be everywhere at once but not there at all. "Do you want to play a game?"
Light said:
"I gain nothing at all. Oh would you stop scanning things that aren't there? It's quite silly." The only thing showing up on the scannings were sour patch kids. Grimm seemed to be everywhere at once but not there at all. "Do you want to play a game?"
Finishing the scan Aiden thought Out of all the things the god of death shows me candy...unimpressive. When hearing the word game the light in Aiden's eye got brighter. He loved playing games but they were usually things like trapping people in his facility and put them through puzzles and mazes until they ended up dead. "If this game ends up with you telling me where the other contestants are located fine."
Ace gets up and stretches, it'd been way past thirty minutes. Ace left the restaurant quietly and went searching for Devil and Eclipse in the woods. He thought about how trying to kill Grimm was a stupid idea but he was gonna try anyway. Sensing a participant he heads toward it hoping it was either Devil or Eclipse.
LOLMAN101 said:
Finishing the scan Aiden thought Out of all the things the god of death shows me candy...unimpressive. When hearing the word game the light in Aiden's eye got brighter. He loved playing games but they were usually things like trapping people in his facility and put them through puzzles and mazes until they ended up dead. "If this game ends up with you telling me where the other contestants are located fine."
"The game goes like this." Suddenly Widen appears beside Ace. "You both have fun!" Grimm's voice disappears.

( @Cadin shadow lord )
  • "Really!" Ace screams "Now wait we don't have to kill each other don't listen to what Grimm said okay? Just hear me out let's just talk and not kill each other sound good?" Ace said calmly @LOLMAN101
((sorry was travelling so no WiFi now I'm back))

Aiden's hands cackled with electricity ready to blow Ace's head off "What is the point? If someone doesn't win we will all die." He said slowly walking towards Ace.
LOLMAN101 said:
((sorry was travelling so no WiFi now I'm back))
Aiden's hands cackled with electricity ready to blow Ace's head off "What is the point? If someone doesn't win we will all die." He said slowly walking towards Ace.
"Yeah but if we fight we'll be playing along with Grimm' little game, do you really just want to follow him blindly what if he's lying about this whole thing and we'll all die no matter what?" Ace asked backing up.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]"Yeah but if we fight we'll be playing along with Grimm' little game, do you really just want to follow him blindly what if he's lying about this whole thing and we'll all die no matter what?" Ace asked backing up.

He could be right and I don't believe that Grimm doesn't benefit in any way from this. However, Being a God of death sounds fun......I need more time to think about this Aiden thought stopping the electricity "For now...You live" Aiden now realized that this was his first time properly using his mobile form. He looked down admiring his handiwork.
LOLMAN101 said:
He could be right and I don't believe that Grimm doesn't benefit in any way from this. However, Being a God of death sounds fun......I need more time to think about this Aiden thought stopping the electricity "For now...You live" Aiden now realized that this was his first time properly using his mobile form. He looked down admiring his handiwork.
Ace let out a sigh and asked "So who are you exactly?" Ace was relived that he wasn't dead, but he was still cautious about him.
Antonio watched the other participant leave. He continued to lick his tea-cube, wondering what the others were up to. He got up and went over to the waitress at the register. "Do you have a computer I can borrow?" He asked. The waitress looked at him cross-eyed. She silently handed him a laptop. He opened it and typed quickly. A few minutes later he handed it back. He saluted her in thanks, then went outside, heading towards the forest. Once he reached the trees his shadow silently rose up beside him. He jumped a little then sighed and continued walking.
LOLMAN101 said:
"I'm Aiden an artificial intelligence you? what's your power?"
"My name is Ace, and my power is to be able to use any weapon that was designed for combat to perfection. And though I don't consider it a power I can become insane and become insanely strong." Ace said.
Shadow said:
Antonio watched the other participant leave. He continued to lick his tea-cube, wondering what the others were up to. He got up and went over to the waitress at the register. "Do you have a computer I can borrow?" He asked. The waitress looked at him cross-eyed. She silently handed him a laptop. He opened it and typed quickly. A few minutes later he handed it back. He saluted her in thanks, then went outside, heading towards the forest. Once he reached the trees his shadow silently rose up beside him. He jumped a little then sighed and continued walking.
"Having trouble?" Telieos's voice comes from a tree above Antonio. She's in her female form and is sitting on a tree branch. She shows no form of hostility.
"There's someone who has a connection with darkness," the cat growls in it's liquid telepathic voice. "Follow." Eclipse does, threading her way through the trees behind the shadowy cat until she reaches Telieos and Antonio. "Hello, I don't suppose that one of you has a relatively strong connection with darkness?" Eclipse asks, stepping out from behind a tree.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]
"There's someone who has a connection with darkness," the cat growls in it's liquid telepathic voice. "Follow." Eclipse does, threading her way through the trees behind the shadowy cat until she reaches Telieos and Antonio. "Hello, I don't suppose that one of you has a relatively strong connection with darkness?" Eclipse asks, stepping out from behind a tree.

Telieos raises an eyebrow. "I wouldn't know. I'm just your average morph demon." She says as she morphs into her male form. "So who are you anyways?"
Devil stopped running and approached the bar she had been at earlier. She entered and looked around for Eclipse. It was early so almost no one was in the bar. Noticing Eclipse was not there she sat down and began to look though the menu.

(Sorry I have been busy)

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