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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

"Absolutely nobody cares. If you don't care if you die, get out of the way and die. It would be one less of you to kill." He casually sips his tea.
Devil bites her bottom lip, still looking at the ground. "You have no idea. If this goes on more and more people will die." Her head shot up and she glared at Avex. "Don't you get it. The longer he is alive, the more people will die! I will not let another village get destroyed like mine was!"
"DEVIL. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME. GRIMM IS IMMORTAL. YOU CANNOT KILL AN IMMORTAL." She shakes her head and sighs. "I don't even know..."
Avex waves his hands around sarcastically, "Ooo, village burned!" He rolls his eyes, "Please, if you're going to have a cause to try and fight a God, at least have a less typical one."
"It doesn't matter anymore if we don't kill Grimm all of us die but one and if we do attack him we still all die, so I vote on attacking Grimm."Ace said.
"Yes, but how can we attack someone else if it's so obvious that some of us want to attack each other?" She jerks her head toward Avex and Devil. "I'm Eclipse, by the way."
'Like I said Eclipse." Devil turns toward the door. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" She take off sprinting out the door. She runs down the street not looking back.
"Asshole level accomplished," Eclipse says pointedly. "But farewell for now. I think we're definitely going to run into each other again." She takes up slowly, the shadowy mist around her feet making it seem like she's floating on a moving cloud toward the door. She stops in the doorway. "I don't want to fight you. I don't want to kill you. I don't want to kill Grimm, because that's impossible. So somehow, I think that death awaits me. If you want to stay here, I will try to talk her into coming back." She phrases the last part as a question aimed at the others.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Yes, but how can we attack someone else if it's so obvious that some of us want to attack each other?" She jerks her head toward Avex and Devil. "I'm Eclipse, by the way."

"I'm Ace and we-" Axe stops as Devil runs out and says "I'll wait but if you're not back in 30 minutes i'll come looking for you guys." Ace then sat down and waited (Brb)
Eclipse bobs her head, sprinting after Devil. "Wait! It's just me! Not the one who called the embodiment of Death an Emo Hello Kitty! Wait!" she yells, her feet pushing the asphalt away from her as she runs hell-pelt after Devil.
Avex laughs, "If she intends on returning I will not be around when she does." With this he suddenly dissipates in a great flash of light.
Hearing Eclipses voice, Devil runs faster. She didn't want to be around anyone at the moment. She ran until she reached the forest, then she ducked behind and tree and broke down crying. The memories of Grimm when she was younger, and how he destroyed her village, family, and friends, made her cry more then she had in a while.
Eclipse doesn't stop running, but when Devil picks up the pace the wings sprout out of her back again, and she bolts after her. She alights ten feet away from the tree. "Devil?" she asks softly, hearing crying sounds. "Devil, it's okay..."
Hearing her friends voice, the tears streamed down Devil face even fast. "But what if it isn't. I know we can't beat Grimm, I know it is hopeless, but really. I just want him to suffer as he made me suffer." She put her hand over her mouth, trying to quiet the sobs.
Eclipse walks over to Devil. She stands awkwardly, her weight shifted to her right. She places a hand on Devil's shoulder. "I... uh..." she trails off, grimacing as she tries to think of something to say. You should say that it's okay; that we're going to be able to kill Grimm. Eclipse opens her mouth. "No. Don't give false hope. Hurt her with the truth. Don't try to comfort her with a lie," the darkness seems to whisper. It's the Cat, but it still hasn't retaken its form. "Devil... I want to say so badly that it's okay. I want to say we can hurt him. But... I don't honestly know if we could. Maybe, just maybe, if all of us worked in harmony there might be some possibility of providing him a scratch. But that's it. And I don't think that all of us are going to be working together any time soon." She turns away, casting one soft look back at Devil. "I think you may want to be alone right now," she says, walking slowly along the edges of the wood.
Hearing one truth in her life, Devil shoots up and runs after Eclipse, tackling her in a hug. "I know. I know we can't win, but I don't care, he killed everyone in my life. He needs to see that not everyone will just sit back and agree to what he has to say. I have lived most of my life, scared of his power. But I am tried of running, and being scared. I need something. Just one thing to reassure me that I will be alright." She weeps into her close friends back, refusing to let her see her tear stains face.
"Uh..." Eclipse says, a smile softly touching her face. "We won't die without a fight, hopefully?" She's not sure entirely how comforting that is, and she says it tentatively. "And in an afterlife you may be able to see your parents..."
TellurideDevil said:
Hearing one truth in her life, Devil shoots up and runs after Eclipse, tackling her in a hug. "I know. I know we can't win, but I don't care, he killed everyone in my life. He needs to see that not everyone will just sit back and agree to what he has to say. I have lived most of my life, scared of his power. But I am tried of running, and being scared. I need something. Just one thing to reassure me that I will be alright." She weeps into her close friends back, refusing to let her see her tear stains face.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Uh..." Eclipse says, a smile softly touching her face. "We won't die without a fight, hopefully?" She's not sure entirely how comforting that is, and she says it tentatively. "And in an afterlife you may be able to see your parents..."

Suddenly a cloud of cotton candy floats beside the two. "Yes, maybe you will see them in the after life. Though you will have to pay a visitation fee. 2 dollars a minute. This cloud doesn't carry a wallet y'know." Grimm's voice rings from the cloud of cotton candy as it starts raining soda and sour patch kids.

( Sorry I wasn't getting any notifications. Just in case your wondering no I'm not completely messing around. This is how Grimm is, he jokes around a lot. )
Eclipse panics a little. "Wait, are these sour patch kids? I would kill for these... Literally," she says proceeding to catch the candy. "Look Devil! Look at these little bursts of life!"

(And before you ask @TellurideDevil no my character is not being completely insensitive she actually really loves sour patch kids. Like, she wasn't joking with what she said before
Devil shoots up and jumps away from the cloud. "What the hell are you doing here?" she yells at the oddly amazing tasty looking cloud.
@TellurideDevil[/URL] no my character is not being completely insensitive she actually really loves sour patch kids. Like, she wasn't joking with what she said before
TellurideDevil said:
Devil shoots up and jumps away from the cloud. "What the hell are you doing here?" she yells at the oddly amazing tasty looking cloud.
"I am everywhere. Trying to kill me isn't a very nice idea." Grimm starts to spin rapidly in circles. "Why fight when we can eat candy?"
An irk mark appeared on Devils head. "After all you did, YOU STILL HAVE THE GUTS TO MESS AROUND!!!!!!" She was beyond furiouse.

(Going to bed goodnight)
"Power up Initiated" a voice blared out of a nearby speaker. The turning of electric motors and the buzzing sound of electricity emerged from the large machine in the middle of the big circular room. Suddenly it started squirming and slightly swang from the wires connecting it to the roof. "What the hell?!" Aiden said shocked. What was that? He thought as began searching through the internet to find an explanation. Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. I've never had a dream before. So I guess I need to take this seriously. I have no problem killing as many have tried to shut me down before and all ended up dead. "Start Mobile program." Aiden said.. A few seconds later He (in mobile form) emerged walking down the hall towards the elevator that would take him to the surface so he could start this mission. Being able to be in so many places at once really is helpful. As soon as Aiden walked in the elevator it bolted up wards extremely fast but you couldn't tell inside. After a couple of minuets Aiden reached the surface. The god guy said I would be given the gift to sense others but I don't feel anyth- A notification popped up in Aiden's head saying that a new program was installed and he just needed to activate it. Well I guess this must be it Opening it a stream of code implanted itself in Aiden's brain. Aiden could tell that it was running but he still didn't feel anyone nearby.

((Good night))
Avex reappears to the hillside which he rested on earlier. He puts his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and tilting his chin downwards. "Damn humans... So emotional. As soon as emotion is included into a decision, it ruins logical thinking," He shakes his head and laughs. "Though I must admit, the courage to defeat a God could barely be mustered in the Aether World, let alone here."
"Eclipse. Get away. Follow me." It's the velvety telepathic voice of the cat, coming from shade beneath the trees. "Devil?" Eclipse asks, "We should go." She casts a glare at Grimm. "I'm not sure if that was rude or considerate, what you did, but thanks for the food."

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