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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

TellurideDevil said:
Devil watched as the new guy, Antonio was it, walked over to their table. She smiled up at him and moved over so he could sit beside her. "Ace, this is Antonio. He is part of the games too." She looked at ace, waiting to see his reaction.
Ace laughed when Antonio tried to smack his own shadow and said "It's fine that he's apart of the games in fact we need more people for what i'm planning to do." Ace said waiting for a reaction.
Devil looked beside her, searching for some reason that Antonio may have smacked her. Then she saw a shadow. "Where you trying to hit a shadow?"
Avex watches the group cautiously. He props up his reading glasses, peering at them over the edge of his book.
Antonio blushed and removed his hand from his face. "It's my shadow, and it was about to touch you.....Which wouldn't have felt good." He looked down then glanced up at he out of the corner of his eye, trying to see if she was mad or not.
"Wait.. whahahat??? HAHAHAHA!!! Ohmygod."Devil burst out laughing. As her laughing quieted she wiped a tear from her eye. Sorry sorry. It's just that sounds like my friend Eclipses power so. Oh I am so sorry about that." She patted his shoulder and laid her head on the table.
"What in Hell are you doing?" the cat growls. Eclipse is startled out of a tranquil state. She looks peacefully down at it. They're at a ledge on one of the mountains, looking over the forest and Ciltow. "Did we come all the way up here for you to stand there like some sort of Zen-master?" Eclipse shakes her head, a wry grin coming to her face. Nah, I just didn't want to kill anyone. The mountain air cleared my head a little, though. She pauses to glance thoughtfully at Ciltow. "Then let's go kill them together!" the cat says excitedly. Eclipse shakes her head. No, we don't have to kill each other if we choose not to. Maybe we can kill Grimm, like the angel boy said. The cat flat out laughs. "Good luck with that." Eclipse shrugs, and shadowy wings sprout out of her back. I'm freaking starving, she thinks, the cat leaping onto her back as she plummets off the ledge, swooping upward when she's mere feet above the tops of the trees. "I still can't believe that we walked all the way up here for you to realize that," the cat growls. Believe it, Eclipse thinks. She alights outside of a restaurant. Whadya know. More people are here. "You don't say." No, more people from the competition. That I don't have to kill, she adds sharply, sensing the cat's feelings as the two walk inside. She sees Devil. "Hey! Devil! Sorry I kinda left you."

(sorry for long post, I just tried to make up for everything that I missed... though it was really just eating and chatting)
Devil shoots up from her seat, jumps over Antonio and rushes to her friend. "Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She tackle hugs her friend and just stays there. "You left! Where were you!!?? I missed you !!! Please don't run away again!" She started screaming while shaking her friends by the shoulders. She could feel eyes on her but she didn't care. Her friend was back and that was what mattered.
"Um... I walked away at about .00010 miles per hour. Your eyes must really suck," Eclipse quips, a little bowled over by the greeting. "But hello. And hello," she says, nodding her head toward the guy that Devil was talking to. "And hello, I can see you and sense you!" she yells at the boy toward the far end of the bar. "I can't believe no one's dead yet."

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"Well yeah. About that. We all kinda gave up on the whole kill or be killed thing. We didn't really want to kill each other so we kinda... haven't? I guess. That was a sucky explanation. Sorry" Devil speaks at about a million miles a minute. "And My eyes do suck!!! I"M NEAR SIGHTED BAKA!!!!!"
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Um... I walked away at about .00010 miles per hour. Your eyes must really suck," Eclipse quips a little bowled over by the greeting. "But hello. And hello," she says, nodding her head toward the guy that Devil was talking to. "And hello, I can see you and sense you!" she yells at the boy toward the far end of the bar. "I can't believe no one's dead yet."

Avex quickly pulls up his book again, lowering his voice. "What, uh.. I mean, what are you talking about."
Eclipse laughs. "I'm talking about the fact that you are part of the competition. Did you forget that we were supposed to be able to sense the other participants?" she says to the guy and his book. Eclipse then turns back to Devil. "Uh... I needed to go on a walk. I was not aware of the fact that you knew some Japanese," she says, tilting her head. "And yeah... I'm near-sighted too. But not so near-sighted that I can't see someone around ten feet away from me," Eclipse jokes. The cat glares at her. "ARE YOU COMPLETELY DEAF? YOU ONLY GET TO KILL ONE PERSON THIS ENTIRE COMPETITION? A WEIRD GRIFFIN GIRL? MALEDICTIONEM, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME ECLIPSE ALTAIR," it yowls in her head. She cringes a little.
"Calm down. I know you're not blind because of many things. You were able to jump on my back. You are able to fight. And," she says, proceeding to wave a hand in front of Devil's face.
"Ok. I'm not blind. BUT I HAVE BAD EYESIGHT STILL!!!! And not to mention that you blend in with the shadows with all your...blackness?" Devil states trying to find the right words to say. "Anyways, guys are we going to take Grimm down or is that just my understanding of all of us gathering here."
Eclipse shrugs. "I don't know; I'm not telepathic." The cat laughs inside her head. "Well, I'm not telepathic with most things. But anyways, it would appear that way." "Don't forget to tell them that Grimm is immortal. Immortal. Meaning cannot die," the cat hisses. Eclipse nods slowly. "Yeah... I hate to be realistic, well not really, but isn't it impossible to kill an immortal?"
"Well, yeah. But we have magic, and no one can really be immortal. Besides a ghost." Devils eyes widen and she hangs her head. "Oh wait."
Ace decides to walk in on their conversation and say "Although he's immortal he's making us fight each other to the death to decide a new god why would he be doing that?"
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Avex throws his book on the counter slightly, murmuring into his palms, "Oh so now that she speaks they listen. Totally her plan, one hundred percent hers.."
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Eclipse smiles a little, the corner of her mouth curling up. "I think that we're getting into something we know nothing about." The cat clears its shadowy throat. "Or should I say, most of us."
Devil looked at Eclipse. "Well, isn't that what life is about? Taking risks, putting your life on the line? That's how I have lived at least. It actually is really fun to take risks that could kill you." Devil got off of Eclipse and walked to the table, grabbing her wallet. She opened it and photos flew out. "See this was the time when I was little that i killed my first demon. I was so tattered up my caretaker could barely even recognize me. This one was when I was battling someone with dark magic for a chance to ride a dragon, which did not end well either. I almost died 2 times that day. I take risks all the time and this time won't be any different. " She looked back at Eclipse. "So whether you join me or not, I am still going."
"HAVE FUN DYING, PUNY MORTAL!" the cat thinks. Eclipse gently kicks it. Gently. So that it flies in a weird, shadowlike way over to the boy in the corner with his book. "Oops, looks like my foot slipped. Sorry about that, Emo Hello Kitty!" The cat growls, lowly, deeply in its throat. "Are you flirting with Death, Eclipse?" it asks, eyes narrowed. Na, I'm having a serenade with Life, actually, Cat. "Riiiight. Just remember I'm not helping you in any fights anymore okay?" Eclipse shrugs, and looks back at Devil. "I'll go, but we're all going to die. Good thing I'm not afraid of that, then. Besides, where in Hell can we find Grimm?"
"Hey Emo cat face guy. Isn't Grimm, like, the ruler of hell?" Devil yells acrossed the room at the cat that Eclipse kicked earlier.
Antonio just stared, wide-eyed at Devil while she laughed. Suddenly she jumped clear across him to hug some girl that just walked in. As far as he could tell she was part of the game too. It seemed dangerous to have so many participants in one restaurant, what if one of them snapped? He stayed quietly in the booth, listening to them trying to decide what to do.
Avex reaches down to pick the cat up by its neck, looking at it with a terrifying, neutral stare. "A demon, huh? Too bad you pick such a shitty form to be in, death."

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