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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]


Now Sara was getting irritated. With cupped hands around her mouth she shouted, "MOST! DESCTRUCTIVE! Use what you used when you slaught--. When that 'thing' happened. I want your friends to see you for who you really are. Anymore delay, and I'll skip to the second option, by chopping up your friends one by one. And I'll start with the thunder-head. The one that likes you."

"Fine.." She calmed down and shouted "Dark Force!" She picked up the mermaid heel guild master, throwing her aside. Yami held her down. There was no possible way she could move, she was under Yami's control now. ".. Ha.. You should fear my power!" A dark feeling came off of Yami and her eyes become wild. She threw the master around, it sort of looked like she was dancing. Now, she got lost in her magic... She didn't realize other people around her.
Dusty watched as she threw the Guild Master around like a rag-doll. He ran from where he stood next to Michael, straight at Yami, pushing her down and pinning her. He held her down so she couldn't escape. "Yami, stop! That's enough! Don't make me force you to!" He held her down, and could smell the overpowering-stench of dark magic. It almost made him gag. He kept his eyes on Yami. Even though the Guild Master had been truly annoying him, this wasn't the time. "There's a bigger problem right now, Yami! Echidna! Just let her go!"

Michael was steady while the guild master started to blabber threats towards them. She forced Yami to make a choice, and she chose to use her magic. The guild master was lifted from the ground and started to fly from side to side, as if she was being controlled by a stronger force. By Yami. The eyes of Yami looked lost in the activity, as she was losing control of her feelings and her mind. Michael started to walk towards her, but her powers seemingly were pushing him away, probably out of her conscience. He filled his feet with static and glued them to the ground at every step, trying not to be pushed back by her powers. As he managed to get close enough, he leaned towards her, laying on the floor, tackled by Dusty. He had to make a tremendous effort to put his hand on her face, as some kind of energy was pushing his hand away. "Yami, listen to me, to my voice. You have to calm yourself. It's not worth it, and you don't need to be angry right now. The woman wanted to see what you can do, it's enough, now you have to stop, do you understand? It's okay, calm down, I'm right here with you. We don't want master Sergei getting mad at us for breaking his guild apart, do we?". He smiled at her, with honesty.

@Sandra @Refaulted @GreenMoss
Yami started to Thrash when Dusty tackled her but she calmed down eventually and then Michael came over to calm her down some more. "O-okay.." She let the master go. She sat up and stared at the ground. "I'm sorry.." She whispered and started to sob into her hands, "Yes! I did slaughter children! I did kill them! I made them suffer! BUT I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" She bursted out and cried so hard on the ground.
Rae could hear the commontion in the guild. He beheaded another golem and then walked in to see a girl sobbng. he looked around to see an injured mermaid heel master and a bunch of confused mages. He walked over to Lara bending down beside her and beginning to heal her. "What the hell is going on in here ,do you guy have any idea what's happening right now?" he asked
Dusty leaned back, watching Yami cry. He winced, then turned to Michael. He frowned and looked back at Yami, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't cry like that. I can't say I know how you feel. I'm sorry for that. But, I can tell you this. Everyone commits an act in their life they wish they could take back. Even me. I leveled a whole village of innocent people without meaning to. But I can say, that keeping negative things like that on your mind will only ruin you. Keep your eyes on a positive future." He turned to Michael, trying to use his eyes as communication to tell him to comfort her. He stepped back, hoping his words would at least have helped her a little bit.


Michael took Yami on his arms and placed her head gently against his chest. "Shh, it's okay. You didn't mean to, it wasn't your fault at all. You can't punish yourself because your power took over you that day, it wasn't supposed to happen. In the end, it wasn't you. This is you right here, right now, and you're great, an amazing person. I'm happy that you're a part of my life, and I'll always be happy for it". He wiped the tears of her face, using his hands. "Don't cry. Don't think about the darkness inside you, think about the light that you radiate all around". He smiled again, this time waiting for her to follow his expression. He wanted to make her happy.
An object, different from the golems started to slowly from the sky, it was in the shade of a giant silver egg. It landed gently, barely causing any destruction at all.

A deep scowl was sculpted into Sara's face as she slowly sat up and dusted off her coat. "Yami, listen to me, to my voice. You have to calm yourself. It's not worth it, and you don't need to be angry right now. The woman wanted to see what you can do, it's enough, now you have to stop, do you understand? It's okay, calm down, I'm right here with you. We don't want master Sergei getting mad at us for breaking his guild apart, do we?" It was the thunderboy, trying to calm her down, and from the sound of it, it looked like it was working. But it was too late for apologies now. What's done is done. And Yami attacked Sara. There would be some hell to pay.

An unfamiliar mage rushed to her side and began to heal her wounds. "Thank you for the assistance. But there is another way you can help me. By attacking the girl with the black hair over there. She is too dangerous to be left alive. She's the one who did this to me. Let her go and she'll do it everyone else." One of her daggers flew through the air and caught Dusty right in the back. Transporting to it, Sara pulled it out and licked the blood dripping from the Blade. "Oh no, friends. It's not over yet."


@Angel Evans


@The Gil
Kero saw the something descending from the sky ".... lara..." " what?" " follows me!" Kero started to run of and lara followed her " kero! Where are we going??" " something just dropped from the sky! "
Yami calmed down and slowly stopped crying but cried out when the dagger hit Dusty. "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FRIENDS." She stated and got up, "Dark Grab!" Yami started chocking the guild master, controlling her at the same time. "I'm sorry. But I will let you go if you stop." She said, afraid she will kill her.
Dusty's back arched as the knife embedded into his back. He gritted his teeth and tried to reach back to grab it. When he felt it slip out of his flesh, he whirled around to the woman, who was licking his blood from the knife. He started to get angry again. "You!" He whirled around and clapped his hands together. Sand started to swirl around them. He stood up and stared murderously at the woman. "What kind of Guild Master are you?! What Guild would want someone like you to lead them?! To be honest, that must be a really stupid Guild!" When she started to float up, he looked back at Yami. "Let go of her, Yami. If she wants to fight, let her fight me."
Sergei heard noises coming from the guild hall. More trouble, probably. He kicked the door of his own room outside, breaking her apart. He was angry at everything and just wanted to let it go. "Stop this hell! Goddamit, can't you guys give two minutes of peace?! TWO GODDAMN MINUTES?! Ninety-nine percent of this guild is gone, the city is under attack of Echidna and you can't join for two ******* minutes?!". He punched the floor, making a nullification wave spread on a few meters radius, making all magic deactivated on the guild hall. The guild master from Mermaid Heel fell to the ground. Sergei was shocking to see her there. "Are you SERIOUS?! For the love of the gods, is this a joke?! Tell me it is! A guild master from a respected guild comes here to fight my subordinates?! What the **** is this?!"

Yami stopped. Freezed. She ran to master and gave him a hug, burying his face into his chest."I am sorry Master! Forgive me please!" She begged and started to cry. "I almost killed her! Just like the kids!" She cried even more.
Rae watched the spectacle laughing uncontrollably "This is What it's like to be in a guild? SO glad didn't join one" he said between breaths
Arch finished off the golems at his location and came back to the others. Once he arrived he saw some Mage heal Sara's wounds and then something fell out of the sky "Is that an..... Egg?" Confused he walked over to the others but when the guild master Sara was being choked. He walked toward Sara and offered to help her up. ((Would make it longer I just don't know what else to do..))

Sergei didn't reacted to the hug of Yami. He tried to calm himself down, breathing slowly, but it wasn't working very much. He pinched his nose and turned at the ground with eyes closed over Yami's shoulder. Counting to ten could work, but he felt that if he went all the way through ten he would explode when he reached the final number. He heard the commentary from the guildless mage. "Oh, you think so? You should see us during vacations". He looked back Yami, ruffling her hair. "It's okay, you wouldn't do it again. You didn't do it this time, you managed to keep on hold a longer time. This is good". Seeing the mages around the guild hall, he made a half smile that occupied his face as the world was to be mocked that day. "If you all stopped this ****, this could almost be considered a meeting".

Dusty plopped himself on the ground, raising his hand. "Sorry, Sergei. I'll take the blame for all the mages except the other Guild Master. So dish out what you will." He gave a half-smile. "Actually, it was me and her that started all of this. We were antagonizing each other from the get go. So I'll take any punishment, if there is one. Sorry again." He reached back and touched the spot where he had been impaled by the knife. It wasn't bleeding bad, if not at all. He would have to go change into cleaner clothes once everything was sorted out. He grunted and looked back at Sergei, waiting for him to respond.
The egg cracked a bit, causing a small shock wave and knocking everything near it away. It cracked some more and bigger shockwaves started to occur.

Sara accepted the helping hand and got up, looking straight at Sergei. "This had nothing to do with me. I suggest if you want to avoid more trouble, keep your demon dog on a leash guildmaster. One word to the magic council and they will be all over her like flies. She is way too dangerous to be left walking around free like that. She should be wrapped in chains. But I assume, we can save this till later right? It looks like Echidna has just landed."

@Angel Evans

@The Gil



Lara and kero were sent flying. Kero turned back to her normal size and lara caught her and used her wind magic and landed on her feet. " what heck?" Kero said
Arch nodded his head "A giant silver egg has landed." He told them "I don't know for what........" He felt a shockwave hit and he looked outside and saw the egg crack "The egg's cracking open!" He told them 'Something Bad is about to happen.' He thought to himself.

((Would make it longer but like I said I still don't know what to do...))
Sergei chuckled at the comment from Dusty. "Punishment? From me? Well, I'm not your guild master". He then proceeded to look at Sara, concerned with her comment about Yami. If Yami did got out of control, it was a reason to be worried. Michael got up and placed his hands inside his pockets, looking at Sara with a serious face and sarcastic face. "Didn't you threatened to cut the neck of Yami?". Sergei turned towards Sara, his eyes burning with anger. "You did what?!". He had to calm down. This wasn't a situation to deal with a hothead. "How about if you start to act like a guild master? You were giving me a lecture about how to be a goog guild master and then you pull this ****". He started to breath slowly. It worked this time. "But you are right, we should handle this later. Now we should get out there and look for that new thing Echidna throwed us".
Yami stayed quiet. Even thought she was just called a demon dog. Well.. She was half demon... Er.. "Master shall I use Sacred song on them? It will surly hold them off a little. " she was scared using it but she has to.

( sacred song looks like this. )

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