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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sergei and Michael ran outside when they heard the sound of another explosion. It was coming from their home... Sabertooth was gone. Except for the mages who were out on missions and for Michael, Sky and Kaito, it was all gone now. Many were dead. Michael didn't know what to say. The guild he had just joined, gone for the good. Now where would he get money? Where he get his missions? Sergei was broken. The guild was the most important thing in his life. All his papers and documents inside there were gone as well, turned into ashes. He never felt so angry and sad. Michael touched Sergei's shoulder. "Let's go inside... It's no use now...". Sergei obeyed and followed him inside. The other people from the guild looked just as crushed. They walked towards Kaito and the rest of the people.

"This act will be responded with a great retalliation. What are you guys planning?"

@RebelliousTeddyBear @ReaperOfShadows
"It is a plan. I can use my nullification magic to take down the barrier. But, another thing...", Sergei angrily knocked his left hand at the counter of the guild hall, unintentionally deactivating the magic in a short radius inside the building. "I don't want to just blow their base. I want all of them hunted and dead as if they were street dogs. I want their heads away from their bodies and I will drink on their dried up skulls. None of them shall live. This town had enough misery for the month". Michael took a step forwards, learning towards Kaito and the others. "I'll be a part of the offensive. I might be wounded, but there's still plenty use for my magic. I can immobilize them when I get there, or help the water mages by making it rain, something like that. I could also fight on the ground, it's where I usually make my strongest spells".
"Oh, look...pretty boy is trying to start something again.." Arturo said at him ignoring his advance. "If we do kill them we might as well be no better than them anyway."

@Tj Pomroy
Sergei turned towards Arturo, making his serious look again. "If we let them go, they may never stop. The council doesn't give a damn for what's happening here. It's on us. It's over our backs and it's eating us up. What do you suggest as to do?". Michael felt weird without being able to move the static around him. It looked like the nullification spell from Sergei was still working.

Jake shakes his head quickly "he's working under echidna, we all know it. but were too chicken to say anything" He growls waiting for the nullification spell to disapate

"Chicken? Hardly. But, I suggest...we ..try torture let them experience something even worse than death. Maybe that will get them to stop...course we could kill the leaders as well for good measure." Arturo said to them

"yay he was a bunch of help with Rashid!! He called her MOTHER, that's what meta called the guild master, he works for them!!! why wont you listen to me?!" He growls stepping up to lara "and by the way unless we use the stairs soon theyre going down!!! So choose"

@Orion @Evergreen98
Lara glared at him " he didn't call him mother and he never met his mother!! And he doesnt work for them! Don't say things about people when you never had spend time with them!!"

@Tj Pomroy
Sergei walked towards Arturo. "While I was at my country, I was able to develop many time related spells. They're very useful in this situations". He extended his hand towards Arturo, and made a movement as his was pulling something out of him. A black orb came out from the chest of Arturo and floated towards Sergei, who held it with his hands. He looked deeply inside it. "There is a lot of darkness in your past. I wouldn't think that you deserve much trust, but then again", Sergei shoved his hand in the middle of the sphere, dividing it into two smaller ones, one which was black as the first one and another one who was yellow. "In your future, there's still an open road. A decision is coming for you, to decide which road are you following". Michael was amazed by the magic of his master. "Can you do that to me as well?". Sergei turned to Michael and nodded, and then proceeded to turn back at Arturo.

@Orion @Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98

Begins to speak after a while of silent thinking. He says calmly with his palm on his cheek, "I suppose that Jake and I could charge forward with an ice barrier. If I use my permafrost magic on it, it'll be almost impossible to melt with fire. We would just have to make sure that we don't get attacked by some huge bruiting force. It would have to be large but a force could shatter an ice wall, however, it is possible to shatter. If we use the bubble ice spell, then it would be too spread out to block a flurry of A-class wizards, which I'm guessing that we'll face. Cover us from the top and the two of us will be a force to be reckoned with and we'll knock away a lot of the slower, weaker wizards aside with minimal use of our magical energies." Ajax looked over at the others, realizing that they weren't really talking tactics as they were before. Ajax blushed a bit embarrassed and then said, "So, yeah, I think that's the best way to go about this. Are you in kiddo?" He says looking over at Jake. You're not letting anybody die today, none of your friends at least. And especially not the kid, you won't be able to bear seeing him teary eyed again.

@gilwaybetternow @Orion

Jake smiles fiercely and nods "Don't let me down, ice queen!!" Jake swings his leg around above Ajax's head."i made this and im holding it alive, I can handle a little wall, wheres dusty?" He puts his fists up making fake punches at ajax showing his excitement.

@David Van Aken
Sergei turned towards Ajax. "The plan will be like this: I'll launch a big gigantic nullifying arrow towards them and then you guys will have a minute free of magic to attack them in a goddamn blitzkrieg. I don't care much about what you'll do, just make sure it harms them". Michael raised his hand, as asking for a moment to talk, since Sergei was always telling for him to shut up. "I kinda have a plan combining my magic, the arc of time magic from the master and some ice or water magic. I just don't know if it's good to talk about it here", he said, looking around at the Fairy Tail guild hall. Hearing upon the question from Arturo, Sergei turned back at him. "It is a time crossing sphere. It reads your memories and the information on your soul".

@David Van Aken @Orion
"I sure hope everything goes as you all want it to go." Arturo said looking at them. "Hopefully there won't be any unnecessary accidents."
Dusty had watched each person leave, standing there. He felt like the fight had ended in a draw rather than an exact winner. But he didn't have time to think of all this. He sprinted towards the giant fortress, hoping it wasn't Blue Pegausus that was attacked. Luckily, when he got to the site of the attack, it was actually Sabertooth. He felt bad, since this was Michael and Sky's guild, but he was relieved that it wasn't all his friends' that were attacked. He looked back up at the giant fortress. Was this the people that attacked Raven Tail? He had to find out. He turned towards the giant staircase that was being created a little ways away. He assumed it was Jake, and he didn't want to deal with him now. He turned the opposite direction, sniffing the air. If this thing had a magical barrier, then he would have to sniff out a weak spot.
Arturo looked at the guy. "Oh, well this out to turn out interesting." Arturo said

((going to dinner guys brb soon))

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