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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Ajax ducked a bit when Jake took a swing above his head and for a moment considered taking a bite out of that yummy looking ice leg of his again. Then when he started taking play jabs at Ajax, he put up his hands and let him punch them a bit. Then it hit him, "Jake, you recognize me then, you called me the Ice Queen. That can't just be a coincidence, hmm? Anyway, we're doing this and you best not slow me down." Then he grined widely, trying to show that he was just kidding around with Jake.

Ajax turned towards the group and then said, rubbing his hands together, still making up the plan as he went along,
"Okay fellas, nullifying arrow is going to go in before anything. Jake and I will be the front liners with our wall. Everyone else, pile up behind us untill we launch the wall and take out the weaklings. Whoever can get in the air, go. It would be lovely to get a distraction before we launch the wall, we'll hit more wizards that way. Sound good, fellas?" Ajax's eyes perked a bit, slightly impressed at his plan that he had just made. Ajax began to walk behind the wizards who had begun to walk to the guild and then yelled, "Any better suggestions?"

Jake jumps up onto Ajax's back careful to avoid his hair reaching around to cover his eyes "Don't slow me down queeny. The king of ICE is in da house!!!!" he screams excitedly making ajax hold him up again completely avoiding his hair, as people start getting into position.

@David Van Aken
'Wow....' lara and kero both thought at the same time. " he is crazier than you" she said to her. " I am not that crazy" she said as she got inti position with kero. " sure...."

Ajax feels a thud on his back, but he doesn't buckle. He sees for a moment that it was Jake, but then Jake put his hands over Ajax's eyes. Jake is just oozing excitement, so he didn't want to kill his mood. Ajax swirls his two hands around and yells, "Ice-Maker Magic! Err, um, appl- I mean eyeballs!" Two very pretty looking, feminine, and perfectly symmetrical eyes, eyelashes and all, appeared in his palms. He whirled them around, hoping that he wouldn't hit anyone. He knew that thee eyes wouldn't really do anything, but he just wanted to look a bit silly for everyone's sake and make everyone a bit more relaxed.

@Tj Pomroy

Jake giggles and moves his hand talking to ajax "if we stay like this I can focus my energy on our shield and not my leg" HE than closes his eyes as the legs changes to a simple belt that swung around ajaxs weight seting froze right there. Jake already feeling stronger. The ice stairs shining bright as the sunlight reflects through it at random locations with another set of beautiful rainbows.

@David Van Aken

Ajax is enjoying himself. He's always been a brawler at heart and Jake was doing a good job of riling him up. Ajax laughed a bit then said with glee in his voice, "Cool beans Laddie! Good thing that you're as light as you are. I did something similar to this a while ago, only the teammate on my back was a two hundred something pound tankish man. He was missing everything from the waist down, hell, he was a big boy. He said that he needed to concentrate on some kind of painting magic, so I put him into a big ol' backpack... Anyway, let's start this thing up." Ajax said calmly, "Ice maker magic, Athena's might." A large ice shield rose from the ground, definitely long and tall enough to keep the whole team covered. Ajax crossed his arms, content. He didn't want to exert himself too much before the battle then he said, "Alrighty Dude, add on, this thing is going to need it This thing is going to take a lot of hits."

@Tj Pomroy


Jake closes his eyes chanting softly before bursting his eyes open, the color in them gone bright blue. "Ice maker magic, Poseidon's blessing" and with that the shield gets much thicker and crystal clear adding to its beauty. Than as he sways his hands a little water gathers all over the front of the shield and the back of the shield "the water will damper most magic's and will punch back when hit with melee" He grunts as he pushes his hands together into a complex position, the power radiating off him, even empowering ajax a little "Hop that helps"

@David Van Aken

Ajax nodded in approval. Then he said, "I am going to use some dragon slayer magic on the shield. Cover your eyes, it's about to get very, very cold over here." He went around to the front of the shield and then closed his eyes so that he could concentrate. Scales began to form appear on his neck and face and he could feel the moisture in his clothes begin to freeze up. He felt a bit stronger from Jake's partial power transfer. He yelled in a loud, thundering tone that he sometimes came out with his dragon slayer magic, "Dragon Slayer's Magic! Permafrost!" He roared an almost pure stream of ice and cold onto the shield. It looked like a small icy tornado coming from his mouth. After about ten seconds of this, he stopped, straightend his clothes, fixed his hair and then said, now reverted to his old self, "It's going to take a whole lot to get past that, now gimme some skin." He put an hand behind his back, homing that Jake would get the not so subtle hint.

@Tj Pomroy

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Jake moves his hands to the sides of Ajax's head, letting ajax have complete control of his power in cause he needed it. while he was almost unconscious two ice hands had come out and stayed the same way jakes hand were from before keeping the shield there in perfect shape, the ice arms perfect replicates.

@David Van Aken
During the whole time that everyone was talking, Michael was thinking about battle strategies. He thought that if Sergei combined his magic with the one of Jake and Ajax, things could get way easier, turning water into ice and vice versa in a blink would certainly be a great advantage. Maybe the arc of time magic of Sergei would be strong enough even for turning the water into steam. Michael smiled. They sure had a group of fairly strong mages. They would make some hell of a damage to Echidna. He realised he had missed when they talked about Echidna's location. "Hey guys, where's Echidna guild hall anyway? We should get going", he said, turning around towards the rest of the group.

Kero looked at him " the echidna guild is probably in that flying fortress" she answered. Lara was staring at ajex and jake trying to figure out what they are doing..

Sky shakes her head. She wasn't listening to anything people were saying. The shock that Sabertooth was gone made her sad and angry. They destroyed her guild. They destroyed her only home, and now she's going to give them a little present.


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Jake smiles and slaps both his hands down hard onto his with a little groan. "Good job, thatll hold. you should focus on attack and ill keep both the shield going and ill block oncoming attacks. got in princess?" He growls and tightens his grip on his hands before moving his hands and arms into a windmill a very thin shield of ice goes around us just outside of our range. "This will hold for a long time"

@David Van Aken

Ajax cracked his knuckles and then said confidently, "Yes, this should last a while. And your plan sounds good. Let's do this. And when are the rest of these jokers we can actually put this shield of ours to use."

((I'll be back tomorrow guys))

@Tj Pomroy

Sergei looked up, searching for a flying fortress at sight. Michael was impatient. His right foot was knocking the ground in a quick pace. Sky looked like she was too angry and shocked to say anything. Everybody was thinking about revenge. Sergei looked back to the mages at the ground. He took a seed out of his pocket. "I'm going there any time now. Anybody who wants can get a ride with me, with little mummy Mikey or with one of the ice guys". He dug a hole in the ground and placed the seed inside it. He then proceeded to touch the ground and activave his arc of time magic over it. A large tree grew a little bit, and he stopped while it was still at a reachable height. Michael rubbed his hands over his body to create static, to make him float. He looked at everyone, and asking if anybody needed a lift.
Lara and kero looked at each other " we need a lift" and got on the float thing that sergei and micheal created. " arturo are you coming? " lara asked him.

@gilwaybetternow @Orion
"I'm coming," Sky said quietly, "you can't have all the fun." She jumped up and landed next to Sergei, now she was smiling. "If we win this, you gotta buy me a meal, old man!" She stick her tongue out at Sergei.


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Dusty frowns. "Not a single barrier...?" He shakes his head. Either the barrier was masked from detection through any sense possible, or there wasn't one at all. He hoped the latter was true rather than the first. He turns as he runs back to where everyone was. He looks around. Jake and Ajax were running up the staircase they made, and the rest of the group was getting on a sort of craft thing. He runs over to them, looking between Lara, Sky, and Sergei. "Mind one more? I don't weigh that much."
Sergei smiled. "When we win this I'm buying a meal to the whole world". Michael smiled at Sergei, while holding Lara and Arturo by their hands. "Wanna make this interesting, old man?". Sergei laughed. "We're carrying people, Milky". Michael grinned at him. "The trip is gonna be way more fun for them". Sergei smiled and nodded. He touched the tree again, making it grow giant and leading him towards the skies, with Sky and Dusty on his side. Michael raised the level of the static around him. The hair of Lara and Arturo were affected by it, all of their hair strands standing up. Michael flew towards the sky holding them. Sergei and Michael raced against it each other, but the lightning magic could make Michael fly way faster than the tree of Sergei grew. He got close to the fortress first, while the master followed three seconds later. Michael led everyone to Sergei's tree and landed in it as well. They had to break the barrier from there. "That was fun, but I was holding back lil' mummy". The master looked upon the fortress, protected by an invisible barrier. "Now this will be even more fun".

@Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy @Orion

(get ready)
Dusty grinned. He cracked his knuckles, then his neck. He had filled himself up before, so he was ready to knock this thing out. He smelled the air, then nodded. "If we want to break the barrier, we need at least three powerful attacks. Definitely me and Sky should do it, because we are both Slayers. Though, can Air-Girl do it?" He grins at Sky. She seemed like she was ready to tear the heads off of these guys in there. The barrier was strong, but they could do it.
Kero held onto lara. Lara was like ' wait what??' Before she was ready sergei took her hand and flew of towards ths fortress. As they got there micheal's lightening magic made her's and kero's hair stand up. Kwro looked like puff ball which make lara chickle a little " shut up..." kero said and lara laughed. When they got there lara start4d to chant a spell to help the others break the barrier.
Good thing I didn't use my magic, way more fun to ride!" Sky smiled, "let's get this party started!" She look at Dusty then to Sergei, "I can break things right?" She could feel the wind around her, it shown that she got all her energy back, she was ready.

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted

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