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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

"Allow me. Stand behind me you all", Sergei said, with an enraged expression on his face. He extended his right arm backwards, opening his hand. "Divine Arrow". A giant purple arrow appeared floating over his hand. "Don't let it touch any of you", he said, turning towards the mages. He then looked forwards and launched the arrow with all his strenght. The purple arrow knocked the barrier, turning it off immediately and disabling the magic inside it. The barrier was trying to put itself back together. "Run inside, you all. It will turn back on in a few seconds!'.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy @Orion
Dusty refrains from arguing with Sergei. He jumps through the hole in the barrier, landing and turning back to all of the mages. His stomach rumbles with Sky's attack still inside, and he groans. He was an idiot for eating it, but it would have caused him serious damage if he didn't. He starts to stretch his limbs, waiting for his fellow mages.
Lara stopped chanting and grabbed arturo coated her feet in wind magic and ran into the fortress. She sighed when she got in. Kero jumped down and stretched and lara cracked her knuckles ' hell is about break out..'
Arturo looked shocked. "You keep grabbing me every five seconds with that wind magic." he said trying to get a hold of his head.
Sky nodded and went through the hole. She wanted to argue with Sergei but she knew this wasn't the place nor time to do it. Sky heard Dusty's groan and looked at him, "you okay?" She look back to see if Michael had come with them or not and what Sergei would do next.

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Dusty nods, rubbing his stomach. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stomach issues." He laughs, then turns to the fortress. "So, guess you, me, and Michael are teaming up." Dusty smiles. He starts to bounce on his heels. "You sure you're okay? You took quite a beating from our little scuffle." Dusty starts to sniff the air, trying to smell out anybody who would want to ambush them. He didn't find anybody, then smiled wider, his sharp canines practically glowing.
Michael turned himself in a lightning to get through the barrier as fast as possible. He wanted to make a soft landing this time, but it didn't worked. He knocked himself on the ground, but he didn't got as wounded as the last time. He pulled himself together and got up, expecting for Sergei to cross it as well. "Come on, old man!". Sergei was holding the barrier using his powers, with his hand pointing forwards. It was time for him to jump. He leaped towards the open barrier, but it closed in front of him, making him bounce back towards his tree. He got up, surprised by the speed that the barrier closed. "Sorry fellows, but I got to let my magic grow before making another one of this arrows. I'll be waiting for you out here, and I'll try to get in there as soon as I can!". Michael frowned. That would be a little bit harder without Sergei, but they were all there, and they were powerful too. He turned towards Dusty. "What can you sniff around here?"
"I'm as good as new, Dust," she grinned at Dusty. Then she frowned that the old man weren't able to make it through, "guess it's just us people." She look around at others that made it through and smiled, it might be enough, she thought.

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Dusty shakes his head. "Nothing other than dark magic. And it's deeper in. I say we tread lightly, though." He starts to walk forward and into the fortress. He flexes his hands, feeling unsettled.
Lara looked at arturo " uh...sorry about that..." she began walking into the fortress. Kero sniffed the air and looked around as she walked she was careful and made sure there was no one around to ambus them.

While walking inside the fortress, Michael could notice the dark influence in there. He tried to hear anything, but he couldn't. His senses were only detecting traces of magic, nothing actually new. "Are you guys sure this is the place? It looks empty to me".
Sky sighed, "maybe they left before we could get here." She looked around, it's true, she could feel that there was definitely magic here, but she couldn't feel any presence of people. "Can we just destroy this place?" Sky grinned, "since no one's here."

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Orion

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"It probably would be the best." Arturo said. "If someone is here they'll have to come out or get crushed."

@RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow
Dusty shook his head. "Let's explore first. Wouldn't want to destroy this place unless there isn't useful info on Echidna." He keeps smelling the air, trying to pick up even the tiniest whiff of dark magic.
"Let's explore for a bit longer. Then we'll bring it down", Michael said, with a smile. He felt an unusual kind of metal around. There was a little entrance in a side wall of the fortress. He walked inside. Inside, there was an altar filled with runic inscriptions in it. There was a pedestal on the center of it. Michael walked towards it to take a a better look. On top of the pedestal, there was a sword and a big silver medallion, with an emerald on its center. "Well, this is interesting", Michael said, putting the medallion on his pocket.
"alright," Sky nodded and follow Michael inside. She saw Michael put something inside his pocket, she was curious but she didn't ask what it was. She saw the sword and shrugged, it won't be any use for her. She walked out and continue exploring the fortress.

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Michael sat the ground near the pedestal and took the guild coin from his pocket, along with his newly acquired medallion. They had the same size and dimensions. Michael wondered if it was one of the legendary coins that Sergei told them about. It surely looked like it. It would be a nice gift to Sergei. Michael placed both of them back inside his pocket. He walked out of the altar and followed the rest of the group.

"So, did you guys found anything?"

  • Name: Carrie Ulstream

    Magic: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Carrie stretched her arms high into the air as she swirled about in the Guild Hall's Jacuzzi. "There is nothing like swimming in a relaxing pool full of hot soothing water!" She rested her body over the side of the bath, letting her arms hang over the edge. She thought back to what happened during the Grand Magic Games, and furrowed her eyebrows as she remembered how pitiful the Guild Lamia Scale actually did. Carrie cursed herself for not joining in on the action, but by nature, she was not a fan of violence. Even if it was just for fun.

She allowed herself to slip backwards into the water and laid at the bottom of it, staring through the translucent water into the sky above.
Even if I entered, what could I have done? Sealakeneena never taught me anything I could use to hurt people; only help. Feeling a bout of stress coming on, Carrie made herself relax by taking a long sip from the blue liquid she was laying in..Mmmm. Delicious.

She lifted her finger and guided a narrow stream of water from the Jacuzzi into the air above. Snaking around in an intricate design, the sliver eventually took the shape of her beloved guild's sign: a mermaid. Oh Lamia Scale, I'm so ashamed that I turned my back when you needed me most. On my honor as a Dragon Slayer, I promise I will never turn my back on you again.

And with that, she closed her eyes, eventually drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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"Nope!" Sky said, shaking her head, "I'm going to go in a little further!" She took off, without hearing others' replies. Hmm...no ones here...she thought to herself.

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Dusty watched her take off before he could do anything. "Sky, wait up!" When she didn't slow down or stop, he growled, standing up and chasing after her. "Come on, Michael!"
"If nobody found anything else, we should just bring it down", Michael said, while looking around the fortress. Crushing the place apart was indeed to the best thing to do. If there was no one in there, they would take down one of their bases. And if there was, they would make them come out of their hiding. Hearing the call of Dusty, Michael looked towards Sky and started to run after her. "Wait, let's just crash it. If there's anyone here, they'll come out of their hiding!"
Lara looked at arturo and nodded. She walked next to him and looked around. Kero wentbon ahead and looked around the place for enemies and such.

Sky could barely heard their calls. She stopped and turn around, suddenly she didn't remember which way she came from. "I am not lost!" She mumbled loudly to herself. She look around for something familiar that might lead her back but she found none. "Ugh!" She walked back randomly, hoping it was the way she came from.

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