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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Lara looks at him. She keeps a tight grip on her bag. She was really tired and didn't feel like putting up with arturo.

Lara sighed and said " no....I'll let you look later...right now I just want to take a shower and eat something...." she sighed again.

There it was. The forest. Michael could still see the few burned trees that were caught in the fire. He wondered if the group was actually there. Except for Dusty, who was from Blue Pegasus, the other ones were all from Raven's Tail, so they didn't had much of a place to go. Besides, Michael knew how angry they were the other night. They were wanting to kill both the fake officer and Rashid. He just hoped that they had managed to do it. He turned around towards Sky. "If you're sensible to Lightning magic, step away for a while". Michael started to rub his arms with his hands, increasing the static around him. He hoped that Dusty would notice his smell by that.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted
Dusty looked up from the flower Jake had left him. He sniffed the air. He had ignored Arturo and Lara, not bothering to listen in on their conversation. He smiled slightly and started to walk over to the smell of lightening. He didn't need his eyes to see, so he closed them, walking towards Michael. As soon as he realized how close he was to him, he opened his eyes and laughed. "Am I your dog now? Summoning me with your magic?" He noticed the girl next to him, nodding to her. "Hey, nice to acknowledge your presence." He chuckles and holds out his hand. "Donald 'Dusty' Hauns."
The forest has change since her last visit. She could see that there were fire in this are because of the burned trees. I wonder what happened here...she thought to herself as Michael asked her to step away if she's sensible to lightning. Sky didn't question him why and step away from him. Is he a lightning mage? She thought. The truth is she wasn't sensitive, she's just...well lightning isn't her most favorite magic, but she didn't dislike it either. Sky waited to see what Michael would do next.

Jake screams again and takes off high into the sky sending a random blast of magic off at the forest it going very near micheal, and growls flying back towards raven tail ruins

Michael smiled, seeing that Dusty came out of the woods and greeted Sky. He stopped producing more static. "You sure sniffs it like a dog. I was actually just new reinforcement. She's from Sabertooth, her name's Sky". Michael looked towards the woods. A blast of magic came in his direction, but he dodged it by a bit, surprised. Jake came out of the forest and ran towards the Raven's Tail ruins. He turned towards Dusty. "What the hell just happened?! And where's everyone else?"

Dusty sighed, shaking his head. "It's something between me and Jake. Let's drop that." He looks at Sky. "So you're from Sabertooth as well? Neat. But, are you strong like the rest of them?" She smelled powerful. He would be able to smell her exact magic if he got closer, but he would probably be frowned upon by that. "No offense, but you don't seem that powerful."
Arturo looked at her a long time. "Your death." he sounded dead serious after a few more moments of silence he said. "Um, but seriously...you know we should hang out ..and stuff." Arturo wasn't great around people so he wasn't entirely sure what to say.

She frowned. Of course he'd say that, she thought, everyone said that to me everytime. She quickly smiled, hiding her frowned, "it's fine." She didn't really care if they think she's weak. "You should have a guess at how strong I am," she smiled and look at the other guy who took off, "who's that?"

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
Lara blinked and stared arturo for a long time "um...ok...but let me have shower first the we can go and hang out.....ok??"

Dusty looks in the way Jake ran off. "My friend, Jake. He's fine. I was just a little harsh." Dusty turns to her, raising his eyebrow. "Guess how strong you are? Well, I would know if I could get a better whiff of you." He thought for a moment. "Hmm... Stronger than Sparky here?" He laughs, clasping Michael's shoulder firmly.
Jake screams as he runs through the forest jumping over fallen trees and running up a half fallen tree jumping into flight his wings bursting to life flying him through the town jumping pff at the raven tail ruins, sobbing softly.

Rashid looks around the mountain top, completely quite. He Returns to his cave and hauls out an old battle axe, going out side nimbly swinging it around slicing through a rock

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