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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake stands up crying hard his face covered in ice his hair frozen back "I KEEP CRYING CAUSE OF YOU!!!!! I LIKE YOU!! and so far all you've done is say how much you hate me!!" jake turns away crying harder the weather suddenly changing raining harder and harder as jake crys harder, it slowly freezing to ice pellets, the storm growing and growing raining harder

"Yup, I spend most of my time doing missions," sky nodded, "have you been on any missions yet?" Sky could see that they're walking toward the forest, she knew the street. She always use it when she wants to go to the forest to get some peace, but she knew it wasn't much of a peaceful place now.

Kero chuckles and uses speed magic and starts running towards where lara, jake and dusty are at great speed, but not so fast that that the wind throws arturo off.

Dusty roars. "I know you like me! You've made it clear as day that you do! But I don't feel the same way as you! I may have said I hate you, but you were so damn annoying! And persistent! No matter what I said, you wouldn't stop! You were so stubborn! What did you expect! I don't hate you, I enjoy our friendship. I was angry because you just DIDN'T GIVE MY THOUGHTS ANY CARE!!!" Dusty yells at the top of his lungs. He breathes hard, trying to catch his breath. Maybe Jake would finally listen to him.
"Yeah, actually now. The master likes to make fun of me, he just sends me to do useless stuff..." It started to rain. First, it was slowly and calmly, but then it turned out to be a heavy rain, getting heavier each minute. The drops filled his cup with water. He took Sky by her head and started to run towards the forest, trying to get off that storm. The water drops were becoming ice pellets, and they were hitting Michael's head hard. In the way towards the forest, Michael saw a small temple and ran towards its entrance. The gate was closed, by the inner door was open. He let go of Sky's hand and climbed the gate, landing on the other side. He did a sign with his hand to Sky so that she would follow him inside the temple. "Let's go!"

Jake recoils like his was slapped and the rain suddenly stops, he turns back to dusty with a sad smile, laying a small complex beautiful little blue rose on the ground, with a small whimper and blows him a kiss before turning again a set of big crystalline wings growing from my back flapping to get a good start looking at lara, giving her a small growl "im going back to town and gathering as many people to try and find echidna, im leaving tomorrow with or without help

@Refaulted @Evergreen98
Suddenly it started raining as they were walking, then Michael took Sky's hand and they both start running. Michael spotted a temple, it was just a small one, but enough to keep them out of the rain. He let go of her hand and climbed the gate, once he was on the other side, Sky climbed the gate and landed on the other side safely. She follow him inside the temple and sighed once she was inside, "I really don't like rain now."

Lara was trying to decide if she should just leave. Shebsighed and decided to leave and let them figure things out. When she was about to leave kero appears and jake tells her that he is going to go and get people to fight the echidnas " you should be resting and letting us go look for people!!" She sighed at jake.

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted @Orion
Arturo steps off of Kero. "Might...need to do that more often...cool." he said going up to Lara. "I came to rescue you princess in distress." he grabbed her hand.

Geis finished shining his swords and sheathed them. "...I...feel like I'm missing something important..." He looked to his swords. "No, I must not waver, my duty above all else." He sighed. 'I wonder what they did with the diamonds I tossed at them...'
"Yeah, I don't like rain since yesterday, when I figured out that I could make it rain as well". As soon as they got inside, the rain suddenly stopped. What?! Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! Michael was a bit stressed already, and now that storm had just ruined his breakfast. He wondered why was all this bad luck falling over him. "Oh, come on?! Was it just to ruin my coffee?"

Lara blinked when arturo said he had come to rescue her and grabbed her hand " wait what??" Kero laughed a little at her reaction.

Sky laughed at his reaction, "we'll go get another one later." She was a little bit annoyed too that she have to throw away her hot chocolate. Still laughing she looked at Michael and said, "the rain just really love you that's all!"

Lara rolled her eyes" yes yes I know..." she started walking to an inn. She needs a nice long shower. Ksro laughs and follows her. She hand her bag to her " thanks kero" she continues to walk.

Michael laughed. "Yes, me and the rain, a beautiful love story. A shame that is an unrequited love". He walked outside again, climbing over the gate and jumping across it another time. He waited for Sky to follow him, while he walked slowly towards the forest again. "At least we're not that far away now".

Sky laughed even harder and climbed over the gate, catching up to Michael as he walk towards the forest. "Really? I want to meet them all!" She said excitedly and walk besides him. This is going to be the first time I join a group...I wonder what they're going to be like...she thought and felt a little nervous but excited.

Lara sighed and grabbed the bag befor he can look through it. " it doesn't have anything important...and you shouldn't looks through other people's bags..."


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