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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty groaned, looking up at the sky. He had ran away in a enraged and lunatic way. He was furious when he saw Jake had lost his leg, and that so many other's were injured. He would have to find that damn guy, Jei, and Rachid. He had unleashed his full fury on a few of the remaining trees in the now destroyed forest. He wearily stood up, making his way back to the Raven Tail site. He rolled his shoulder, grimacing. He had made himself into complete stone before the explosion had gone off. The only signs he was affected by it was the tears and holes in his clothing. He approached the site, noticing Ajax and Lara around Jake. He quickly ran over, pushing Ajax out of the way and kneeling next to Lara. "Is he okay?!"

Ajax stands there, eye twitching. With a swift swipe he knocks out all of the ice from his hair and into the air, giving the effect of slow falling snow. He whips it back into shape quickly and then looks at Jake angrily. Ajax at this point is seriously considering shoving an icy spear into his chest, but then grins wide at an idea that he had. Ajax grabs the leg and snaps it off right at the root so that there wasn't a single shard remaining at his nub. He nudged Jake in his place slightly. He took the snapped off leg and then looks mischievously at Jake, the leg that Ajax just snapped off of him in his hands. He looks at Jake, then to the leg, back to Jake, then to the leg once more.

Ajax comes close to unhinging his jaw and then begins the take inhuman bites out of the leg. Within a minute, he was done with his feast. Ajax sucked slowly on his fingers, icing them all over slightly due to him now overflowing with magical energy. Ajax make a few grunts of pleasure and then looked Jake dead in the eyes, grinning wide,
"Oh my, that was a good one. My compliments to the chef, seriously, that wasn't any weak magic right there." Ajax raises his eyebrows in preparation for his next statement, "So I take it that this would make it so you've lost two legs that you've liked today? Shoot for the stars kiddo, you seem to really be batting 1000 here today." Ajax parts his stomach and then watches it get smaller rapidly as he digests the rest of the ice that he's just swallowed. Ajax spoke confidently, "Oh, and don't try to use any ice magic on me, we Dragon Slayers are completely immune to our elements." Ajax's eyes changed colors for a moment, to a yellow reptilian eye, then back to normal after he blinked. He spoke confidently again, "The moral of the story here, kiddo is, respect your elders, or they'll make sure that you're sufficiently embarrassed."

Ajax looked over at Lara and gave a genuine grin then said, "Don't mention it healer, this is what I do. I help people."

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy

Dusty whips around, slamming his fist into Ajax's face. He growled menacingly at him. He feels the skin on his arms harden, his eyes boring into Ajax's. "Nobody. NOBODY! Does that to my friends. You got that, Ice Princess?!" Dusty was tired of dealing with people like this today. He just wanted to go to sleep back at Blue Pegausus. He clenched his fist. He wasn't scared of Ajax, anyways. He knew he could take him on in a fight.
Lara sighed " you know what?!?! You guys are impossible!!!" She said completely annoyed "I am surprised this Kingdom is still in one piece with all the guild having god damn grudges against each other!!! Would it kill you to help each other with arguing and fighting for once?!?!?!" Her stress levels has reached their peaks " you guys are all childish!!! And I am sick of it!!! A dark guild has destroyed raven tail and might aim for your guilds but instead of helping you guys are constantly fighting!!!"

@David Van Aken @Tj Pomroy @Refaulted
Dusty looks back at Lara, knowing he was acting like a fool and a child. "I have nothing against any guild. I have beef against people who show disrespect to one of my friends! Is that so wrong to feel like? Is it?!" He was over tired and was getting really angry at everybody. He couldn't stand having to listen to Ajax disrespect Jake like that. So he got his hair wet? No reason to destroy the kid's leg. "Maybe I could rip every hair out of his body so we don't have this problem anymore." He tries to keep himself calm, but his facial expression said otherwise.
Jake falls onto his back limp with a startled cry his eyes tearing up as the pain resurfaced his leg bleeding a little again, and shakes his head trying not to cry "Dusty stop please its not worth it" He whimpers as he hoists himself up onto the one leg leaning on dusty, He lays his head on dustys temple. "please stop"

Dusty tenses up, still not comfortable with this kind of thing. He let Jake do it, but he couldn't let himself go crazy again. He lifted Jake up and laid him down on the ground. He placed his hand on Jake's chest, then stood up. He looks at everyone there, then sighs. "Jake, please. Not now. I'm too tired. And so are you. Please, sleep. We can worry about this tomorrow." He turns to Ajax. "If you touch him, I'll rip you to shreds." Dusty turns around, scowling. He needed sleep. He was getting too agitated right now to be of use.
Jake looks up at dusty and whimpers softly trying to get his attention "S....Stay with... me" He mumbles before his face brightens in a blush, the ice very slowly growing back so the nub was completely covered and it went up a little further past it the pain subsiding again.

Dusty shakes his head. He needed a clear head right now. "Let me think things over. I'm not thinking straight here." Dusty looks down at Jake, then turns away, not bearing to handle anymore. He turns and runs, trying to not cry. It was all his fault. He got Jake hurt. He couldn't be here anymore. He felt the ground change from the concrete of the city to dirt, and kept running, keeping his eyes closed so he wouldn't see anything he didn't want to.
Lara sighed she needs to get proper sleep. She see jakes leg bleed a little " jake let me finish healing you and ill get you to a proper healer..." she said to him.

@Tj Pomroy


Kero see arturo walk away. She followed him.

Jake see him run and screams at him to come back as he watches him slowly get smaller and smaller running further and further away, and slowly starts sobbing his tears running down from his face he focuses harder as he crys harder and harder the tears falling into a small puddle beside him, letting his angry and despair fuel his magic he screams out loud "WATER MAGIC, LEG" his tears swirl up condensing to make another leg and panting he closes his eyes picturing dusty running away, using his feelings to make the spell perfect he mummers almost drained "Ice-Magic, Freeze" and the leg freezes perfectly, clear and sharp, prettier than the original column, with perfect mobility and movability. Jake smiles and says softly out loud "I hope he likes it" He than falls asleep on the ground thinking of dusty. 
@Refaulted @Evergreen98

Ajax stood there and sighed, actually realizing what he'd done. He was genuinely ashamed of himself. So you rip the kid's leg off and then mock him? What were you thinking? Ajax speaks up with sorry in his voice, "I'm sorry about that, I'll admit that I'm a bit sensitive about my art and my appearance. To be honest I didn't think that that would hurt you as badly as it did. You tore the one that I put on you just fine and it didn't seem to bother you in the least." Ajax sighed somberly and then began in his rant once again, "I'm sorry Ace. I'm a bit of a hothead myself. I'm sorry about this whole thing... Just... For future reference, when someone extends an olive branch when they have no reason to other than the desire to have peace and to be kind, don't reply with sass and malice. It's not very much appreciated."

Ajax reaches to his eye and then flicks away a single icy tear. Ajax begins again, "Tell you what, if you want another leg, I'll craft you another. Roman architecture I guess isn't your style, a bit old manish, ya? What about I make you a new one, with hot rod flames?" Ajax reaches his his hand into the a pocket of his backpack and pulls out a few small vials of red, yellow, and orange dye. He puts them into his pants pocket. Ajax goes back to the usual amount of pep in his voice, attempting to skirt that he was feeling absolutely awful about causing a kid such pain, "If so, holler. I'll just start walking over the pizzeria over there. They sell good vanilla ices over there and I'm feeling a bit tired. Need a bit of a pick me up, y'know?" Ajax turns around and then begins to walk over to the pizzeria about a block away from the guild.

EDIT: Ajax seeing that the boy made a leg entirely of his own power keeps on walking, seeing as he doesn't have any purpose at all anymore, other than be some sort of great attractor of hatred.

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy @Refaulted

Lara sighs " I am too tired for this...." she sits here and watched jake sleep.

@Tj Pomroy


Kero saw arturo falling asleep. She sat next to him and laid down a bit.

Jake whimpers in his sleep curling up into a small ball crying softly to himself


Rashid grunts as he looks out to the soon setting sun, his body aching and his hands shaky. his vision blurry and his mind exhausted, He than closes his eyes and with a small sigh opens his eyes again a small beam of light hitting him from the sky refreshing him a little, the beam unseen to others, he than moves back to punch and kick a nearby tree grunting with each hit.
Lara sighed as she watched jake turn and whimper in his sleep. She wished she could help him, but doesnt know how. She sighed.

@Tj Pomroy


Kero looked at arturo and can tell he is scared " hey...I am right here... there is no need to be scared"

Michael smiled and sat at the table near the mage. "I'm Michael Whithand, I don't think we have met. I've arrived yesterday to the town and joined Sabertooth, I believe you are a part of it as well". Michael pulled out the golden coin out of his pocket. "The master gave me this, saying that I should give it to the master of Fairy Tail. Do you have any idea on what this is?"

Skye walk down the street, hoping to find some place good to eat. She just got back from a mission trip and she was hungry, the smell of food coming from the cafe nearby made her stomach growl and her mouth watered. She really don't want to eat at the guild, seeing that the master might be there. Skye entered a cafe near the her guild and took a sit near the window and start looking at the menu.
(umm sure?)

Kaito shrugged "i have no idea he said" as he looked at the guy. Kaito noticed Sky enter the Cafe 'Nice' he thought. When he had finished staring he sat and thought about the question he was given....

(Flash back)

"Please Kaito, please participate in the magic games with us" some guild members said, "nope" Kaito replied yawning...

(end flash back)

'maybe it's got something to d with that? he thought. "what do you need to give him? he asked leaning over the table


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