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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Lara takes of her jacket and ties up the area tightly, hoping it would stop the bleeding. She then uses herbhealong magic on it. " hurry up and get here!!!" She yelled into the walkie talkie.

@Tj Pomroy @David Van Aken

Ajax bites at his fingernails, suddenly very tense. He recalled the voice coming through the device as familiar, he's heard her voice somewhere before, he figured that she was one of the wizards that he was talking to outside of the smoldering Raven Tail Guild earlier. Ajax spoke to the girl calmly saying, "Alright alright alright... How is your friend wounded, what sort of magic o you use, and what is your location? I can't help you unless I have some of these details." Ajax took a sip of his tea and read another page of his book, this was for him to keep a level head so that he could help this girl enough to save her friend's life.


"Hopefully the destruction will be extreme," An unknown voice replied to Meta.

Coming out of the shadows of the room, the figure of the voice started to show itself. It was a tall male. He was wearing a long red cloak and had messy black hair that was obviously never attended to. He wore a devilish smile on his face as he stepped out of the shadows. His crimson red eyes had a thirst for blood as he did.

This man is none other than the Dark Son of Echidna, Kayer Nefari. He is infamous throughout the magic underworld for his heinous crimes and his acts of destruction.

"I can't wait to see what this place has to offer. I haven't had a good fight in, well, never!" He said, proceeding to laugh maniacally.

@Kyd Jhesus
" I already told you where I am. I am at the raventail guild. I use light magic and my friend is missing an entire leg!!" She said to him " he lost alot of blood and I am trying to heal him!"

@David Van Aken
"Ah your awake" Geis said from the back of the cave. He was still wiping ketchup stains from his armor. "That will be the last time I try to rescue you, it's hard work." He complained

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid growls and turns to Geis "you didn't half to fucking save me, I would've gotten out of the situation" He walks up to him his hand out "Give me my robe"


Ajax looked out the window just make sure that he really was where he thought he was. He saw up the block the remains of the Raven Tail Guild. Ajax smiled and then said, Well, it would seem that I'm about two blocks away from you, I'll be there soon." Ajax quickly slung his book into his bag, crunched down on the ice in his ice water and then walked down to the Raven Tail Guild. He looked around for a moment then he saw the two of the people that he was going to attempt to help. He went next to Lara and then said, "Bit of a dumb question but, where's his leg? If it's still around here somewhere we might be able to get another healer to put it back on. So long as we keep it on ice, at least." Ajax emmited a wave of cold from himself, hoping that Lara would get the hint that he was an ice wizard.

@Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98

"Ah, those, well, I blew them up as a decoy." He said as he finished wiping the ketchup. He crafted him some clothes which were about his size and tossed it to him. "Now get outta my cave and only come back when Echidna needs me."
Jake growls loudly a blast of cold air aimed right at ajax "Dummy..... Blew up in..... the explosion" He growls and groans again another wave of pain and nausea hit him as he rolled onto his side close to ajaw throwing up all over his feet with a small happy sigh thinking 'bastard'

@David Van Aken
" I dont know where his leg is...I think he got caught in the explosion...." she said not looking at ajax. " and yes I csn tell your an ice wizard" her hand started to glow brighter, to help heal the wound.

@David Van Aken @Tj Pomroy
Rashid turns with a blast of white light shot out from him "do you have an idea how long it took me to make them!!!! They we're extremely powerful!! And expensive you duntz"

Geis caught the attack and uncrafted them into photons. "Oh I'm sorry, did I help you so I can hear you whine like a bitch?" He asked mockingly. He then crafted a laser spear from the light. "Now get out."

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid growls hauling on the sad excuse for a robe on over him "Don't you dare threaten me with light again, I will end you" He turns towards the portal walking forward towards it

Rashid closed his eyes as the platform appears again he steps on it and it shoots up above the city heading up towards a nearby mountain where he lived, once he lands he heads inside hauling on his old chain mail and plate armour, than hauls the old robe back on over it and goes outside to a few off the trees where he begin to train vigorously in his punching and kicking
Kaito walked up to a Café and decided to get a cup of coffee, he sat on one of the chairs outside sipping his coffee until he sighed 'im so bored' he thought to himself. he never noticed people were staring at his magician clothes. Kaito just stretched and relaxed in the chair staring into the sky. Some how his hat managed to stay on during the process...

Ajax breathed in the cold burst, and he smiled a bit, feeling slightly empowered. The grin went from his face and then said, "Well sorry kiddo, never hurts to check. Ajax looked at the wound, it was open, but he could tell that the girl that was healing him was doing a decent enough job. Ajax began again, "Another ice Wizard, eh? I would recommend freezing your wound a bit if you haven't already done so, it would greatly help to slow the bleeding." Ajax straightened out his clothes slowly and then styled his hair, making sure that he still looked alright. Then his face crunched a bit in confusion, "No need to snap at me, Ace. I'm here to help laddie."

@Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98

Michael felt a huge pain in his chest. He opened his eyes, not sure about where he was. He forced his memory a little bit to remember what had happened. And then he remembered. The huge shock he had given to everyone, not as much as he wanted to... He hoped that everyone was okay. Oh god... The master! What would the master say when he would see him at his current condition? He was definetely at one of the rooms in Sabertooth guild hall. Someone had been kind enough to bandage him up. There were bandages in his chest, his arm and the back of his neck. He wasn't feeling so tired anymore, but not 100% yet. He was still feeling a lot of pain. He stood up out of the bed he was and went down the stairs, where the main people of Sabertooth was. He looked around, searching for the place where they had put his shirt. They were over the bar counter. He dressed it up again, looking around. The mages were talking, but just a small share of them were laughing. There was a lot of tension there, probably due to the whole dark guilds subject. He left towards the street. Nearby the guild hall, there was a little Café. A Sabertooth mage was there. It was better for him to be close to the mages from his guild. He sat at a table and ordered a coffee. He looked at the other mage.

"Heya fellow".

Jake grunts and looks at ajax, "Just stop...the bleeding ill deal with it after" He passes out this time unable to help himself, this time the nightmare was different, this time he got to enjoy watching the one person he felt so strongly for die... He was murmuring his name in his sleep as he tried so hard to save him but he couldn't, Jake was trying to run to him, to scream for him to turn around but he couldn't all he could do was stand there and watch, his voice gone his legs unable to walk. Than he saw the final blow. The long blade of a sword shot through his chest and he watched his first love fall. With a startled scream he woke back up all sweaty, screaming for him. "Dusty"

@Evergreen98 @David Van Aken @Refaulted
Lara sighed " guys....please...not now..." She healed alot of wounds before bjt nothing like this. She is trying to stay calm, but is still in a panicked state. She want to stop the bleeding now! 'Calm down...calmn down....the nleeding is slowing down...so calm...down...' she took a deep breath and starts to relax a little.

@David Van Aken

@Tj Pomroy
Kaito stopped looking at the sky and looked the guy who just started a conversation with him. "What's up? he asked, he searched through his head to where he had seen this guy before but he just couldn't remember.

He sipped on his coffee "
what do you want? Kaito asked wondering what this unknown guy wanted.


After seeing that the patient had passed out and is healer had begun to calm down when she really shouldn't have, Ajax put his hand on the boy's Carotid artery and felt for a pulse. He could tell that he was still alive but that he had definitely lost a good amount of his blood, as Lara said. Ajax went over to Jake's nub and then began to freeze over the wound. He froze the wound itself and about an inch above it as well, to make sure that the makeshift clot wouldn't just fall off if Jake decided to roll around. Ajax then grabbed his chin and thought for a moment, Nah, that isn't enough. Time for a bit of flair. Ajax slammed his hands together and then placed them calmly on the bottom of the ice clot that he had just made. Then he spoke calmly, without a single quiver in his voice, "Ice-Maker Magic, Column."Ajax began to create an icy, Romanesque column where Jake's leg should be. It was a slow process, but he got through it with elegance. When he stopped, it was revealed that Jake now essentially had a peg leg the size of his leg that was still remaining, in the style of a column. Ajax was proud of his work, somewhat. It was a beautifully crafted work of ice magic on his part. It was glittering because of the air bubbles that he deliberately sealed inside of the ice. He was also proud of his attention to detail, he couldn't spot a single imperfection on the surface of the makeshift leg.

Ajax stood up, not drained in the least by the recent magic use on his part, speaking to Lara,
"Healer, he needs some fluids, specifically juice and water if you have them. It'll help with the blood loss. We can get a second opinion on his wound late if you so choose, but it seems to me that one we clean it out properly and get a bandage on it, he should be able to heal the rest on his own." Ajax grinned a bit, thinking back to some healers that he knew who would always get so uncomfortable when someone he knew wanted to naturally heal. Ajax spoke again after his brief pause, "This one's a real hothead, you know that? I can tell, takes one to know one. The thing about hot heads though, is that you need to know when to chill out, that's what ice wizards are supposed to be good at... What I mean to say is, keep an eye on him, make sure he watches his temper." Ajax styles his hair again, making it look quite majestic. He couldn't stand it that a strong gust blew his hair into a wierd shape during his sealing of the wound.

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy

Jake gasps to life again with grunt really the cool on his leg laying his head back in sudden relief seeing ajax still there and with a flick of his finger a little ball of water shot right into his hair as it explode covering his whole head in water, jake than turns his attention to his leg "Shitty job" Jake closes his eyes focusing for a few seconds before slamming his hands on the column Mocking ajax with his words "Ice-MAker magic, Leg" than the column began to bereak off in parts and the foot grows into shape, as each of the air bubbles make their way out of his leg, making it a little less pretty but far more stable, he than shakily stands up testing it a little it working and looking just like his old leg "Perfect" he mutter to himself as he looks back at ajax and winks at him as his hair freezes solid in a weird and very very messy and unappealing way, speaking much louder "Now that's perfect!"

@David Van Aken @Evergreen98
Lara said to jake " hey! Your still weak! Lay down!!" She then looked at ajax " thanks for your help" she smiled at him. Kero heard came back with her bag. She looked through it and took out some bandages and three bottle of water " this should do it" kero said to ajax.

@David Van Aken @Tj Pomroy

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