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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty waves back at Jake. "I'll be fine. I'm the Monster of the Earth, and nothing's gonna change that!" He walked into the forest, out of the sight of all of them.
" hmm...." "lara...." " yes...I feel it two...we're not the only one in this forest...." she looked at Arturo " that's good....but next time your mom tells you to do something can you tell me first?" She asked politely. " jake stay still!!" She huffed

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
Arturo looks at Lara a bit. "Tell you next time mom tells me to do something...I think I got it. But, I might forget..." He said sitting down for a moment.

" dont worry about him...." she said to Arturo. She was almost done healing jake. " lara....the magic is coming from the sky...." " shh....is the person doesn't attack then we don't need to attack the person....plus I need to finish heal jake" she said to kero.

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
MemoriesofXemnas updated Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild] with a new update entry:



So I see that the roleplay is turning out good. I know I havent been posting, but by sunday I should be up and about for posting so who ever wants to roleplay with me then come and contact me when i get back!



Read the rest of this update entry...
Jake lays there worrying about dusty waiting for lara to hurry up, he looks over at the now sitting Arturo, "I should be helping him look for someone"

He shakes a little trying to get up again


Rasid looks towards the forest with a sad sigh talking aloud "why have you failed us brother" He than places both his hands together in front of him than he slowly moves his left hand down and his right hand up, each emitting a pure white light. After they both reach their apexes he claps and a wave off light washes down over the raven tail guild, the blast causing his rough light drawn image to become a very entritic and complex bow. Rashid draws a white arrow of light from an invisible quiver and takes aim at the forest close to dusty, than with the mummer of a sentence "Deus lux est ignis," he lets the arrow of white hot light slam into the forest lighting 3 large trees alight.

Dusty was lucky he was able to smell the magic before it hit him. He watched three trees around him burst into flame. He had managed to see the arrows before impact, but he couldn't tell if it was lightening or light magic. Whatever it was, it had come from above him. He growled and looked up, squinting his eyes as something shined above him. Was that who had attacked him? He growled more, then prepared himself to jump. He had to make it perfect to hit him. He aimed himself at the glow of light.
Lara was finished healing jake "done!" She then grabbed him and arturo and moved out of the way from the arrows. She coated her feet in wind magic and flew up to the air and looked around. She spotted rashid and her eyes widen " you!!! Did you shoot those arrows?!?!" She glared at him ready to fight him.

@Tj Pomroy @Orion @Refaulted
It had been a few hours since Ryos had felt the powerful magic explosion. From what he gathered from surrounding citizens, the explosion had come from none other than Raven Tail. Apparently, just two wizards of a dark guild had decimated the entire guild hall. Many of Raven Tail's mages were lost.

Ryos did what he would always do in a situation he had no control over. He went back to Lamia Scale. Sure, Raven Tail was destroyed and sure, it would have been nice of him to go help out. However, Raven Tail was not his guild, and it was none of his concern. But his master was having none of it. When more information had been attained, the guild master had assigned Ryos the task of representing Lamia Scale effort to bring the criminals who destroyed Raven Tail to justice. The bad part? He had to join a group of wizards from other guilds to do it...
Dusty releases the launch, flying up to where Lara is. Closer up, he could tell it was Rashid. He growled. "You...!" Dusty's arms immediately hardend into stone. "Why did you attack us!"
Rainfall.. Heh... Michael smiled while he watched Dusty going away. He closed his eyes, deciding to take a nap under the rain for a while.

Streets on fire. Rains of gold. Fear it not if the reign unfolds. Roars of desire, blinds over the fire. What do you fear little Michael? What do you fear the most? Where are you running to? I'll always be next to you. You can't hide at home, you can't hide at the sea. You can't run away from me. I'm gonna get you. Sooner or later, I always end up getting up, don't I, Michael? Hahaha, I'm always watching. I'll know when you'll weaken. And I know that you want me too. I'm the only one who was always here for you.

Michael woke up, with a little headache. He had that same nightmare long ago, always ending up with a huge black hand coming down from the skies and grabbing him by the neck. In this past two days, he was wondering so much about himself. Did his learning of lightning magic was somehow related by the fear he had of his inner darkness? He didn't know, but it was very likely. He always felt like he would end up doing something bad due to the fact that he always felt a little pleasure in chaos and disorder, but he never actually picked a side for making it happen. He just liked to see the shock and surprise on people's faces. It was about time he used this to something good. No longer feeling tired, he stood up. He asked himself if he should go back to Sabertooth or look for his group. He didn't knew where they were, but being the troublemakers that they were, they were probably near the forest. It took him a while to get there. He couldn't see Dusty, but Jake, Lara and Arturo were apparently picking a fight with someone. A light was coming down from heaven.

"Hey guys, what did I miss? And where's Dusty?"

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy @Orion
Jake pulls himself to her to not fall looking around charging a blast of water, not getting it all quickly because he was still exhausted


Rashid looks over with another clap and the sound the thunder a bright bright light shot out all around blinding everybody nearby, as he disappears appearing back at his little spot for mediating on the raven tail ruins
"Can't...see...!" Dusty place's his hands over his eyes, trying to rub the light out of them. He doesn't notice himself falling down to the ground. He keeps trying to rub his eyes, roaring at what Rachid did. He also keeps falling at deadly speed to the ground.
Jake hears dusty and pushes away from lara the water jets shooting him right to dusty as he wraps his armds around dusty them slowing to a small thund on the ground

Michael covered his eyes as a bright blinding light came from above. He felt a bit stronger when it hit him. He turned himself towards the rest of the group again, a little bit confused and concerned. "Okay, just what the hell was that?!". Three large trees were burning down at the forest. Dusty was falling down from the skies very fast. "Oh, come on!". Jake used his water magic to give him a safe landing. What the hell..?! "What the hell did I missed?"

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Orion
Dusty finally can see again, and sees Jake holding him. Dusty immediately jumps out of Jake's arms, still having his eyes adjust. "I'm fine! Where's Rachid?!" He walks blindly into a tree, then roars as he takes a deep breath, trying to pinpoint Rachid's location with scent.
Michael covered his eyes as a bright blinding light came from above. He felt a bit stronger when it hit him. He turned himself towards the rest of the group again, a little bit confused and concerned. "Okay, just what the hell was that?!". Three large trees were burning down at the forest. Dusty was falling down from the skies very fast. "Oh, come on!". Jake used his water magic to give him a safe landing. What the hell..?! "What the hell did I missed?"

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Orion
Lara covers her eyes and growled " bastard!!!!" She want to go after him but sees dusty falling. " damn it!!" She was about to undo her wind magic but see jake catch dusty " I am going after rashid!!!" She yells " kero stay here!!" She concentrates and trys to sense his magic. She then flys of in that direction, which was towards the raventail guild.

@Tj Pomroy
Dusty turns to Michael, seething. "We're gonna miss out on kicking the living daylights out of Rachid!" Dusty sprints off in the direction of the town, now knowing the scent of Rachid. He was not gonna let him get away. He also smelled Lara near him, but he kept his eyes on his target, which was the Raven Hall site.
Lara also senses dusty also heading towards rashid. After a few minutes lara and dusfy get to the site. Lara uses her re-equip magic and takes out her daggers and prepares to fight.

@Tj Pomroy


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