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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Michael watched as the strange man walked away, leaving some bandages behind. He didn't actually cared for who the man was, he just knew that surely wasn't a nice fellow and was glad that he didn't took advantage of Michael's bad condition. He had pushed himself too hard covering all that area as a lightning. His lips were a bit dry, but luckily, the rain was falling upon them. He thought that all he could do right now was resting there for a bit. He didn't had the strenght to catch the bandages the odd man dropped. I could definetely go for a beer right now.
Arturo kept walking and pulled out a piece of gum. "This is boring. Wait...I have an idea..." he said to himself. He pulled out a match from his pocket. But, he may or may not be intending to set the forest on fire once again after they had just put it out.
Lara and kero were sitting on the looking at the sky. She started to sing softly. Kero laid down next to her and listened.
Dusty had decided to go look for the guy from Sabertooth. It bothered him that he hadn't shown up. He walked along the streets, smelling the air around him for his stench. He finally found him in an alley, doused in rain. He looked at him for a few moments, waiting to see if he would be acknowledged.
Arturo looked up at the sky. "You really think I should do it? Well if you say so. But, it might cause problems for some people maybe...Yes, I understand." he said chewing his piece of gum and lighting the match. "Whatever you say.." he threw the match onto a tree lighting it on fire. "Hope you are right about this..???"
Jake screams seeing the match a big blast of water shoots out directly at the tree hitting the match perfectly putting it out before it could catch "why the hell did you do thatVl

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"The tree is wet...Yes, I know...well try another." Arturo said lighting another match and throwing it at a tree he knew wasn't wet. "This will work right?"
He scream again a jet of water hitting the tree than he turns freezing the bow of matches in his hand "knock it off"

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Arturo looked back at him. "Oh...so you are the one interfering with her plan." he turned to him. "You should probably just go home and get some rest...after all you got what you came for right?"

@Tj Pomroy
Jake growls and draws two ice swords "what the hell do you mean?" He gets in a defensive stance

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Arturo looked at him confused he wasn't sure he said anything that would provoke him."What do you mean what do I mean?" he asked him not wanting to really fight.
Michael opened his eyes upon hearing the footsteps of someone. Please don't be the crazy guy. It wasn't. Dusty entered the alley. It seemed like him was sniffing for lightning magic. Michael wished that he could hide himself. He didn't liked that anyone seeing him as the mess that he was right now. He smiled at Dusty. "How do I look?"

Dusty walked over and sat down next to Michael. He looked at the opposite wall, laughing. "Like you just got out of a war, buddy." Dusty reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flask, handing it to Michael. Michael looked terrible, so Dusty decided the drink won't hurt him. "That was you who put out the fire, right? Almost had to waste some energy of my own on that." He looked at Michael's battered state, then winced. "Good job."
Michael laughed a little bit. He took the flask and had to make a big effort to take it to his lips. He took a nice long gulp of it and then returned it to Dusty. "Yeah. Making rain and stuff. Pretty cool, but it hurts like a thousand nails under your skin", he said, smiling. He wondered where was everybody else. "Where's the people? Did you guys found the light god slayer?"
Dusty nodded. "Yeah, we did. He's out somewhere with the rest of them. I came looking for you." Dusty looks up at the rain still falling. "What are you scared of, Michael? I'm just wondering." Dusty was actually curious. He didn't want this guy to break if he was taking him with them on the trip. He needed to make friends with everybody. He decided this when the fire was put out. He looked at Michael for an answer.
Lara gor up and said to kero " we should go to the corest and check for clues...." kero nodded and the two started to head towards the forest.

Michael thought about Dusty's question. What does Michael Whithand fears? He didn't had quite an answer. What was really his worst fear? He feared death, but not as much as he did before. He feared that he would die as a nobody, but he also feared that he would die well known. It was hard to him to define fear. He didn't cared even for the lives of his family, he never liked them. What did he liked? He liked people. He liked watching them as they would go through the problems in their lives, always solving everything, sometimes not solving anything at all. In the end, during all of his life, he always managed to do whatever he wanted to do. He liked his freedom. "I fear the shadows. The darkness. Death. I fear that if those things get a bigger share of the world, I won't be able to see the beauty in it". He turned his eyes towards Dusty. "What do you fear?"
Dusty smiled. His was logical. "What do I fear? I don't know if you're gonna find this funny or not, but I'm scared of pain. Not my pain, but others. I don't want to see the people around me suffer. But I do a terrible job at it. I just want to push a lot of people away so I don't hurt them." Dusty looks down at his hands. He grits his teeth together. "I want to take the damage for them. I want to be a shield, and not a weapon. I want to protect, not destroy. But I always do the opposite of what I want. I break what I try to mend. I maim what I try to guard. That's why I'm called the Monster of the Earth. Because I hurt people more than I help them." Dusty balls his hands into fists, until his knuckles are white. He sighs, then laughs. "Funny. You and I have almost the same fear."
Lara and kero got to the corest and startrd to look around. Everthing was charred. The once lush forest is now in ruins. " kero do you smell anything??" "Just smoke and.." she sniffed the air " arturo and jake...." "what are they still doing here??" Mero shrugged and lara started walking to them


@Tj Pomroy
Jake growls and stares at him "what are you doing? why are you trying to burn the forest down?" He sends several jets off water all over the forest getting all the nearby trees wet

Michael smiled. "Yep, almost". He looked at Dusty while he analyzed his hands. "You might think that of yourself, that you destroy more than you protect, but maybe that's what you need to be to protect the people, a Monster. The things that are lurking in the world, hurting the people, they certainly are scary. We need something scarier. You can fight with a sword and a shield, but you can also fight with two swords. If you cut someone while saving them from a fire, you're still better than the fire". Michael started to think about the dark guilds. About the damage they could cause. He had a vision of a possible future, where they would make Fiore fall on their knees. A future where they would make everyone beg. He then said a thought out loud, without noticing. "Because there are some things that just have to be destroyed, for the sake of the whole".
Lara and kero was peacefully walking towards them when she and kuro saw water coming out of nowhere, on instinct lara used thunder magic and electrocuted the water and the user. She also dodged it so she wouldn't get wet.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake screams falling back convulsing on the ground too unprepared to avoid it, the water on the ground around him arcs the sparks as they bounce back frying him over and over again his body shaking and constantly screaming

Dusty laughed. "Hell yeah, there is. And we're gonna destroy each one until we can have peace. A world without pain...protected by a monster...Tch..." Dusty flexed his hands, then outstretched one to Michael. "I guess the Monster of the Earth and the King of Rainfall are gonna work together. I'm gonna call you that from now on, got it?" Dusty smiled, hoping Michael would make a good ally. He wanted to help Raven Tail, and make this place peaceful. He stood up. "Sorry, but I gotta go now. Talk to you tomorrow." With that, Dusty ran off.
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Lara hears the screaming and her eyes widen 'oh god....' she ran over to jake ' what have I have done' she undid the thunder magic and started healing him " I am soo sorry..."

@Tj Pomroy

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