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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty winces at the thought of falling. "Do not even joke about that right now." Dusty just wanted to be on the ground before he had a mental breakdown.
" huh...so did know me......wait...how di you know it was me?? I could have been some random person passing by.."

Lara said to Arturo.

Dusty hesitantly walks closer to Jake. He breathes rapidly, already feeling a panic attack. He grabs onto Jake, feeling more paranoid by the second.
Arturo caught himself a bit to late and tried to get out of it. "You mentioned it back when we first met didn't you?" Arturo decided to change the subject before he got in to deep."So, what types of magic do you use?"

Jake giggles and kisses him again softly "scardy cats a cutie" jack flys back towards the mountain there an open cave there.


Looks out the cave entrance too to the flying guys smiling inside the good "welcome to my domain"

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As soon as his feet touch the ground, Dusty collapses, pressing himself as hard as he possibly could against the earth beneath him. He feels himself start to calm down, then looks at the figure in the entrance of the cave. Dusty slowly sits up, regaining himself, then looking at Jake, baring his teeth. "I'll get you for this, Lover Boy. You wait." Dusty turns back to the figure watching them. "Who are you?"
Lara sighed " no...I dont think we evsr talked " I use re-equip and close combat elemental magic...." "I use lighe and speed magic" kero said to arturo

Arturo sighed that she wasn't pressing that matter any further. "Interesting styles I suppose. That's all part of the game though." He went through his bag and took out another chocolate ball. "You certainly are interesting."



Rashid moves limping forward leanin heavily on his staff "it's been a while since one heard that, what is it you need child?"

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Jake smiles and winks back at dusty "I'm counting on it cutie" he than moves to bow I'm front of the figure

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Dusty growls, then turned to the man that was standing in front of them. "Listen, we have a problem. One of the Mage's Guild Halls was destroyed today. From the one of the only surviving members, he said that it was two powerful mages that destroyed it. Our friend is a God Slayer, and not even HE could defeat them. We need help form whoever possible." Why did Jake have to be such a nuisance? Dusty examined the man in front of him. Was this the Light God Slayer? He smelled like light magic, and strongly, too.
"You'll find out soon enough." Arturo said to Lara. "I mean...whenever we have to fight anyway, you'll find out about what types of magic I use. Though, I already know even infiltrating the dark guilds." He eyed her cat." Won't reveal anything of this." Arturo ate the chocolate ball whole and found himself choking a little.

Jake move kiss dustys face all over repeatedly licking him all over


Rashid moves to limp outside the cave "and you request me? My help?"

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Dusty pushes Jake away, glaring at him. He was tired of Jake doing that. He was tired of all this stuff. He just wanted to get this over with. He turned to the man. "Because we need powerful allies. And you are the Light God Slayer. Very powerful." Dusty was still fuming at Jake, but he tried to keep his voice steady while speaking to the man.
Lara and Kero looked at him "ok....how did you know that I infiltrated a dark guild" kero said " and you never answered my question on how you knew my identity...." lara said to him "did you follow us??" Kero asked

"To answer your question talking freaky cat...I ...overheard you whispering it to Lara.." Arturo said looking around a while. "I didn't follow you at all. I'm not a stalker or anything." He answered ignoring the question on how he knew her identity.

Jake jumps up on his back ride him around playing with his hair "cutie"


Rashid walks forward "let's go than" he floats up as a circle of light forms under him carrying him upward

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Dusty looks at the man, baffled. "J...just like that? No arguments or anything?" He pushes Jake of again, whirling on him, now unable to control himself. "JAKE! STOP! I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK I'M CUTE OR WHATEVER! JUST GOD DAMN STOP!" Dusty hears his voice echo through the mountaintops, panting and fuming.

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