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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo fell backwards onto the ground putting a chocolate ball in his mouth."Everyone sounds weak with a title. The world's biggest coward could sound strong with one. But, when it really comes down to it. It fails them." He eyed Lara as he chewed on his candy."Nice to meet you." he said with his mouth full and some of it coming from the side of his mouth.
Dusty scowls. "You can determine my strength from my name? I don't care about my title. I don't need it. You don't know how powerful I am." Dusty glares at the boy.
You know as much as I do... The words echoed in the mind of Michael during a while. The expression on his face was paralyzed while everybody else finished their introductions. He only noticed that he was staying still when his eyes started to feel itchy. He blinked. That could be a very solid clue. Why would they do something like that? What was the importance of this boy, if he was important at all? People are dying and being chased and hunt by illegal dark guilds. "Anybody else heard this? Nobody else thought this is really really weird? Dark guilds chasing people out of the blue, and then a legal guild explodes?"
Arturo blinked at Dusty confused ."I'll label you as not the brightest. I think you misunderstood my point." Arturo pulled out a small bag of chips and began to snack some more. Looking towards Micheal. "Maybe forced recruitment? That's the only thoughts I got I mean who knows?" he offered him a chip.
"Yeah, that's what the Dark God Slayer said". That story was just getting weirder every minute. Like it was some sort of conspiracy. Mages killing others, trying to force them to work, recruiting them for... What for? That was the big question. What was the plan? The plan that it was so massively supported by then that they risked everything blowing up a dark guild? Michael took the chip that Arturo offered him and ate it fast, as if the chewing sound would make him think faster about the subject. "But recruiting for what? What the hell are they planning?"
Dusty stared murderously at the Arturo. He didn't pay attention to Michael. He inhales deeply, then slams his now stone fist into the ground, cracking the debris and going down into the earth underneath. After a second of some more controlled breathing, he pulls his fist out, making dust rise up and out of the spot where he had left an indent. He looks at it for a moment, then smiles back a Arturo. "Sorry, but when you grow up in the mountains, then you get a thick skull." He converts his arm back to normal, then stands patiently. "Maybe to take over Fiore?"
Arturo busted out in laughter over what Dusty had just done. "Man...short tempered I'll have to remember that." he quickly regained himself after nearly choking on a chip. Looking back at Michael he said to him. "War...Ritual...Spells....Sacrifices...anything really."
Dusty can't help but laugh himself. He was short-tempered, which helped him in a lot of fights. He had won most of them through sheer lunatic power. Dusty thinks. "Well, we won't know unless we start preparing. We need enough people so that we can travel efficiently and with enough man-power to fight these guys. Which means we need to see if any more Dragon and God Slayers are in the city. Then we see if there are any other mage's that are strong enough." Dusty turns to Arturo. "You should come along."
Anything. That was too vague, but yes, they could be doing a lot of stuff. Michael thought the they were most likely making an army for a war. Maybe they were trying to rule the city, something like that. He heard the words from Dusty. The best thing to do now was indeed gathering man power. "Let's go to the bar."
Kero sighed 'did anyone listen to what I said back near the bar??' She sighed again. Lara patted her head " dont worry about it..." " they didn't listen..." yeah...." lara took out a sandwich from her and started to eat it.
Dusty stretches, then starts to head over to the bar. Just looking at it made him woozy. He remembered his first and last trip to the bar, and it always made him nauseous. His stomach growled too, since he hadn't eaten lunch or dinner. He groaned and leaned against the bar, noticing the sandwich Lara was eating. He felt bad for fighting with her before, but he had his reasons. He wanted this to be productive, so Jake and Lara would have to be focused on the task rather than each other.
Michael started to walk towards the bar. He was never very confident about his magic skills, but overall he seemed to be doing okay in the matter of the exploded building. Sooner or later they would get at the hideout where the 'evil' mages where hiding, and all his questions would be answered. That was all that interested him. He heard Lara talking and turned to take a better look at her. "What did you said?"

Kero looked at Micheal " I said that the dark guilds that was connected to ecidnas that lara destroyed were them talking about taking over fiore and plans on destroying guilds....and gathering forces..." kero repeated. Lara took out a sandwich and tossed is to dusty.

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
Jake smiles and looks around speaking to dusty directly "I've heard of a light god slayer. We could I talk to him. He's eminesaly powerful and damgerous"

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Dusty leaps forward and catches the sandwich in his mouth, hastily devouring it in one bite. His stomach growls again, then he scowls. "Quiet you." He punches himself in the stomach, lightly, then stretches. "Thanks, Lara." Dusty turns to Jake, raising his eyebrow. "Light God Slayer, you say? Sounds strong." Dusty smiles wolfishly, thinking. "Wonder if he'll want to fight..."
Shoot. Now everything is clear. Michael returned to his usually bored state. Now that his main question was answered, he was a bit less excited. But a bit of his excitement returned when he thought about the people from Echidna. He wondered about what drove them mad, why were they so full of hate and everything. Now, he was curious about their past, about what had made them be what they were. He kept walking towards the bar, ignoring the talk about a light god slayer. "Let's go to the bar anyway. From there we can find some information about this Light God Slayer".

@Refaulted @Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and growls playfully at dusty "wanna go find him. I heard he loves a good fight"

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Dusty cracks his knuckles, eyes sparking (figure of speech. not magic.) "Let's go!" With that, Dusty runs forward, not knowing where he was going except for his sense of smell telling him. He just had to pick up a strong scent of light magic, then they would find him.
Jake jumps up ice wings forming on his back catching up to dusty flying around buildings kicking him in the back of the head

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Dusty almost trips, laughing. When Jake comes down for another kick, then reaches up to grab him, smiling. He had never had fun in Blue Pegausus, so this was great. And he couldn't wait to find the Light God Slayer. He had never fought one before, so he was pumped.
Arturo was confused on where everyone went. "They're gone. How dull." he said to himself scratching his head. "Guess they found out what they wanted to do though." he patted himself off and wiped the chocolate from his mouth.
Jake wraps his legs around dustys neck pulling him backwards flipping him over pinning him down freezing him down to the ground

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Dusty easily breaks out of the ice, then looks at Jake. "What are you doing? I thought we are going to find the Light God Slayer, not fight each other." Dusty scoffs and continues to run, smelling the air for magic.
Jake speeds up jumping onto am ice panther shooting faster forward "you gotta catch me first first

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