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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty sighs. "Well, I say we wait until we can get a couple more people. If we can't get anyone before tomorrow evening, we go out ourselves." Jake seemed to be very impatient, and it was ticking Dusty off. They needed time to prepare.
Jake growls at dusty poking him in the chest "Well you best go find someone dirt boy" Jake turns back to lara watching her talk to the kid he walks over behind her whispering a little "what do you think of him?"

@Evergreen98 @Refaulted
Jake nods and takes her hand pulling her away to talk to her "can you think harder please, we need to know who he is and what he's doing here, I'm nervous he's here to cause more harm" He looks here in the eyes the first time letting all the emotion coming out his eyes softening "Please lara"

Lara looked at him and then at the boy for a few seconds. Then something clicked "....I saw him walkong out of a destroyed dark guild before....all the members in there was slaughtered...." she said remembering the the dead bodies under the rubbles

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo sighed a bit almost making a small building out of dice. Then, he looked towards the girl that had arrived not to long ago. "Long time no see." he said loud enough for both of them to hear waving at the girl.
Jake growls a little moving to stand in between lara and the boy "sounds bad, but sounds like help" hhe turns to the boy his eyes narrow "may I ask what youre doing here?" He looks around seeing him alone not all that worried

@Evergreen98 @Orion
Lara turned around and looked at the boy " and it seemed like he saw me as well" she said to jake. She stood next to jake " calm down..." she looked at the boy and waved back " nice to see you again..." she smiled at him.
Arturo looked at her."One-hundred members..." he said to her starting to put the dice away. Carefully looking over both of them putting the final piece up.
Dusty watches them from a distance. He tries to think of who he could convince to help them, and then growled at Jake for making him in charge of that. He wonders if he could get some of the other mage's who had been fighting before to help them. Ajax had talked about someone that would help.
' 100 members?? Is this kid trying to keep score??' " you defeated a hundred dark guild members?" She asked him. Kero jumped on her shoulder "....He is the other person that went around destroying dark guilds....his title is 'terror of death' the council is also lookong for him like they are with you" she whispered in her ear.

@Tj Pomroy @Orion
Killed many people? Is it normal around here for every kid to have a body count? Michael kept looking at the boy confused while the others came and started to ask questions. It seemed like this new boy and the girl knew each other. Killing buddies, I presume. Hearing Dusty talking, Michael nodded with his head. He looked back at the new boy with silver hair. "First of all, I don't trust in someone who just appears out of nowhere saying he has killed a lot of people already. Second of all, there's not much we can do now. We're getting strong, skilled and experient mages, and I'm sorry to say that despite your pride, you're not strong enough for the guys we're taking down. You and light girl there think that because you're bounty hunters this should be easier for you, but these guys we're dealing with defeated a Dark God Slayer. Two goddamn guys, defeating a God Slayer and his army. I'm sorry to say that this ain't going to be easy, but feel free to go if you're feeling brave enough".
Jake looks at lara leaning in so his lips barely touched her ear whispering to her "so you know this kid? I agree with Michael he probably shouldn't join us" Jake stays close to lara eyeing the kid up and down Noticing the silverhair and the green eyes

" hey!! I am not a bounty hunter I was just a traveller looking for a guild to join!!! And we just saw each other we never exactly talked or hung out! And I dont kill dark guild members I destroy their guild and beat them up..." she aid to micheal " would guys stop talking like you know me..." she sighed. She then said to jake " I never said anything aboit him coming with us"

"Pride? What pride is in killing? It's wrong either way." Arturo said to him scratching his arm."Besides, Dragon slayers nor god slayers are immortal. You think beating a Slayer is a feat? Only a kid would think that." Arturo began thinking a bit."Bounty hunter? Is that what you would call it? I am no bounty hunter, boy! But, your false courage is annoying me. Perhaps, it would best you disappear into darkness...like the thunder clap?"


@Tj Pomroy
Jake nods and looks away from lara with a quite "sorry" Jake walks up to the boy and kneels down offering hhim his hand "im sorry if we offended you. were all on edge around here. Hi whats your name?"
Dusty yawns, then walks over to where they are all surrounding the boy. He stands behind Lara, watching Jake and the other boy.
"I'm talking about this pathetic pride and self conceit that you have on your skills. You think you're coming there like you're some goddamn Natsu ancient legendary hero and just kill them all? That's really not how things work. And what are you going to tell me now? Not a bounty hunter? That's even worse. Why would you kill lots and lots of people then? To feel better about yourself? To take revenge? Because it amuses you? Just tell me the reason as to why you do what you do and then maybe if we buy it, you'll have the trust. Disrespecting the God Slayer that was attacked here by the way, it's a bad start". Michael tried to stay controlled. He kept thinking about the explosion, the destroyed building and Nixis. Those were the main things to focus right now, the reasons why they were all there. They deserved more respect than they were getting.

@Orion @Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98 @Refaulted
Arturo looked at him. "I know my limitations. I can tell when someone is stronger than me. Besides, they attacked me first I only defended myself. In every killing I've done it was self-defense regardless of that title 'Terror of Death' everyone slings around. Besides, you act as if a God slayer or Dragon slayer are that of gods. That's why I showed disrespect. No, offense to whoever that guy is though." Arturo looked at the hand offered to him. He answered back to him in the kindest possible way. "I'm sorry but you should introduce yourself first before asking people's names shouldn't you?"


@Tj Pomroy

Lara sighed and decided to be quie. She isn't gonna explain her reason to micheal and she sure as hell doesn't care what he thinks of her. All the dark guilds she destroyed brought relief to many people. Sure a tiny bit of it is revenge but the rest to stop them so people don't go through the same thing she did.
Self defense? What the hell? Michael still wasn't trusting the boy, but now he seemed a bit less suspicious. Someone from the dark guilds wouldn't have used that excuse. Michael held out his hand towards the silver haired boy. "I'm Michael Whithand, from the Sabertooth guild. Why the hell were all this dark guilds after you?"

Dusty leans over Lara's shoulder, smiling. "Donald 'Dusty' Hauns, Monster of the Earth, from Blue Pegausus." They needed all the help he could get, and he smelled powerful magic on this boy.
Arturo reached for his outward hand. "Um, I'm Arturo Lorde, from the not a guild. As to your question...you know about as much as I do." Arturo looked at the guy leaning of Lara. "Weird....funny how titles make people sound so weak."
Dusty smiled, trying not top show any anger. "I didn't give myself the title. My fellow members did. I don't care if it makes me sound weak. You never know someone's strength until you fight them."
Lara took a step forward, Dusty was a little too close to her. Lara walked up to the boy " I am lara...lara everlast...nice to meet you Arturo" "and iam kero" kero said to him and she sat on lara's shoulder.

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