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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty looks at her, then turns away, scowling. "We won't make it far if you can't stop yawning for five damn minutes. Sure you won't pass out on your feet? Or do you need something to wake you up?" He turns to Jake. "And as much as I hate to admit it, we will need him with us. He's a brat, but he's a strong brat." He sighs. He felt weary himself. He looked back at the orb, then put it in his pocket.
Lara sighs " I just arrived at the city today and alot has happened since...I got attacked by dark guild members, got dragged around all day by jake, healed nixis' s wounds, fought a dark guild member that uses craft magic....used 3 or two big spells...." she explained " yes I am yawning but I am not complaining that I am tired..." she stretched a little " all I am saying that I wont be dead wait if we head out now"
Dusty shakes his head. "You may just be dead weight anyways..." He didn't want to drag this girl along with them, even though she seemd to have potential. He just thought that he, Nixis, and Jake could handle it enough. He didn't want the girl there to distract them, especially Jake. They seemed to have a thing, so they would just slow them down together.
" I am not going to be dead weight" she glared at him " dont underestimate me just because I am a girl..." she didn't like to be underestimate just because she is a girl. Kero sighed " she is going to come wheather you like it or not"
Dusty growls at Lara. "I don't give a damn about your gender. I just know that us three are probably more powerful than you. And you and Jake seem to be too close to make good progress. You'll distract him from our current goal. Understand now?" He had walked menacingly right up to Lara. He looked down at her, waiting to see how she would act in this situation. He had nothing against her. He just wanted this to be over and done so everyone would be happy.
Lara raised and eyebrow " are you seriously worried about that? We're just friends" " yes 'friends'...."kero muttered. Lara sighed " look take me along and if I am dead weight then you can leave me behind and continue on..."
Dusty shook his head. "OR, you can just stay here. Listen, really, I mean no offense, but if they took down Nixis, then what makes you think you have a chance at fighting them? You don't. That's the thing. Just stay here with the other mages." Lara was really starting to anger Dusty. Why did she want to go so badly? He had to make her stay.
" listen....if a dark guild is involved I AM going" lara said not backing down from dusty. " and you haven't seen me fight so don't go around saying that I am going to die so easily. And nixis was caught off guard" " dusty give it up...your not going to be able to change her mind" kero said to him
Dusty looked at the cat, then at Lara. He crossed his arms. "If you want to leave this city, then you will have to get through me first. I don't care what you say. I will not allow you to leave here." He bared his teeth at her. If he had to fight her, then he knew it would be easier than Jake. He had to keep her here. He felt his skin on his forearms harden.
" why do you want to keep me herr so badly?!?!" She fumed " I can take csre of myself. I dont need you to worry about me!!! I am going!!! I am not going to let a dark guild do whatever it wants!!! I am going with you to stop them!! And there is nothing you can do to stop me or change my mind!!!!" She bursted out.
Dusty smiled widely. "You wanna take your bets on that? I have my reasons for wanting you here. We can avoid conflict if you just stay in the city." He felt his arms become fully rock, preparing himself. "No doubt you can take care of yourself. But have you seen the destruction they caused? They leveled an entire guild hall! Just stay for your own god damn safety!" He was furious right now. He tried to will himself to calm down, but he had his blood boiling,
" um...if it helps....she took out 5 dark guilds all by herself in one day" kero sadi to dusty. Lara wasn't listening to kero " do you really expect me to stay here and wait while those bastards are out there planning who knows what?!?!....I dont need safety I want to destroy them!!!" Kero blinked. She looked through her bag and took out a bottle of water and splashed it on lara's face.
Dusty looked stupefied for a second as the cat splashed water on Lara's face, then started chuckling. He ended up laughing, pointing at Lara's face and trying to regain his breath. "Haha! You...you...!" Dusty keeps laughing, then looks up. "5 dark guilds, eh?" This got Dusty thinking.
Lara blinked and shook her head and kero handed her a towel. " thanks kero..." she saod as she wiped her face " no problem you always go haywire when a dark guild has done something unforgivable....or was about to do something unforgivable" lara sighed and nodded remembering her parents deaths. She gripped the the towel " I hate them..." she muttered.
Dusty looks up at her, finally done laughing but still chuckling slightly. "I believe I know who you are now." Dusty shakes his head, and sighs. "Sorry, I just sometimes go haywire myself over stupid things like that. I needed a good fight to relieve some stress, and I thought you wouldn't mind." He looked at the cat. "Kero, huh? Cool name. But let me say, I'm not changing my mind. Right now. How can I know you can fight the dark guild with us? I have no idea of your performance in battle first-hand."
Lara took the water from kero and drank it. Kero looked at dusty " hey! Just because I am cat doesn't mean I can't fight!! " lara looked at dusty " why dont you take me along and find out for yourself"

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((Sorry for the extremely late reaction))

Ajax fell out of his seat after he felt the tremor, caused by the explosion of the Raven Tail Guild Hall. Ajax fell out of his seat and made a load groaning sound. He stood up and then went outside, he saw that Michael was already a few blocks away, running as fast as he could to the smoke where the Raven Claw Guild Hall should be. Ajax made an icy tower so that he could get a closer look at what happened from an aerial perspective. His suspicions were true, the hall seemed to be little more than a smoldering pile of ash and debris. Ajax flinched a bit, frightened. He couldn't even remember a time when the Raven Tails didn't have a guild hall, it was before his time. Ajax descended the tower quickly and then opened the door to the bar then he yelled, "Yo! Flamer! I'm all for petty bar fights but we need to get over to the Raven Tail Guild Hall right now! It's gone, dude!... Just... gone." Ajax snapped out of his moment of somberness and then peeled out through the door, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. He slammed his hands together and yelled, "Ice-maker magic! Pathway!" A pathway large enough for only one person at a time sprung from the ground and stretched halfway across town, it was in the shaped of a helix. It was a gorgeous creation, as usual. He could have made a straight one, but there was no style in that, in his opinion. Ajax took off his shoes and put them in his backpack. Then he began to skate on the pathway, barefooted, slow at first, but soon at a blistering speed. As he spun in the helix, he could feel a strong g-force on top of him. It caused him to crouch down to an uncomfortable position. Ajax ran out of track moments later and went flying into the air, he was going in the direction of the Raven Tail Guild, as planned. With his airtime, he took his boots out of his backpack and put them on, almost losing a book from his bag in the process. Ajax crashed down, feet first about a block away from a group of wizards. Ajax rose gracefully and then went over to the wizards, making sure to cover up his Fairy Tail tattoo by jamming his hand into his pocket.

Ajax walked over to the group and said calmly with a genuine sense of sorrow in his voice,
"My condolences for what happened here, is there any way that I could be of assistance, don't hesitate to ask. I don't a... I don't really know how to go about fixing this." Ajax listened in to the conversation of the nearby wizards a bit, "Did you say something about a dark guild? Are you sure that that is the cause, or is that simply speculation?" Ajax took a half step back, the conversation there was a bit tense for his liking. There was a lot of energy in the air as well, as if someone had recently electrified the air.

Location: Near the Raven Tail Guild Hall, by some of the mages nearby.

@igneel @gilwaybetternow

Geis kept running on until he got a decent distance away. "Hmph, not that impressive." He said as he slowed his pace into a slow walk.
Arturo had finally woken up from his nap. It was time to move so he got up and stretched a bit. 'What is that commotion about a guild blowing up?' thinking to himself hearing the people below him talking about it. Whether or not to check it out was on his mind. He decided against it if they couldn't protect their own comrades then they probably deserved what had happened. Arturo jumped down on the street and began walking towards the guilds location despite his thoughts.
Once again, the Earth eater was fighting with someone. This time, it was with the girl. He didn't wanted her to go. This wouldn't make much of a difference to Michael, he just wanted badly to see the people who were responsible for that, and the orb seemed to be their best shot. But then, he remembered about how the orb reacted to light magic. The only mage among them that used pure light magic was the girl, she could be necessary in case the orb would stop working. "She's coming with us. We don't know if the orb will be working all the way there, but we'll need someone who can work pure light magic". Michael stopped talking when another mage came around. He wasn't sure if the man was one of the few that were fighting in the bar or if he was just watching, but he was certain that this mage was there. He looked like a nice fellow, and offered his condolences for the happening. He looked like he was sensible to the static that the raging bolt had left in the air. Michael rubbed his hands again, trying to push some of the static away. He then turned towards the mage that recently arrived.

"It's looking like it was done by an unnofficial dark guild, and it looks like a declaration of war. We found this orb at 'dirty' boy's bag there, and it seems that it's pointing towards the direction that they headed. We'll be needing all the help we can get". Michael held out his hand towards him. "I'm Michael Whithand, from Sabertooth, by the way. And you are...?"

@David Van Aken @Refaulted @Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98
"Thank you for felling sorrow for my guild but it's not need" Nixis replied. He then looked around and sighed once more. He was tired, He was watching them trying to find the bastards who destroyed Raven Tail. "Okay People, I doubt you guys don't understand these guys power. Like I said, The Man named Meta is S rank at the very less. He was able to go up against me and even if i was unguarded it won't change the fact he was able to go toe to toe with...God I hate telling people this...A Dark God slayer." He said thinking people would start ask him has he killed a god or how he learn such magic or can he teach them.

"I want everyone to understand these guys aren't no weak mages that can be beaten by just rushing them. You would be walking into a slaughter."
Michael turned around towards the Dark God Slayer. He had no idea on what a God Slayer was, but he didn't felt like asking. It didn't matter, but it sure sounded like a strong magic. "Then what should we do? Seat here while they plan to explode another guild?"

@Kyd Jhesus @David Van Aken
Lara looked st micheal and smiled " thank you..." she sighed and drank some more water. Kero sighed in relief and jumped on lara's shoulder and sat down. She looked at dusty " thanks for caring about me.... but this is something I must or should I say...want to do... so dont try to stop me"

Ajax grinned at Michael and then took his hand out of his pocket, exposing his tattoo. Ajax went for the full on arm embrace and then said with a glint in his eye, "Ajax Wellington, the Frostbitten Prince of Fairy Tail, how do you do?... Wait, you're the fellow in the bar who didn't know what a Dragon Slayer was, correct? Sorry for the hasty explanation, I was dealing with a drunkard." Ajax's grin fell from his face and then he said with a look of exasperation on his face, "A dark guild? Seriously? Ugh, they've all been causing such a stir lately."

Ajax looked over to the other man, Nixis and then said confidently, "Well, S-class or not, that Meta fella is going down. We have a God slayer of our own, y'know. And not to mention we have a Fairy Tail guild ace right here, and a friend of mine who is also a Dragon Slayer, is already on the way over. Or at least he should be. The meathead..." Ajax rolled out his shoulder and then said, "Regardless, we have to be smart about this. I would like my master's position on this whole thing before I go to war. Do we know anything else abut the guild, weak links in their chain of guilds and such? Perhaps we could get some information on the enemy that way."

@gilwaybetternow @igneel @Infinities Lover

Lara looked at ajax " I think I destroyed a few of the dark guilds that was linked to the echidnas...." she said to him as she looked through her for and gave kero a treat.

@David Van Aken

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