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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Lara looks at jake and started lookong through her bag she carrys around everywhere she goes. After a few second she finds and bottle of water. She get up and walks over to jake. She takes him from dusty and feeds him the water.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake looks up fraily, drinking down the bottle quickly his body getting a little bigger standing up again only a little shaky not falling this time "Thanks so much.... lara"
Dusty rolls his eyes. "Just kiss and hug while you two are at it. Sheesh. Know your limits, Jake. I don't want to have to look after you if I don't have to." Dusty stands up, walking away and dropping the two items he grabbed on the destroyed bar.
Jake blushes bright red and growls " you don't have to look after me, you need to serch and I wasn't waiting for you to turn each rock okay?! im only trying to help and with the water im fine" he leans into lara and talks to her directly "no thanks sweetie im fine now"
Dusty growls again at how they were acting. He didn't like seeing other people in relationships. It bothered him, and he didn't know why. He started to open the bag, and dumps out the contents. He looks at the small orb that fell out bewildered. What was it? He reached for it, then stumbled back as it shocked him. He cried out.
Jake smirks after kissing lara cheek quickly, running over to dusty "awww how cute big scary mountain man is scared of lightening magic" Jake sticks his tongue out and smirks more
Kero started to have and laughing fit. Lara blushed a little and nodded. Her face became slightly red when he kissed. She looked at kero and walked over to her and wacked her in the head " shut it..." she muttered. Keros just kept laughing " oh come on....it's funny...." she calmed down and giggle. " yeah yeah..." she sighed. Shenlooked over at dusty who suddenly cried out. She walkedniver to see what's wrong. She looked at the strange orb. She tried touching it and also got shocked. " hmm...." she coated her hand in lighting magic and tried to touch it.
Hearing a scream from someone, Michael ran back towards the Raven's Tail guild hall ruins. A small orb was near the Pegasus member, while the boy smiled on the other side. The girl approached and seemingly was hurt by the touch of it. Michael approached everyone. "What happened?"
Dusty rubbed his hand, scowling at Jake. "I'll bash your skull open, kid." He shakes his head and stands up, then winces at the pain in his hand. He examines the ball in Lara's hand. "What is it?"
Lara shrugged, she inserted lightening magic into the blue orb to see if anything would happen.
"Let me try something stronger. Place the orb in the ground and step aside", Michael said, rubbing his hands against each other, producing little lightning sparks.

Jake watches closely still watching dusty rub his hand "wuss" turns back to lara stepping up beside her "whats happening?"
Lara looked at Michelle and place the orb on the ground and stepped aside.

Dusty stepped back, waiting for Saberboy to do something. He turns to Jake, giving him a murderous look. "Shut up, kid." He shakes his hand a bit then waits for Michael.
Dusty can't control himself any longer. He lunges at Jake, stopping a moment before connection with his fist to his face, then steps back, trying to refrain himself.
Michael rubbed his hands once more and then rubbed it in his chest. His hole body got covered in lightning sparks. He opened his arms and lifted his head towards the sky. Black clouds started to take form. "Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavensand reap destruction! RAGING BOLT!". A massive bolt of lightning came down from the skies and hit the orb. It kept going down at it for ten seconds, while Michael extended his hand forwards and yellow light came out of his eyes. After he finished it, smoke covered the orb and little sparks were roaming around, but the orb seemingly remained unchanged. "Son of a gun...", Michael said. "It ain't lightning magic, that's for sure, or it would have...", Michael stopped talking, seeing that a little light shield formed around the orb.
Dusty roars, flipping Jake off of him and rolling away. He stands up, his fists once again rock. He lunged at Jake again, ducking under him and laying a chest blow.
Lara looked at the orb "hmm.....wait...then.... do you think light magic would do something? " she asked Micheal. Kero was enjoying wa t ching jake and dusty fight. She snickered a little at the two.
"It seemed that it reacted to it a little bit. There is a little bit of light in lightning magic, but it's not purely made of it. Maybe if you try with one of your pure light magic spells, it could do something", Michael replied. He then looked at the boy and the fanged fellow. They were fighting again. He nodded at them, sarcastically. "Yes, you two are doing good. You're being really helpful now".
" ok then....let me try" lara coated her hand in light magic. A huge magic circle appeared in front of her. She punched the magic circle and laser shot out towards the orb, it got hit and the area was cover in dust.
Dusty looked up from his pummeling of Jake, just in time to see the orb shoot out a light towards the west. Dusty sat up and walked over, picking up the orb tentatively. It didn't shock him like before, but it sent a bit of static through his arms. Dusty frowned, and showed it to Lara. "It's shining the light towards the west. Maybe it is supposed to lead us to them or something?" He tosses it up and down, thinking about what the light could mean.
"Maybe...we should follow it...." she said between yawns ' oh wow...am I really that tired??' She asked herself. She shook her head and looked at the orb " yeah we should follow it and see where it leads to..."

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