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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty looks at Jake for a few more seconds, the smile still on his face. He then frowns and, quick as a flash, punches him in the shoulder, hard. It was added injury because his arm had become solid rock. He smiled innocently at Jake, tilting his head. "Wanna try again, Minty Boy, king of the Little People?"
Jake shoulder burst into a a splash frozen in midair slowly gathering back into his shoulder as he walks over and licks his cheek "nah I don't wanna try again you taste like dirt"
"Woah, chill a bit there, psycho. The boy was just trying to make a joke", Michael said, pointing to the boy before walking towards the Raven's Tail member and touching him in the shoulder to get his attention. "Look, I get that you 'think' that this is a subject for your guild to deal with, but this is a serious subject. If you want me to go away, fine, say it now, but remember that if another guild blows up, you'll be guilty of it as well for not being able to stop it before it happened."

@Refaulted @Kyd Jhesus @Tj Pomroy
Dusty growled. He knew that it would at least give him a chance to guess again. He wasn't going to hurt him. And he stumbled back as he licked his face. "Stop that! Jeez..." He sighed, and then held out his two arms. They were both made of solid stone all the way up to the elbow. He grinned. "I'm the Monster of the Earth, Man of the Mountain, Donald 'Dusty' Hauns! Earth Dragon Slayer of Blue Pegausus! Hater of being creepily licked by a little kid!" He scoffed Jake on the back of the head. "That's why I taste like dirt, moron. You guys really don't know who I am? Huh. Not really surprised, actually. I expected at least ONE of you to know, though."
Jake body changes as he becomes a blob of water that wraps around his arms like a constant lick and his face appears in the water "no you just taste like dirt nothing cool" his body slides back off walking over to Michael laying his hand on Michael's shoulder "we need all the help with can get, right nixis?"
"I don't care rock slayer, If you were of interest i would know. Mages, So chocked full of them selves. I don't know why they go and advertize there magic. I use dark magic but only a hand full of people know why type of dark magic it is."

"We are limited...Fine." Nixis finally broke. "Echidna...She was the reason this happen. I got my as hit by some mama's boy and a condescending hooker who is dress like she is loaded, I swear I don't know why a demon would wear so much make-up. Woman...so Confusing. I wonder if it would be easier if I was gay." Nixis told them giving a serious look about the whole comment.
Jake shakes his head answering just as seriously "nope not easy at all, what should be do nixis??" He looks back at dusty and sticks his tongue out.
' echidna.....' " hey didn't you destroy some of their guild's? " kero whispered to lara " I dont know....I destroyed a lot of dark guild's....I never paid attention to their sign...but...." she start4d to think a little " yeah I may have destroyed a few of their mini guilds...." lara whispered back.

@Tj Pomroy @Kyd Jhesus
Michael wanted to laugh at the way that the dark mage told the story, but he remained serious. It was better that he would remain serious during all of that. "Don't you think you can, I dunno, somehow track their magic, since they use dark magic as well?"

@Kyd Jhesus
Dusty scowls at Jake, thinking of solutions. "Which way did they go? We can pinpoint them that way." Man, dealing with Jake the whole time was gonna be tough. He would have to deal with it.
Well, there looked like trouble to everyone. Two folks walking through the town destroying guilds, for what exactly? For fun? He needed to pull out more information about it from the remaining Raven Tail's members. But now, the best thing to do was trying to find the two powerful dark mages. "Do you think there's a dark mage in town strong enough to track them?"

@Kyd Jhesus @Tj Pomroy
Dusty scratches his head. Just disappeared? Spooky. He started to examine the area. He had to find out if the attackers had left anything behind that he could use to help them. He turned back to them all. "One of you help me. Either Jake, Lara, or Saberboy." He went back to looking.
"I've heard a rumor about a light god slayer that's around here, he might have something he's immensely powerful, ill help dusty" jake walks over after explaining to Michael
" One was one dark and evil dude. The guy named Meta, His eyes wear pure evil. He slaughtered our weaker members with ease." Nixis walked back to the bar and took a seat. "He was able to go toe to toe with me...Neither of use went 100 percent but he was just amazing. He countered my Dark blast with his own Telekinetic blast." Nixis looked up the group. "These people...are at less S rank."

"They didn't use dark magic. One was a demon, Echidna. I doubt you can track her with magic.:
Dusty acknowledges Jake, and starts to pick up the rubble that is laying around, checking for anything that would be worthwhile to them. He wanted to help these guys get revenge on this Echidna woman. He checked under a rock, and almost retched at the sight of a dead body. He quickly but gently put the rock back down.
"Damn... Somebody gotta track them..." , Michael looked at the ground, desolated. One day after he got in the town and stuff like this already starts to happen. He wondered if his plans of being a mage would go down the flush. No. He wouldn't let it happen. Whoever those two were, they were playing god with everyone, and someone had to something. Sooner or later they would find someone stronger that would break them. He turned back to the wounded man. "Do you think that if we gathered the stronger mages from every guild, we could take them down? And in an unrelated subject, what's your name again?"

@Kyd Jhesus
Jake closes his eyes focusing hard whispering to dusty "you have 30 seconds to look around all this rocks and debris are going to be floating" and in that instant he shatters apart one drop of water lifting each rock holding for as long as jake could manage with the tons of debris he was now currently holding up

Lara and kero decided to help dusty look for clues. Lara was trying her best not to start yelling at the council members, since they were just standing there looking at them. Kero keeping an eye lara to make sure she doesn't burst. When jake lifted the rocks lara and kero quickly looked underneath it.

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted
Dusty laughed, and started to scan the ground quickly, then spotted what seemed to be fabric. I seemed to shine, so he picked it up. He stuffed it in his pocket, then continued to look around. He spotted a small bag as well, with an odd symbol on the front of it. He picked it up as well, then jumped to a spot where debris wouldn't hit him.
Jake screams as the rocks fall down hard leaving his body laying on top shaking and his nose bleeding a little from all the exertion he was panting and his vision blurry "get.....Anything?" He asked shakily
Lara and kero also moved out of the way. " I want to sleep...." lara muttered. Kero laughed "me too" the two yawned at the same time.
Dusty stared at Lara and her cat, shaking his head. He walks over to Jake, moving him so he is propped up. "Yeah, I found this." He holds up the cloth, wincing at the brightness of it, then the bag he had found. He looked at Jake's nose bleeding, and scoffed. "Don't push yourself, idiot. That's a lot of stuff to lift with a weak body like yours."
Jake growls and slaps him clearly trying hard not mustering up enough power to even really really it "sh.... shut up dirt boy.... Get me a glass off water ill be fine"he stands up and falls into dustys arms with a loud groan "careful...."


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