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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake growls looking at her directly in the eyes the wind blowing his hair around "this is your time to decide, will you join us? im going back to the guild hall, there has to be something I can do" He growls running across an ice bridge onto the next nearest house looking back at lara closely

Lara sighed " what are you going to do?" Lara stayed silent " I guess ill join them...but I feel bad since I didn't get to check out the other guilds..." she smiled a little to herself. She was still pissed at the council soldiers " I am going to kill that guy and who ever destroyed that raven tail! " kero smiled " then lets follow him " " but the council members are there...." she whined. Kero gave her a look " fine..." she started to follow jake.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo found himself a place to eat. While it only took a few minutes he hadn't any money. So, he had to sneak out of the restaurant. Still tired he climbed onto the rooftops and found a roof that couldn't be accessed by stairs or elevators. Soon he sat down and began to snooze off.
Jake offers her his hand as the roof around them became covered in thick ice, the ice wings forming on his back again growling loudly "Lets go, nixis will have something to do"

Jake growls as the wings flap once shotting them forward back directly towards the guild the closes they got the better they could see the destruction, once they could see it fully the wind change a dark storm came all around heavy sleet and rain pouring down hard onto the ground all over fiore

Lara looked at the destroyed and was saddened "...I am sorry about your guild..." she said. She had seen destroyed villages before, but seeing a destroyed made her even more depressed.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles fiercely over his shoulder "'our' guild princess" The wings disappear as they group onto a roof a puddle catching them as he pulls her onto the back of a waiting water horse it jumping forward onto and onto buildings and buildings

Dusty ran up to the site of the explosion. He had been walking toward the closest bar, to see if any other member's of Blue Pegausus had been relaxing around. He sighed. He just wanted a break. He got to the destroyed building, and scowled at all the Magic Council Soldiers. He looked around, noticing a couple people standing by a destroyed bar. Before he could go and see what was happening, he heard something like a horse in the distance. Were these the people who caused the explosion? Maybe to get rid of more people to add to the damage. He turned to the sound, preparing himself for whatever was coming. He flexed his arms out, then got into a defensive stance, preparing for an unknown visitor.
Lara smiled " right...our guild...amd by the way...I dont think you ever told me your name...." kero blinked " what?!?! You hung for an entire day and never exchanged names?!" Lara laughs a little " pretty much..."

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smirks and whispers to kero "we also danced and hugged" He smirks as the horse jumps into the clearing landing on a council member pinning him down as jack hops off offering lara his hand to help "ma'lady"

Lara facepalmed 'oh boy..' Kero blinked and then grinned " lara~" " shut it" kero snickered and started laughing. When they landed ' those guys are still here?' Lara sighed and took his hand and got of the horse

@Tj Pomroy
Dusty, seeing these two new mages, calms down, realizing he had nothing to worry about. He watches the male jump off the strange horse and assist the woman. He relaxes, realizing these mage's were all to weak to fight him. Then again, appearance didn't mean anything when it came to strength. He wondered if these two knew anything about what happened here. He approaches them casually. "Hey, you two. Either of you know what happened here? Though, probably not, since you just got here. But you may have chased the culprits. Anyways, do you know?" Dusty tried to seem friendly, but the situation put him on edge. What if they did it, but left and came back to seem innocent? He would have to find out.


@Tj Pomroy
MemoriesofXemnas updated Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild] with a new update entry:

The Echidna and Guild Masters!

*turns around and looks into the camera& Oh...I didn't see you there! Hello everyone! It is I, Xemnas and I am here to first thank you for making this roleplay successful. Your beautiful characters is what makes this RolePlay Amazing. Now I know some of you are wondering about the large tremor that occurred in Raven Tails. I did warn you that something bad might happen. AND I WAS RIGHT! Now then.......

Read the rest of this update entry...
Lara and kero looked at the stranger as jake pulls her towards nixis " first answer my question " do you use dark magic??" She looked at nixis " when I tried to heal him it reacted with him terribly..." she said to the stranger.

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted @Kyd Jhesus
Dusty walked over to the small group of people. "I'm Donald Hauns, from Blue Pegausus. Guild Ace." He looked over each of them, but he turned back to the boy. He could tell this was his Guild that was attacked, due to the look in his eyes and his attitude toward him. "You can call me Dusty, though. Everybody does. That, or Don."

@Tj Pomroy


@Kyd Jhesus
After a long run, Michael stopped at what once was Raven's Tail Guild Hall. It was now just a bunch of ruins, wreckage, havoc. There was nothing to be done now. A once great guild was now just trash and smoke. Is this a regular thing around here? Michael looked around. Lots of people were coming from every direction, startled by the image of the exploded guild. Nope, it isn't. For some reason, staying in that place made him extremely uncomfortable. From times to times he could still feel the dark influence there, as some sort of traces of powerful dark magic still remained. There was nothing unusual or surprising about that, he was always very sensitive to all kinds of magic.

The place was crowding with guards as well. It seemed like they were analyzing the seemed. Not far from where they were, a few mages were seemingly helping one of the victims, apparently, one of the last living members of Raven Tail. Michael was curious about all of this. He wished to know more about such a destructive power. He wondered if he could use his position as member of Sabertooth in his advantage to find out more about it. He started to walk towards the mages, dodging the people in the way while saying: "Step aside people, this is a serious issue among the guilds. Please, have some respect for the incident.". When he reached the mages, he bowed to the them. "I'm Michael Whithand. I'm the official agent from the great Sabertooth guild on this subject. I've came to send our regards, our respect and our support on the subject. We will be helping you to catch the criminals who committed this atrocity".
Dusty looked at this Sabertooth mage. He never trusted them. He shook his head. "Get out of here, Sabertooth. No one likes you, anyway." No time for that. "No, I can't use dark magic. Why? You think I did this? It reeks of dark magic, anyways." He pinches his nose closed. He hated the smell of this type of magic. He looked at the girl dead in the eye. He glared. "I'm not inhumane enough to do something like this."
Jake shakes his head "I only touched it... dusty my I ask why your here we have enough problems with you here" HE looks around his eyes hard seeing the mess that he once called home, the small library that was out back nothing but rubble and the dining hall where they all shared so many laughs, the day they surprised the guild master with a surprise party and he blew a hole through the cake... all the fun memorys gone to dust and rubble thanks to them



@Kyd Jhesus 
Lara stared back at him " ok first of all I didn't acuse of anything so there is no need to be so hostile towards me. And second of all did you listen to what I said? I tried healong him with my loght and it reacted with him badly...so I was thinking dark or darkness magic might help him"


@Tj Pomroy
Dusty sighed. He had to control himself. "Sorry, sorry. No, I don't have dark magic. And it might help him? Is he a Slayer?" Dusty looked at the man who seemed to be about to fall over. If this guy was a Slayer, then whoever did this must have been powerful. He flexed his hand, thinking. "If you're looking for someone with dark magic, you're asking the wrong person. Why would his body react badly to your magic?" Dusty had never encountered something like this before. It was definitely strange. He turned to the boy. "And I'm here because I was worried about what happened. Too strange for you, kid?"

@Tj Pomroy


@Kyd Jhesus
Lara sighed " it's fine...and when I tried to heal him he pushed me away...and seemed to be in pain....so I thought dark magic might help him...."


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