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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

( * )- Vitia looked as he noticed the male just undo his God Slayer magic. . .uncraft magic. . .hmm. .the male asked him a question and he looked at him as he started to think. .No one has ever asked him that question before. .Vitia scratched his head as he answered - ( * )

" Vitia can not eat his own God Slayer magic . .It taste awful. .Vitia eats lesser forms of water magic though. .and even Water Dragon Slayer Magic. .You can't do it unless you've been learning God or Dragon Slayer magic and your body adjusts to the diet. ."
" You can not eat water silly. .you drink it. .or.. .Vitia don't know. .Vitia normally turn it into a ball and shove it into Vitia's mouth. .or turn it an ice ball and crunch on it. "
"So you can eat any type of water magic?" He asked. "Do potions count? And do you gain the effects of the potions you eat?"
( * )- Vitia ran his hands through his blue hair once more before answering the question- ( * )

" Well. .Vitia isn't foolish enough to just up and drink any type of water so he often separates the particles that aren't water from the particles that are. .If Vitia does drink a potion without separation. . . it would be the same effects as any other human drinking it Vitia believes. . . so yes Vitia would get the effects of the potion . ."
"I'm starting to doubt that you actually can eat water." He crafted a perfectly normal glass of water and took a sip to prove that it wasn't poisoned with anything else. He held out the glass. "Drink it."
" Vitia doesn't have to prove anything to you. Vitia uses Water God Slayer magic and if his words aren't enough then Vitia is wasting his time. "

( * )- Vitia glared at the cup of water as the water inside expanded and condensed causing the glass to shatter .-( * )
Geis dodged. "Nope, nuh-uh." He gave him the one finger salute, crafted a flash bomb, dropped it and ran while it detonated, making use of the blind to get away.
Fire suddenly erupted from right below geis. It was lara's doing she got away from the sink with nixis, jake and kero laid on the ground. ' I should try fighting him normally..."

@Mintsong @Mmmischief Banished
Geis uncrafted the fire and continued to run away, disappearing from their sights completely (Last post for taday, G'night)
( * )- Vitia walked over to his umbrella and lean over picking it up with his right hand as he twirled it above his head opening it with a sigh. Just as he did a small rain cloud appeared over his head pouring down-( * )

" Vitia thinks that that uncraft magic is abit of a nuisance. . .And he's somewhat annoying himself. ."
Kero and lara went after him. They are use to chasing guild members that run away. But Bhe guy that they were chasing serm to be at a whole different level than the ones the lesser dark guilds. After a few minutes they stopped chasing him " tch....he is gone..." kero sniffed the air " I think he got out the area " that was the 1st time you use your combat magic like that" " yeah....let's go back and finish healing.... Nixis...."
( * )- Vitia watched the two run past him knowing that the male they are chasing was long long gone. .He didn't seem like the type to be caught by regular wizards. the male slowly turned around to face his Hall's rubble as he let out a bigger sigh before walking into the Guild Hall's rubble with his Umbrella at hand. The cloud seemed to disappear from above his head after he stopped in the center of it all. This was a terrible site indeed but it seemed like a few people was here while it happened but they are mostly alright - ( * )

" Vitia needs a vacation. . ."
Once the two came back, lara continued to heal Nixis. After a few minutes was finished and thn right on cue the magic council soldiers arrived at the scene. Lara was tring to stopped herself from beating the crap out of every single one them. She took a deep breath and composed herself. Kero changed back and jumped onbher shoulder. Lara coated her feet in wind magic "see ya later" she said to jake and got away from the from the area at high speed before they came react. ((Feel free to control the soldiers))
( * )- Vitia heard foot steps in unison heading his way. . He knew exactly who it was. .showing up abit late as usual. once the unison marching stopped Vitia sighed and turned around to face them. .He then walked infront of them and folded his arms across his chest. -( * )

You guys should really pick up the pace with your unison marching. .really guys. .

The Head Soldier: " We are sorry about your guild being destroy but this is an urgent matter. We are here to take your guild master in for question. "

Tough luck he's not even here. Try some other time when our guild hasn't just been destroyed. .It would be nice if you actually came to help once and awhile. Little brother it's good to see you're in good health atleast. Mom would be proud of you.

( * ) - A soldier to his right smiled at Vitia but the Head Soldier looked at him and he straighten up instantly. Vitia smile back at him before he turned around ignoring the Soldiers. .oddly enough he noticed the bar was still intact so he walked up to it and sat in a stool there clearing off dust and rubble that covered everything. .- ( * )

Wait. .were is our Guild Master?
Arturo arrived at the kingdom. The long travel had exhausted him to the brink of no return. He was hungry and most importantly tired beyond belief. Looking for a place to sleep was going to be hard. But, it had to be done because he couldn't very well sleep on the street could he?
As lara and kero just stopped on the roof of a random building " are flipping kidding me!?!?!" Lara yelled in anger" this is why I hate the god damn council soldiers!!!!" Lara was fuming. " lara calm down..." kero said " how do expect me to calm down!! Those guys always ...I mean always comes at thr worng time!!!"
Arturo kept looking around checking every building that looked remotely like a business. Still he could not find anything no signs of a hotel or anything. Did he need to purchase a house? There was no way it could be possible. He was in no way fit financially for such a major decision. Perhaps, he did have to sleep on the streets like he had first thought?
A puddle on a near by roof starts splashing and thrashing throing small bubbles of water and shards of ice out all around freezing most of the roof, with loud cracks and splashes

Nixis woke up to himself being surrounded by a crowd of Magic soldiers, Guard or Knights. Honestly he forgot what they are call in Fiore. He stood up and took a look at himself. He was still injured but the mystery girl did heal him a little. He then looked around, "Please back up, Your in my personal space, I never enjoyed a crowd much." He told them. "If I did then I wouldn't be so banged up."

A general then walked up to him. "Sorry but we don't care two shits about your personal space. You have serious explaining to do. What was that explosion, What destroyed...No decimated the your Guild hall. The only thing really left is the bar."

Nixis looked over and saw the battered bar along with a man holding a umbrella. Vitia Nitegale, Water god slayer. Nixis refocused on the general and said. "It was a Lacrima...The bastards that did this are going by Meta and Echidna. One is dress like a fancy rich woman and other is wearing a white trench coat and a skull should pad. The woman is about 5'8 and blonde, Peach skin. The male is about 6'1, tan skin, dark blue hair and evil grey eyes." He then started to walk away. "Now excuse me..Guild matters to attend too."

Nixis join his fellow guild mate at the bar. "Vitia...Raven Tail is gone..." He said in a depressed tone. "Were are the surviving members..." He balled up his fist. A strong level of darkness flowed off of him. "We have serious business to attend to. Raven Tail was attacked ."

@Mmmischief Banished
Lara was still yelling about all the flaws of the council members and soldiers, when they heard splashing. They looked in the direction they heard the splashing and then quickly moved out of the when the water started to freeze.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake growls as he shoots up from the ice his clothes in tatters slowly fixing themselves around him, he looks around seeing Lara "What the hell happened?!?!" Jake nearly shouts as the ice around him melts into a pool of bubbling shingles and tar.


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