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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake nods into his arms keeping his knees pressed to his head hiding "shh its embarrassing " He looks out from between his legs watching and waiting for her to laugh

Lara trys not to laugh at his behavior " ok....I am not going to laugh...cause that is mean...and because you gave me this necklace and I had a great time today" she smiled at him.

@Tj Pomroy
Ryos chuckled at Michael's statement. "Yea I could see how you confused a rowdy bar for Fairy Tail."

Upon his second statement, Ryos thought hard. "Honestly I think one on one, I would be able to take any of them on and put on a great battle. Any combination of these guys though, I could be overwhelmed. Unfortunately, my guild mates wouldn't be much help either. But yea, tension between guilds is always high after the Games. Most wizards, myself include, harbor resentment towards other guilds. This year, though, it seems tensions have reached an all-time high."

Jake blushes more "I-I'd really like it if you joined my guild so we could spend time together and stuff" he hides his face again showing how hes so young and inexperienced with attractive people

Nixis Ruha, Echidna and Meta Redpound

Nixis looked at the devastated Guild Hall as his guild mates cleaned it. On guild member yelled out at him. "Yo Nixis, You going to help ya lazy bastard!" Nixis shot him a deadpan looked and ignored him. "Please, It's Jake's Fault, I shouldn't have to help." He said to him self bleakly. "It is so bland here...Maybe I should go to the bar. They may have a chocolate shake with none alcoholic. I know Ashton is there, Damn drunk." He said coldly.

Nixis then saw two people inter Raven Tail, Once again strangers just running in and out. He was getting sick of it. People have no respect. One was a tall man with short blue Hair wearing a creepy outfit and next to him was a gorgeous Blonde woman in a fancy high class dress. She was holding a sack and a unbralla. As they walked into the Hall Nixis decided to stop them by sending a couple guild mates in there path.

"Hey, See those two, Stop 'em. We don't need more trouble around her." Nixis told a group as he sent them along. There was about 4 of them who went to address them.

"Stop!" The group leader commanded. "We are under maintenance at the moment, we need you to leave. If you do not then me and my friends will get very violent." Nixis smiled. They should be leaving soon, He pick a vehement bunch to handle this.

The woman gave a warm smile. "Well no need to be so rude. I'm sure your parents raised you better." She looked over at her partner. He looked annoyed. "Now behave yourself Meta, Mama hates to see that nasty side of yours."

Meta tried to contain himself. "Sorry Mother Echidna but with utmost respect..." He laid his evil gray eyes on the 4 guild members of Raven Tail. "These are some worms, Why not let me start what we already planned on. Not like thy would join, there so arrogant. Forgive if I sound impatience."

"You do!" She said showing her irritation. "Let me introduce myself first then we shall begin." She walked pass the guild member in her way and to the center of the hall. She looked around and saw the destruction from earlier. "God, Children are so messy, Were is the guild master?"

Nixis sighed and got out of his seat and looked at the condescending woman. He could feel she was different. He was unnerved by her very aura. "Not here..." He replied.

"Oh well *Cough to clear throat.* I am Echidna! Me and my guild have arrive in Fiore for one reason...To take over. I offer you bunch the chance to join use or be destroyed. It is a very simple choice, Life or DEATH."

Nixis felt her evil aura. It was powerful. "Leave! We want to trouble with you Echidna. Please vacate our hall." He enjoined. "We wish not to join." His guild mates cheered behind him.

"Oh well." She looked at Nixis. "I can see that your quite strong and your a Demon half breed at that. Very nice. Your sure you don't want to join us?" She asked once again.

Nixis grew irritated. He moved closer to her and grabbed her by her shoulder. He wonder how she knew he was a half demon. "I am a proud member of Raven Tail no matter how sorry this guild can be." He started to move her to the door and but he was hit by a powerful force in the chest. He was sent flying into a wall and then felt a pressure on his chest keeping him there. He open his eyes to see Meta sticking his arm out from across the room.

"Thank you sweetie, He was getting a little ruff." She told Meta.

"You don't have the right to touch her!" Meta shouted at Nixis, Meta was enraged. His guild mates then attack but Meta attack them a Telekinetic bullet spread into there chest. They dropped like flies. More came a were killed in different ways.

Nixis grew angry, His eyes turned yell and darkness leaked out of his body. "Bastard!" he broked free of Meta's telekinesis lock. "Do you know what I am...I a able to commit deicide! I am the Dark GOD SLAYER!" She shouted picking up his arm. "Erebus's wave." He slammed his hand down and wave a of pure black darkness came Meta and Echidna's way.

"Strong." he whispered. He put both hands up and made a rubber like Telekinetic wall that bounce the attack back at Nixis.

Nixis saw it coming and swallowed it. He then spite it out as a blast from his mouth. Meta shoot his own Telekinetic blast at him to counter. The collusion created a explosion in the hall. There was a crater in the guild hall floor.

"Play time is over Meta, We have things to do." She said calmly as she reach into the sake.

"Yes mother." He said as he turned away from Nixis. He said one final thing before he join his mother side. "I hope you survive Dark God slayer...Neither of use fought at full power. I would love to pull you apart myself!"

Ecidna then showed that it was Lacrima. "This is a bomb...This is a gift from myself, Mother Echidna and her children. If you live, Spread the word...Enjoy!" Nixis saw how powerful it was. The ball glowed with a atomic green hue. Nixis dotted across the room but it was to late. She threw it in the air and Meta hit Nixis with a Telekinetic wave sending him backward. "Bye! Ha ha ha ha ha." Meta laughed as him and Echidna left the hall and vanished.

Nixis had no time to chase after as he saw the bomb detonate and cover him in a green light. A large earth shattering explosion was heard across the town. The Raven Tail Guild has was destroyed.

@Liir Ko


@Infinities Lover




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' I feel like I am talking to a guy with a split personality.....' she had no idea what to say to him. ' I think I should leave....' she got up and lend him a hand " I'll think about it ok?" She saod eith a smile.

@Tj Pomroy

@David Van Aken

@Tj Pomroy


@Kyd Jhesus

Okay guys! So far so good with the roleplay. Some fighting happened and the like so all in all a very good day. Plus more and more people are growing by the second. Tomorrow when I come back, I will make an update for.......*drum roll* GUILD MASTER SIGN UP! This is important for the plot. So till then good night.
Jake nods with a frowns standing back up "im sorry...I hope I didn't scare you away from the guild" He leads her out of the library the door disappearing quickly as he moves over to the desk taking a small glass of water downing it quickly

" you didn't scare me away trust me. It going to take more than that to scare me" she said as she patted his back. " but....if I join your guild....then dark guild are going to come after me amd target this guild and everyone around me..."

@Tj Pomroy


((Guys, before I go. Read Kyd's Post....it involves the plot and its really important that you do. Good Night!))
He perks up hearing an "if". he shakes his head repeatedly and fast "don't worry were strong and I am too, I can protect the guild" He smiles again as a quick image appears in front of them showing all the magic hed done today in a little slideshow.

((by the way, were In my house))
After hearing the deafening explosion sound, Michael tripped on his feet as the ground shaked for an instant. For a second, a strong magic could be felt spreading across the air. Michael looked at Ryos with eyes that just couldn't deny how shocked he was. He swallowed some of the fear he felt in the moment of the explosion, when the thin magic wave crossed his body. He looked around and saw that everybody else was surprised. That wasn't a common thing. He looked back at Ryos.

"What the hell was that?!!"

((Thanks for the info))


Kero heard the explosion the explosion. She turned into her leopard form and dashed over to the area where she heard the explosion coming from. Her eyes widened " oh god..." she began to look through the debris for survivors.

@Kyd Jhesus


Lara smiled amd gave him a hug " thank you..." she then felt some dark magic and then suddenly heard an explosion. She went to the window and saw smoke coming from where the Ravenstail guild was. " hey....I think you guild got atracked...." she coated her feet in wind magic " we need to go!!" She jumped out the window and started to head towards the site at great speed.

@Tj Pomroy
Ryos furrowed his brow when he felt the tremor. There was a giant wave of magical energy, the likes of which he had never before felt. His dragon senses also helped him pick up the explosion sound. "What's going on?"

Indeed, that seemed to be the question on everyone's mind. It was one thing when the bar was shaking due to the battle taking place in the bar, it was a completely different thing when a powerful tremor shook the entire structure from who knows where.

"Definitely some sort of explosion, but where did it come from?" Ryos said, finally standing up. He was definitely concerned. That was no normal magic. He needed to get back to Lamia Scale...
( * ) - Vitia left the arena with his umbrella in hand when he found out that the explosion came from his guild, Raven Tail. He started to walk their calmly. thinking to himself and talking out loud as a storm cloud appeared above his head raining and thundering alike. He spoke in a quiet voice - ( * )

who would destroy my guild and for what reason?. It can't be?. .Vitia hopes that everyone is alright. .

Meta Redpound

The watch the explosion happen from a safe distance, I was so beautiful. Echidna love every moment of it. She love the green hue she added to the explosive Lacrima. After the show Meta and Echidna split up. She made her way back to the hide out. Meta had other things to attend to. He use his telekinesis to lift him into the sky and flew over to where he believed Geis would be waiting. When he spotted him from the sky he slowly descended to the ground and and joined Geis.

"Hello Geis...Did you enjoy Mother Echidna special fireworks show. I did, I was a lovely show. I wonder if anyone else found it pleasant."

"Hnn...it was good." He responded without looking. "Can you bring me that boulder over there? I'm collecting components." He said as he pointed a a particularly mossy boulder behind some trees. "What'd she use to low them up? A spell or Lacrima?" He asked as he put a hand on a tree and uncrafted it, making it fall apart and disappear.
Lara got to the aite and saw kero already there looking through the debris " did you find any survivors?!?!" "Not yet!" Lara started to help her look for survivors.

@Kyd Jhesus
Meta looked over at the mossy boulder. He lifted his hand and grabbed the large rock with his Telekinesis. He lifted up from the ground, Dirt fell from the bottom. He then moved it over to Geis and dropped it in front of him.

"She use Lacrima, Pure magic energy." He told him. "I hope that God slayer survived, He would be a strong opponent to fight. I heard Raven Tail had only 2 god slayer but not 3. A water and a lighting slayer. The dark god slayer was a erratic but i'm sure i can beat him." He explained.
"Hmm...darkness eh?" He said as he uncrafted the boulder. "Good luck then!" He finished uncrafting the boulder. "Water and lightning should be easy to beat."
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Nixis Ruha

Nixis laid in a pile of rock, bloody as all hell. He was in a daze, It was a struggle to stay awake. If it wasn't for his barrier he made he would be dead. The guild hall was beyond destroyed, It was annihilated. He push a rock off of him and appeared from the dust cloud. He spit up some blood and looked around. "Echidna..." he said as he dropped to the ground and fell unconscious.
Kero heard some movement and ran over to where she saw nixis " lara j found a survivor!!!!" She yelled. Lara ran over and her eyes widen. She covered her body became covered in light magic and began to heal nixis.

@Kyd Jhesus

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