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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

HE nods slowly "I was excited ever since you said you wanted to use ice and water magic" He closes the other door way and leads her over towards a couch sitting on the smooth leather the smell of books and candle wax strong in the air

Three quarters of the people on the guild were drunk, watching the fight, while the last quarter was fighting. Michael needed to ask someone where he could find the guild's master. It was hard to know who was part of Fairy Tail on that mess. Luck for him, a mage had just hit a wall, thrown out by the powers of the God Slayer one. He was the guy who tried to intervene. He looked relatively sober and a nice guy. Well, there's nobody else to ask anyway. Michael approached him.

"Tough fight, huh? I got lost in all this mess. Do you know where I can find the master of Fairy Tail?"

" well if you really wanted me to try it out....I could..." she said to him. " you let me have a great time today and it's the least I could do..." she said with a smiled. " by the way....have uou ever heard of ' The Reaper'?" She asked him

@Tj Pomroy
Jake shakes his head "no its fine you don't have too" he pats the couch letting her know she should sit a blue light lighting up the room from a blue flame on each of the many candles all around the room "you mean the grim reaper?"

Lara sits down next to him and leans against the couch " no 'The Reaper' the person that goes around destroying dark guilds amd becoming the top enemy of all the dark guilds...."

@Tj Pomroy
" scary?" She laughs a little " she isn't scary...she jist hates dark guilds alot...and goes adound destroying cause she doesn't want other to go through the same thing she did...."

@Tj Pomroy
Lara sighed and looked out the window "......I am her.....I am 'The Reaper'....." she said as she looked at him, making eye contact to see his reaction.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara blinks and starts laughing " yes....I am...." she calmed down and looked at him. She got up ".....I should be going now..." she sighed and began to leave the room.

@Tj Pomroy
He shakes his head and tackles her form behind hugging her tightly "that's soooo cool!! oh my god can I come with you on a dark guild hunt please please please" he jumps uo and down excitedly, holding her hands

When lara was hugged she tripped and fell down. She was surprised at what he said " wait....what?? You just said that I was scary.....and I dont go around hunting dark guilds....I just destroy ones I stumbled upon in my travels...."

@Tj Pomroy
While sitting on the ground trying to regain his composure, Ryos was approached by the man who asked what a dragon slayer was.

"It wasn't much of a fight for me, more of a stupid decision to get involved and end conflict on my part," Ryos said, scratching the back of his head, "I guess thats what I deserved. If you came looking for Fairy Tail's guild master you're at the wrong place. This is just a bar, Fairy Tail's guild hall is a few about 200 meters away from here. Should take you about 2 minutes at most to get there. You'll find the guild master there, in fact, I was just there so i know he's still there."

"And for future reference," Ryos allowed poison gas to seep through his pores, disintegrating his T-shirt. When there was nothing left but ashes of his shirt, he pointed at his chest, " I'm Ryos Delmora. The Toxic Dragon of Lamia Scale, I'm no Fairy Tail wizard."

Jake squeaks as he lands on top of her smiling "that's really cool, oh you need to join my guild please please please so we can take missions together and hunt dark guilds" he smiles brightly panting a little from all the talking.

' oh wow....this feels so weird....' " wait....why did call me scary? " she asked curiously ' kero is going to have a laughing fit if she sees this...'

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles down at her warmly "cause I heard that she was scary I didn't really know. but your not scary your funny and smart and pretty can a great mage......OH I have a secret" he giggles watching her

"Shoot, I saw drunk mages fighting and I thought 'this must be the guild', but okay. Nice to meet ya, I'm Michael Whithand, at newcomer at the city, at the country and at the Sabertooth guild", Michael said, smiling at Ryos. "Looks like you might need from the rest of your guild to stop these guys. Why are they fighting anyway? Is it always like this after the magic Games?".

Lara blushes when he when showered her with a ran of commented " thanks...for the complements....." she tried to look at him when he said that he had a secret " you said that magic sharing spell was your secret"

@Tj Pomroy
Jake shoke his head quickly talking in a hushed tone as the light dims matching my tone "I have a better secret" he places his finger o her lips as to shush her "but you cant tell anyone"

Jake blush and quickly crawls off her embarrassed "im sorry, now my secret." he leans in close to her whispering "I like guys and..." he begins a fit off giggling rolling around the floor trying to pull himself together panting hard "and and... and girls...like you" he giggles more curling up trying to hide his now blood red face


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