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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake growls turning on the stranger long claws and long fangs of ice bared "shut up, you have no idea what im going through right nowand im not some kid so watch your mouth"

"The bar nearby, there was a fight going there not long ago. Pretty sure one of them used Dark Magic, but it's hard to find someone with Dark Magic able to use healing abilities", Michael said. He then pointed at the Raven's Tail member, "The best thing you could do is find someone else from his guild that does this sort of thing. I heard they're very fond of it. Even so, you should check the bar. They could balance your light healing with their dark powers". He then looked at the man who said nobody likes you anyway. "At least I'm here on duty".

@Refaulted @Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98 @Kyd Jhesus
He ignore's the Sabertooth guy. Dusty first addresses the girl. "Dark mages are tough to come by in Blue Pegausus. I would know if there was one. I'm sorry I can't help you much." He then whirled on the boy, grabbing him and lifting him up so he's above Dusty. He snarls, revealing his sharpened canines. "I know what you are going through. This is your guild, I can tell. And put those away, KID, before you cut yourself with them." He then shoots a quick glance at the Sabertooth guy. "You may be here on duty, but that has nothing to do with how you feel about this."

Jake growls as his legs swirl down ward wrapping around dusty tightly "LET ME GO! or ill rip you head off" He can places the claws on his two arms the claws digging deep into his skin

"I feel pretty bad, I just don't feel like being a douche about it. They need help, I'm giving help. Who the hell are you to talk about Sabertooth anyway? You think you're awesome because you're from a fancy guild? Grow up, this isn't time for stupidity like this. Somebody just blew up a goddamn guild, this affects all of us, and of course I'm really mad about it, who the hell wouldn't?". Michael was serious, but smiling on the inside. Who the hell was this guy anyway? This is getting interesting. He pushed away the man that the fiercy one was holding, trying to split the fight.
Lara sighed "KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!" She yelled " put him down and oh my god stop fighting....I cant believe you guys are fighting at a time like this..."

Dusty growls, and with all his might, throws the boy. He bounces on the ground for a bit, coming to a stop a yards away. Dusty starts to walk toward him, his arms bleeding, but not noticing. "Don't pick fights you can't win, pipsqueak. And I would recommend you don't get involved, Saberboy. I can beat you, too." Dusty felt guilty for starting a fight, but he needed to let out some stress. And this kid was getting on his nerves. He cracks his knuckles, feeling the skin and bone harden. He ignores the girl and keeps approaching the boy.

"Damn, Y'all are getting bothersome..." He then looked at Jake. "Jake you know hate crowds. My wounds are going get better over time...Err. Rib pains." He said with a smirk. "So who are you guys again...A lacrima explosion can leave a guy really fucked up." He told them getting out of his set. He then looked at the girl next to Jake. "Are you the one who tried to heal me early...Thanks, Hurt like he but got me up. Becarful next time, Me and light magic don't mix well." He explained.

@Tj Pomroy



Jake turns from dusty walking over to nixis unphased "can I help? oh that's lara, she's joining the guild" Jake leads lara over gesturing to offer her his hand

@Kyd Jhesus
Now that the Raven's Tail wounded member talked, Michael expected that the fight would stop. He gave a threatnening look to the Pegasus member first. He then turned around, back to the wounded guy. "I'm Michael Whithand. Sabertooth sent me here to help you guys find out the culprits of blowing up this place".

@Kyd Jhesus @Refaulted @Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98
Lara looked at nixis " I am sorry I didn't know that light magic hurt you until I started healing you....but your I juries were severe and I had to try healing you...even though it hurted you...I am sorry..." she took jakes hand and got up.

@Kyd Jhesus @Tj Pomroy
Dusty watches the boy walk over and everyone get back to being friendly. He sighs and looks at the ground. He still felt stressed, and he had no way of getting rid of it. Only fighting helped that. He walked back over and leaned against the bar, listening to it squeak under his weight. "I'm sorry, too. Though not for the same reason. For starting the fight. Haven't had a good one in a while." He stuck his hand out to the boy. "We got off on the wrong foot. I want to help you guys as well."

Michael gave a good look at everyone and smiled. And then he got back at the most serious look he could make. "Okay, good thing that everybody is good now. But something really bad happened here, and we all have to do something. Blowing up a guild... is declaring war". He pointed at the Pegasus member. "The guy was right. I'm just a guy from Sabertooth, and I have no idea of how to start an investigation on this. How are we going to get these guys?"

@Refaulted @Tj Pomroy @Kyd Jhesus @Evergreen98
"We first start with a survivor..." she looked at nixis "so who did this and what the person or people look like? And why did they destroy the guild??" She asked nixis

@Kyd Jhesus
Dusty stumbles back and ripped onto the ground, surprised at this gesture. Did this boy just...kiss his hand? No one even touched him unless he was fighting them. He stared at his hand, obvious confusion on his face. He looked between his hand and Jake. He felt like he should bash the boys face in, but he refrained, surprisingly. He looked at the Sabertooth guy and nods. "First order of business, me off the ground." He stands up and nods at Lara. "Good idea." He turns to the guy, Nixis.
"Honesty...This is none of your business...This is Raven Tail's problem and that means only guild members need to worry." Nixis cracked his neck and grabbed Jack and pulled him aside.
Lara sighed " from the looks of it we need help from other guilds and whoever destroyed this guild is definitely going to target the other guilds as well" lara said "so I think it better to for people from other guilds to know the threat as well"

@Kyd Jhesus
Jake grabs lara and pull her along with a growl "shes joining the guild now, so its here busniss too" Jake smiles back at dusty calling out "by the way you should use moisturizer, your hands dry!"
"Raven's Tail business? Are you really serious? People just exploded your guild!", Michael opened his arms. "People just exploded your guild. BOOM! Pieces for everywhere, do you get it? This isn't some mission that went wrong, this is somebody, once again, BLEW UP A GUILD! Pardon me to be goddamn scared!". Michael moved his head from side to side. "No, this is business from all the goddamn Fiore. This was the explosion of a well known guild here. Unless you can prove this was personal, sorry, I'm not stepping out of it."
Dusty scowls, but he has to admit the kid had a sense of humor. He shakes his head. He looks at Nixis. "Listen, You have limited members, I'm sorry for that, I truly am. And you, sir, are in no position to do this with so few. If someone did this, then we are dealing with some powerful mage's. And you're gonna need a lot of help, especially from me." He grins proudly and stands up straighter. "You know who I am, I presume? I bet you do."
Lara sighed ' why am being pulled around like this.....' kero snockered and followed lara. She looked at dusty and was about to say " kero! Dont say anything! " kero pouted " fine..." keros continued to follow them. After jake raises his hand lara and kero both look at dusty.
Jake smirks and beams excitedly trying to lift everyone's spirits "You're Mr. Dry hands man!! no no no I know I know. You're the third triplet CRACKLE"

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