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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

"All that we know is that the ones that did this slaughter that you see here were just two members of this guild, a woman and a man. Nothing else is known, we don't have so much to work with. We should really combine our forces with the strongest ones in town, Dragon Slayers and God Slayers". Michael turned around to Nixis. "Did you used your full power when you were fighting them?"

@Kyd Jhesus @David Van Aken
Arturo finally reached the ruins of the guild. Feeling a strong presence within he wondered if whoever did it was still inside. He couldn't help but grin at the whole thing. Deciding to wait he sat down outside of the guild to see if anyone or anything would come out.

Ajax looked at Lara, a bit confused, "Impressive, is there anything that you would like to share with us about your findings there?"

Ajax looked over at Michael and said, "I hope that the Raven Tails didn't lose too many. Hopefully none, but since you called it a slaughter, I take it that this isn't the case. And like I said, I can't declare war on behalf of Fairy Tail, that's the master's duty." Ajax grinned a bit and cheekily said, "Well, if something happened while I was in your company, though. I wouldn't have any other option than defend myself and others from familiar guilds, yes?"

Lara looked at kero who infiltrates the dark guild before lara destroys " well I heard them taking about taking the taking over fiore and plans on destroying guilds....and gathering forces..." kero answered. 'Tch... I didn't think they would desteoy a guild like this.... how can I be such a fool...'

@David Van Aken
Michael turned back upon hearing the words from Ajax. "I wouldn't actually quite say it's war. Yes, they did said they were from some dark guild, but as far we know it two fellows are going around killing people and crashing guilds. A declaration of war from them, yes, but for us it would be more like a magehunt. My master gave me permission for it, but maybe you should actually talk to yours". Michael remembered that sooner or later he would have to return to Sabertooth and actually give the news to the master. The coin to the Fairy Tail's guild master was still in his pocket. He feared that if he went after the dark mages that did this, he would end up losing the coin. He smiled. Yes, because losing the coin going after two psychos is the worst thing that could happen. He turned back at Nixis, taking off the smile from his face. "You're the witness, the one that knows the most here. Is there something you think we could do?". He looked at Dusty and the light magic girl. "And dirty boy, what clues did you find, and what's interesting about it? Give it to light girl here to see if she can make something out of it, she fights dark guilds."

@Kyd Jhesus @Evergreen98 @David Van Aken @Refaulted
Jake rises up beside dusty still a little shaky, he looks around at the large gathering off people and comments to dusty "you were trying to stop the girl but you were willing to take half of fairy tail with us?" Jakes slides between them all finding a good center point and whistle loudly "Now listen here, if we are going out to this on our own there will be a leader. I've felt the pain they cause and I want to get them just as much as you guys do, but I know we need to be lead by someone or it'll be like nixis said.. a Slaughter" HE walks around a little admiring everyone "The fact that the only person to really see them was nixis, and I. I believe nixis should lead us... I've fought Meta and Nixis is right, they are damn strong... those is favor of nixis leading us say ah!" HE raises his hand high hoping to get people to agree

Lara looks at jake and smikes a little. She had no intention of leading knowing that her emotions would get in the way of her judgement , so with out protest she also raised her hand. Kero raised her paw. Lara chuckled a little.

@Tj Pomroy
Michael was a bit confused by everything the boy said. He and the girl had already lifted their hands. Michael didn't thought there should be a leader in that situation, he wasn't actually interested in killing the people, at least not before knowing their intentions. The best thing would be to make a "leading council", with the strongest mages to guide the guilds on the hunt for the two bandits. "Well, I don't think we actually need a leader. In fact, if we're going after them, do you really think we're going alone, just us?" , Michael said, crossing his arms. "I say we gather more people. If there will be a poll, we'll leave it for later".

@Tj Pomroy @Evergreen98 @David Van Aken @Refaulted @Kyd Jhesus
Kero jumped up and gave lara a high five " wow kero" she put down her hand and petted her. She snickered a little. Lara gave her another treat. She sighed and looked at the night sky for a bit and then at the glowing orb, which stopped glowing. She went over and picked it up and inswrted some light magic in it which made it start glowing again.
Dusty rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to vote. I feel like we should have more than one leader, and split into tactical groups. In case we need to split up, then we will be able to do it faster." He raises his hand. "But I agree. Nixis has had the most experience with this. He's top dog." Dusty started to chuckle. He, the Monster of the Earth, was going to have Nixis tell him what to do. He didn't mind, really. Nixis seemed strong, though he had been beat. He pulls out the piece of cloth he had found. He looked at it, then shook his head. "I found this. It only looked suspicious, but it could have been anyone's. And I'm not certain the orb is gonna help us."
jake shrugs and puts his hand down looking around "fine but the longer we wait gathering people up the more guilds they'll destroy. So take as long as you want out gathering people" he growls a little steps back from the send clearly deflated

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Dusty walks up to Jake and puts his hand on Jake's shoulder, smiling. "Listen, in my opinion, we need one or two more people. Yo, Frostbite Princess, can you fight as well as you can make girls gush over you? And Shrimpy." He returns his attention to Jake. "Lets see where we are at the end of the day, huh? Does anyone know who would be willing to help us out?" He looks around at everyone.
"Your own master said, going the way we are now will be suicide. If you want to kill yourself, that's fine, but don't get mad me for trying to make the best of our chances against them", Michael replied to the boy, actually being a bit angry. "If you all want to do his right now, with just the six of us, it's all up to you, but it'll definetely be the worst possible choice". His arms were still crossed and his expression was a bit more indifferent than it was before. He felt like he should return to Sabertooth, but he still had to deal with this. I'll ask them to call for me later at the guild. Dusty asked if anyone knew someone who would be able and willing to help. "Maybe the people at the bar, as I said. Also, I'm pretty sure my master is willing to help".

@Tj Pomroy @Refaulted @Kyd Jhesus
Arturo was getting bored of waiting.'They aren't coming out anytime soon are they.' he tossed a large rock inside the entrance. There was no point in coming here most likely they have everything under control. Remembering he had bought some firecrackers he set them off allowing them to make a large noise. "This is better than nothing." watching them pop one after another.
Jake shrugs and looks back at dusty with a small smile "I don't really know away besides Raven tails members, ,maybe some more fairy tale will help us" He looks at the fairy tale members waiting for an answer, he turns from the group "if need be ill go ask fairy tail myself,"

Michael turned around upon hearing the sound of little explosions. Due to the current events, he imagined that it could be the dark mages returning, trying to lure them into a trap or something like it. He had to check it, his curiosity got the best of him. He turned around back to the group. "I'll check what this was. Y'all wait here for a second". He walked towards the noise, just outside of the Raven's Tail hall ruins. There was a boy seating just there, close to the entrance. Could he be one of them? "Hey there, sonny. What you doing around this parts, don't you know there's dangerous stuff happening around here?"

Dusty grunted. "Think hey'll help you?" He knew Ajax would most likely help, but other members? Probably not. He turned to the sound as well, scowling. He could tell they were firecrackers, so he assumed it was some stupid kid.

(Sorry for the short post.)
Arturo looked up towards the man who had appeared."So, one of you finally comes forth." he said getting up. "Waiting was getting a little boring." tossing some more firecrackers down and regaining eye contact."Beats me having to come in. I just awoke from my slumber and I heard about this place being so helpless. So, I thought I'd check it out."

Michael analyzed the boy from head to toes. He didn't looked strong, but none of these young mages do. His hair and eyes looked like they contained a dark secred within them, and that was interesting. Michael smiled a little a bit with the corner of his mouth. "So, you just wander around offering help for anybody who's in need of it? Do you even have any idea on what's happening here?". He wondered if the boy could actually be helpful for them. Unless he was some kind of God or Dragon Slayer, he probably wouldn't be any good. "Do you work for some guild?"

Arturo looked at him for a very long time before finally answering. "I don't offer help to anyone who is in need. But, a guild being slaughtered by one or two people sounded like a good reason to come and look around." Arturo set off the last firecracker he had on him."No, I don't work for any guilds." Arturo watched it finishing going off as he played with his hair.

Michael stopped smiling. Something was odd about that boy. Who the hell goes to a place where a slaughter just happened alone? He thought that the kid indeed as probably somehow involved, or was just really lost. He laid a condescending look over the boy. "Aren't you scared? A lot of people died".

Arturo kept on playing with his hair. This person was asking a lot of questions. Arturo thought the look he was giving him made him look weak. "Scared of something like that?? I've killed more than enough people." Arturo pulled out some dice and stacked them on top of each other.

Jake walks up beside Michael eyeing the boy with a small grunt "whos this? and is he here to help us or hinder us?" Jake looks around still in shock that the guild was gone
Kero sniffed the air and notice another scent. She jumped of lara's shoulder and started walking away. Lara looked at her and followed her. They walked up to micheal and jake talking to a boy. Lara stared at him ' ....where have seen him....'

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