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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

As the chef slides the black tea towards Elona, she nods a thank you back to him.

She smiles, "Give me a sugar coated donut to go with it please."

The chef nods and walks back to the kitchen. The nice bittersweet aroma from the black tea is surely calming. She cups her hand around the cup and lifts it up near her face. She softly blows on the tea to cool it a bit down and takes a sip.

"Nothing is better than a cup of black tea in the morning," she sighs.

Elona secretly took a glance at Ethan as Dante strikes a conversation with him.

"I hope you're fine with black tea," he says

The girl instantly scans Ethan's face and waits for his reply. He casually respond back saying his orgin is from England. His expression was genuine with no hint of guilt whatsoever. Elona concludes that this man isn't lying....yet. She glances back at her tea, and takes another sip. Elona begins to doubt her suspicion towards him. Repressing that thought, Elona knew she can't take any risks. She frowns as Ethan made the comment about his dislike for black tea. It brought a memory of when she used to have tea with her grandmother. Elona grew fondness for black tea because of her. Elona's grandmother was practically a 2nd mother to her and always listen to her worries during teatime.
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The chef set down the black tea in front of Danielle, and he nodded as a sign of gratitude. Danielle added a spoon of sugar into the tea before drinking it, smiling softly to himself as the sweet taste filled his mouth. To be honest, he disliked bitter things and much preferred sweet things. It probably wasn't healthy, but he never gave much thought to it.

After taking a sip of the sweetened black tea, he set the cup down and turned to Ethan. "So you're from England? I've heard it's a beautiful place, but I've been there before. Did you grow up there? When did you come to Italy? Where did you go where you first came here?" Danielle paused and looked down at his cup of tea, feeling a bit flustered. "Sorry, I'm shooting a lot of questions at you, aren't I..."
I'm not a good liar, so I'll go with the truth and just leave out the stuff about Spinal, I thought to myself. Taking a sip of my just arrived Mocha Latte, I turned to the Boss of Rosa and replied to his questions.

"England is a truly beautiful place, however it rains a lot in as you probably already know. The people there are humorous and sometimes ridiculous. One of my friends traded his uniform just to get the number of this girl,however she ended up dating the friend that had gave him her number!" I chuckled, recalling that fond memory.

"I lived in England until I was 14, then came here. I'm 17 now, so I've only been here for 3 years. Where did I first go? I don't remember actually. My memory was pretty hazy since I was suffering from jet lag. I think the first place I went to was an hotel. I don't mind the questions."

I smile innocently, then my face lit up as my french toast arrived. Making a french toast bacon sandwich before neatly cutting it into small pieces, I begin eating the breakfast. Not bad, I thought to myself.
Soon after Ethan's french toast arrived, so did Danielle's pancakes. He beamed when he saw that the chef put extra syrup on them, just the way he likes it. Danielle dug into his breakfast and ate in content. After a moment of comfortable silence, he looked up at Ethan and asked, "Are your parents in England? Or did they also come to Italy?"
"Are your parents in England? Or did they also come to Italy?"

I felt as if I was being yanked to the past where many strangers had also asked that question, my breath quickened for a second before I forced it to become regular again. My chest begin to hurt and I drank my mocha latte to calm it. Through all this, I knew my face was calm, it always had been. Unless someone was listening to my breathing, they couldn't detect the slight change in it. I resisted the urge to shoot a quick glance at Dante before looking down at the cup cradled in my hands.

"My parents are in England, they...decided to make me independent here since I took to the language."

Hopefully I've gotten through this mini panic attack.
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Silvia wandered around the garden. She had left her room the second the butler, Pedr had left, exploring the stronghold.

As they say, "The knowledgeable is prepared for the good and the bad." Or I could have just made that up...

She chuckled to herself a bit before catching herself. She put her famous ice mask back on as she briskly walked though the erotic plants.

Again... I have to stop acting like a child.

"Lady Silvia... Master... need... anything... you can... request-"

Huh? Silvia glanced around but as far as she can see, she was the only person in the garden. Then her hand brushed the small mechanism in her pocket.

Oh right... I installed a listening device in my room... This voice... That butler? I think his name was... Pedr? He came back to my room? His voice still sounds so familiar... Oh well, I'll get let him play around with my empty room. I still need to find that guy...

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Silence hung in the air as Pedr waited for an answer. "Lady Silvia?" He knocked on the door again, repeating her name.

He waited once more, but was greeted with silence once again. The young man looked to his side, as if exchanging looks with someone before placing his hand on the doorknob and cautiously turned it.

To his surprise, a faint click danced to his ears and he gained entrance to the family member's room. He stood still for a moment, standing right below the doorway arch.

Dim light had cast shadows upon his feet in contrast to the light from the hanging chandeliers in the mansion. He opened the door further, noticing that the light had been turned off in this room and only the window let glimpses of morning light stray into the darkness.

His eyes automatically looked over to the bed, trying to see if the lady was there but no such signs indicated she was present. Pedr blinked and looked down as he had noticed he had taken a step into the room.

Looks like an old dog won't ever forget the tricks he had learned. An unintentional smile showed itself as Pedr relished the sentimental feelings of his past memories with The Berceuse.

The darkness, the frailness of silence that anyone could break with a single action, the tense atmosphere of one aware that they could be in an inconvenient situation in any second. It was all too familiar to him.

His smile slowly faded away as a thought resounded in his mind. Taking one last moment to stand still in the darkness, he then took two steps back and closed the door.

Pedr let his hand drop to his side from the doorknob.

He was now a butler, not a thief. He stared at the door before him, "...I will return later then..Milady."

The young man slowly walked away from the room and walked down the staircase with heavier footsteps than he expected to have.

He couldn't risk getting cruelly tossed around by society. Not again.
Silvia was not happy.

She had walked all over the stupid stronghold and not a single soul knew where that person was. What were the information agents doing?

She stomped toward the stairs, returning cold glares to those who dare to even merely glance at her. All I ever get is a blank stare. Does he even exist in this world anymore? Just watch some know-it-all come up to me and tell me that he's already dead. I'll go to hell myself and strangle him.

Grumbling under her breath, she reached the stairs and stomped up, never missing a step. Turning and turning on the windy stairs, she was forced to stop her grumbling as she focused on not getting dizzy.

Why are these stairs so freaking windy? Does the pervert even have any idea how normal sta-

But at that second, she sensed someone else on the stairs. Right in front of her. Before she had time to reach for her dagger, she blinked at the face just a few inches from hers.

In a flash, her hand freed the dagger from its sheath and swung at the figure.
Not wasting a single moment, Pedr immediately raised his arm to block the sudden attack as soon as he caught sight of the metal glint. His breath hitched and he widened his eyes, alarmed as he fought with time.

It all happened in a quick spur.

He had been pushed towards the wooden railing of the staircase with his feet dangerously balancing at the edge of a step.

His fingers were enclosed around the blade, his skin was cut open by the sharp edge with little streams of blood trickling down his wrist and the dagger, not to mention the weapon's point was mere seconds away from his neck.

Thank goodness for all of the years that he had been a rag doll.

He couldn't even feel the pain when his skin had been slit open, neither of his back which had made quite a loud sound when he had hit against the railing.

But alas, he would be feeling the pain soon enough.

Pedr let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and blinked, regaining his widened eyes to their original form and stared at the figure before him.

Long strands of silky hair along with a petite figure indicated the person was most likely female. She was in a combat stance, her movements were firm and her strength was impressive as the dagger still shook from her force in Pedr's hand.

What caught his attention the most was her cold expression with matching eyes that seemed to pierce directly into his soul.

Wait a moment. Who was this person?

With his unchanging expression, Pedr gripped onto the dagger fighting the urge to wince as the blade tried to dig into his flesh and open it even more.

He locked his own dull eyes with the figure and maintained his usual calm and collected voice as he spoke, "If I may ask. What business do you have here.."

He glanced to a spot behind the figure before locking eyes with her again and adding, "..Milady?"
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Cold black eyes held Silvia in place as her grey eyes locked onto his searching glance. His eyes were the only things she saw. Her grip was steady, unflinching from the silent challenge emitting from the shadow of a figure pinned on the railing. Pinned with her dagger one inch from his throat.

Whose voice?

Sunlight forced through the window above. Silvia watched the shadows part around the dark eyes, hearing the rough breathing of the male in front of her. Then came his hand on the cold blade, dripping with blood. Blood.

Whose blood?

The shadows began to retreat as light struck the motionless figures. Dull emotionless eyes. Black obsidian hair parted in the middle. Dark black suit with tiny skulls. Neat tie rested on a clean white shirt. A cold frown.

The butler.

A cold frown. Silvia slowly removed the blade from the butler's throat. She kept her pale eyes locked with his as she sheathed the dagger and reached for his bleeding hand. Without a word, she placed her other hand on her sleeve. The sound of the cloth ripping echoed in the empty staircase. Silently, she wrapped the cloth around the wound. Holding the link between their eyes for a few seconds more, she turned and headed up the stairs.

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It took some time before Renatta finally reached her boss, Lino's, office. She got lost, a bit, actually, when her mind wandered off to whatever Lala-land she's in.

She watched first and studied a bit as the sight of her boss standing in front of the office door entered her sight. She began to question why he could walk so fast, so inhumanly again before walking up to him herself slowly.

Delia has been off to prepare breakfast and would reach them soon enough. It's funny how they are about to eat breakfast as if nothing's going on, even though as a mafia member of a mafia boss, she or Delia should be off somewhere doing missions by now.

Not like Renatta really cares, not like she doesn't enjoy the life she's having now. But having a mission always makes life more interesting...No? Why join the mafia in the first place then, if nothing's going to happen? She couldn't help but question.

Letting out a sigh, since she didn't want to use her brain, she greeted the boss with a light wave of her hand without saying anything. 
"Boss, you've been asking too much." Watching Ethan seemingly struggling to answer Danielle's question just now, out of what seemed like a privacy reason, Dante's eyes narrowed a bit and let out a sigh. "He may not really want to talk about his private family life. Besides, there's some much better questions to ask."

He took a sip of his black tea as his breakfast reached the table. Beginning to eat, he paused a bit before opening his mouth again. "What makes you want to join Rosa so suddenly?"

I noticed Renatta waving at me, and waved back smiling. Although the sense of loneliness acquired from waiting outside my office was still there, it felt better now that someone was with me. I leaned against the wall, wondering if I should make my escape before Delia comes. However, the consequences weren't going to be worth it, so I decided against leaving. Letting out a sigh, I idly wondered why everyone took so long to reach my office. Was it really that far? I glanced at Renatta. Unsure of how to start an conversation with her, I do not speak, the only sound was the air between us shifting in silence.


"What makes you want to join Rosa so suddenly?" I sit back, as if pondering, even though I already knew my reply. Turning to look at Dante, I stare at him with clear honesty in my eyes as I replied.

"Someone from Spinal tried to kill me." But its not like I want revenge or anything. I did beat him up after all. And he's probably dead now, I thought to myself.
Delia carried the tray with the two plates of food carefully to the office to see Lino and Renatta standing outside the office, both quiet and silent. There was an awkward atmosphere looming around them, and the right-hand woman couldn't help but sigh to herself. She really wished that Lino can be a little more... Open towards his own members.

Setting down the thought for now, she quickly walked towards them and smiled at Renatta. "Good thing you found the office. I was worried that you didn't know where it is."

Balancing the tray on one arm, Delia opened the office door and nudged Lino, telling him to go in first.

Worry flashed in Danielle's eyes when Ethan told them that someone had tried to kill him. He gave the young man a quick body eye-scan and made sure that there weren't any visible or serious wounds on him. Then, he looked at Ethan with kind eyes and said, "Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore. I'll make sure you stay safe and sound."

As a habit, Danielle reached up and patted Ethan on the head again in a comforting manner.
Back in her room, Silvia removed the dagger from her belt and peered at the silver blade. There was still blood shining on the surface. Sighing, she headed to the bathroom to wash the blood off.

I didn't mean to injure him...

But what was done was done in the past. She'll apologize to him later... Silvia froze in her work. Apologize? How long has it last been since she apologized to someone? How long has it last been since she last cut someone who wasn't trying to hurt her?

Wiping the dagger clean, she returned it to its sheath and placed it below her pillow once more before laying down on her bed face down.

I'm just going to sleep the day away... I'll see if the perv- boss has a mission for me tomorrow... He'll want to test my skills sooner or later. For now, I should rest and save my energy.

And with that said, er, thought, Silvia closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the beckoning call of sleep.
He yawned, tears welling up in his eyes.

Felix stretched his muscles, massaging one of his shoulders with his right hand. Merde, he must've overworked himself last night. One minute, he was up and awake, doing the written assignments given by his uncle, and the next, he was sleeping. The tall man cursed again, this time physically. Because of that impromptu nap, he woke up late for his training period that he always held before breakfast. He loosened his tie a bit more and straightened his back, in order to look more presentable.

A hand in his pocket, he sleepily walked through the halls until he saw- that's right- The Boss. He later noticed Ms. Delia (and Renatta) standing next to him, who were standing near his office door. Felix stopped immediately in his tracks and resumed, taking longer strides. He stopped again to bow at Lino and at Delia at a sharp 90 degree angle. "Good morning, sir, ma'am." He said, trying not to let his thoughts get ahold of him.
Upon seeing the clear honesty in Ethan's eyes, Dante couldn't help but frown. The reason seemed real, and the other didn't look as if he's lying. But who knows? Maybe he did belong in Spinal and almost got killed by another Spinal member, but still be a member of the spinal.

What a difficult one, Dante couldn't help but thought. Ethan's not easy to see through.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore. I'll make sure you stay safe and sound."

Danielle's words rang into Dante's ears, causing his eyebrows to twitch. He looked up at the boss slightly with a light sigh, mumbling out the words softly. "Keep him safe when we couldn't stay safe ourselves huh,,,Spinal's gonna land an attack on us sooner or later..."

Suddenly, he paused, the sudden worry of mentioning that one topic related to mafia affairs that caused Danielle's stress the most got to him, and Dante changed his tone into a much lighter, teasing one.

"So perhaps, we can send Ethan to kill Spinal's boss first. So Spinal can't bother us anymore," he said jokingly, knowing it's not possible to ask for a newly joined member to kill another family's boss. He chewed into his bread carefully, wondering if he has let too much of his suspicions for Ethan slip during the conversation.


Renatta looked toward Delia upon seeing her arrival with foods. She watched, then, as the right hand woman of the boss nudged him to enter the office. She stood there for a while, waiting to get into the office after Lino, before suddenly opening her mouth.

"I want a mission, Boss. After breakfast, may you give me a mission? I'm bored sitting around."

Finishing the sentence, she was about to wait for Lino's reply when another familiar voice cut in.

"Good morning, sir, ma'am."

That's...yes, that's a familiar voice.

It probably belongs to....

Renatta turned her head around to find a man standing there. She knew him, yes, and for once, she surprised herself, because she actually remembers his name.

Instead of greeting back as politely as how he greeted them, Renatta simply tilted her head to one side gently as a nod. "Morning, Felix."
Aeri entered the building, hoping the other members of Rosa were here. She was gone for quite a while, a few weeks at most, doing a job. It was some kind of clean up job, where she has to remove evidence and do some cover ups. She stayed a bit longer to see if what she did was effective. Finally, it was over with and ended up being a success and now she's back. She adjusted her hat a bit. Of course, she'd want to look her best when seeing them again.

She found them, Danielle, Elona, and Dante, eating breakfast together but one of them was unfamiliar to her. 'Probably a new member', she thought, and continuing on her way towards the table.

"Hi guys!" she exclaimed enthusiastically once she was in their sight. She took a glance at the new members face and she immediately tensed up. A member of the Spinal... She took a moment to glare at him. What exactly has happened when she was gone?
Delia paused what she was doing when she heard a greeting. She turned and saw a member of the family, Felix. Her eyes darkened for a brief second when she saw him. She never really knew why, but Felix reminded her of her past lover that was murdered. Perhaps it was because of their similar personalities, or maybe it was just because her lover was around Felix's age when he died.

Shaking off the thoughts, Delia smiled and nodded at the younger member. "Good morning, Felix."

Danielle's hand on Ethan's head tensed ever so slightly when he heard Dante softly mentioned Spinal attacking them sooner or later. That's right... Since the previous boss passed away, there haven't been any real conflicts except for occasional minor disputes. He certainly wasn't going to try to initiate anything, but he was sure Spinal had other plans. Indeed, Danielle needed to prepare himself and his members, just in case Spinal tries to land any surprise attacks on HQ.

He removed his hand from the new member and set it down on the table and stared at his food, deep in thought.

"So perhaps, we can send Ethan to kill Spinal's boss first. So Spinal can't bother us anymore." Dante said in a joking tone.

Danielle knew he was probably trying to steer the topic away from something so serious, but his mind lingered on the thought of Spinal. He held back a grimace when he felt a familiar ache in his head that would come back to him whenever he thought of these things.

His train of thoughts were cut off, however, when he heard a familiar voice greet them.

"Hi guys!"

The young boss looked up and saw a trusted member of his family, Aeri. He had sent her to clean up on some unfinished job so that they could avoid troubles with other mafia families and the police. He smiled brightly at the young woman, but his smiled wavered slightly when he saw her tense up.

Nonetheless, he greeted back cheerfully, "Welcome back Aeri! You're just in time to meet a new member." Danielle motioned to Ethan. "This is Ethan. I found him in the gardens and he told us that he wanted to join. Ethan, this is Aeri."

Danielle looked at the two fondly with anticipation. He hoped that the two can become friends, especially since Ethan have been through so much. It would be great if Ethan could settle in and make new friends in Rosa.
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I look at Aeri curiously with a light smile on my face before waving. So she knows that I'm part of spinal huh. Keeping the smile on my face, I extend my hand to her and say, "Hello, will you marry me?" I paused. What. What. What what what what what?! What did I just say?! My face flushed red and I waved my arms around.

"Ah, I mean nice to meet you, don't know where that came from, I'm only 17, too young to marry, ah uh its not like you're not pretty or anything, you're gorgeous, but uh um" I begun muttering nonsense, my face flaming red. This level of embarrassment was too much for me and I couldn't take it anymore. Burying my face into my arms, I wished that I didn't ask for a mission. I could literally feel the air heat up around my steaming face. How did nice to meet you become will you marry me?!


"Good morning, sir, ma'am."

I looked up, noticing the arrival of Felix. Waving a little, I smiled brightly.

"Good Morning Felix. Did you eat breakfast yet?"

Entering my office, I sat down on the sofa, since it was much softer than my chair. Glancing at Renatta and Felix, I decided to send them on a mission together. It would be some nice experience for both of them, and I hoped it would help Felix get more comfortable around women. Well, I'm not a forceful man, so I'll ask their opinions first, I thought to myself.

"Felix, Renatta, do you guys want to go on a mission?" I ate some of my breakfast before continuing.

"The mission requires you guys to work together. Spinal and Rosa have been quiet lately, and I feel as if there is a need to...disrupt the peace. The mission is to damage Spinal's incoming shipment of weapons. Of course, you can take some for yourself, but make sure to make it look like Rosa did it. Also, before using the weapons you take, bring them to me first. I will need to inspect and alter them if necessary."

I eyeballed the two of them,

"Its a dangerous mission, you might get caught. Make up your minds before answering me."
Elona's eyes were glued to Dani's hands as he pats Ethan's head. Her mouth slightly opened as she was about to take another sip of black tea. The girl had the sudden urge to go right up to Ethan and push him away from her big brother.

She wanted to scream at him and say, "NO, HE IS MY BIG BROTHER!"

Elona feels the sudden surge of anger/annoyance through her body. She then looks at Ethan and knew she wouldn't get along with Ethan very well. Elona shakes that thought off and remind herself that it isn't nice to treat him like this.

"It isn't his fault that big brother have a fondness for him."

It's been a long time since the Rosa family added a new member. Danielle was always very kind and happy when any newcomers appear. She assume that it was just a old grudge for the last time a new Rosa member got accepted in.

"Miss?..." the chef said.

The girl was still in a trance and didn't seem to hear him.

"Miss Elona!"

Elona slightly jumps from her seat as she saw the chef sliding the sugar-coated donut she requested. Sheepily looking at him, she thank him and took a bite from the donut.

A familiar figure enters the dining room, "Hey guys!"

Elona smiles as she notices that Aeri just came back from her mission. Other than Dani, Elona is attach to Aeri due to their age being close. Dani greets Aeri and introduce the new member to her. Surprisingly, as Ethan tries to greet her, he asks if he could marry her.

She holds her laugh, "He seems pretty ditzy."
His heart thumped and he nodded at Delia, not knowing what to fling back, who looked like she was tensing up and ready to jab him in the throat. He glanced at Renatta with slight displeasure, but did not say anything. He didn't quite like her (Like he thinks of everybody) but he didn't know what to say either. "No, sir, I did not." he responded to Lino, rubbing his neck.

He remained silent, at a distance from both of the women, trying not to look at them directly in the eyes. He only had been in this vast office thrice in his life and could feel the pressure on his back. Restraining himself from yawning, he listened to Lino attentively, his ears perking up at the mention of a mission. A mission? He grinned, his canines baring themselves.

Then he heard that Renatta would be involved. Putain. Women were not his forte.

Peeking sideways at the lady, Felix put his hands behind his back. This mission...It doesn't come in cheap, but at least you get some new weapons. "It would be my pleasure to do so, boss." The frenchman put in firmly, trying not to ruffle his own hair.

I thought over the details of the mission. Was sending only an middle-rank killer and a regular member okay? What if they got badly injured? The shipment was mostly likely going to be high protected. I looked over at Delia, then down at my food. Well, I guess I can survive on cake for a day.

"Delia, I'm going to send you with them as backup okay? Don't interfere unless something happens. This is a learning experience for them."
Pedr remained still as the young...girl- was it? She looked around 15 or 17. Hm, he could figure out her age later. Anyhow, he remained still as the young girl removed the blade from his neck and wrapped a piece of ripped cloth around his fresh wound.

But what triggered his confusion was how the young maiden hadn't spoken a single word of response.

Pedr figured she would say something after wrapping the cloth. Boy, he was wrong. The young man stared as the maiden silently walked up the staircase without a single word.

Still, he kept thinking she would turn around and say something. Such as a some sort of warning or ask a question or even say an apology.

But no, he was wrong yet again. The maiden kept her back towards him as she walked back into a familiar door.

At that moment, three words resounded in his mind.

What the hell?

Who exactly tries to slit one's throat and demonstrates an act of first aid afterward? He wasn't sure if the girl was merely on alert for her own safety and security or if that may have been a form of a warning. Who in Pete's sake carried around such a sharp weapon in this luxurious place? Was she some sort of bodyguard? For whom? What exactly was this family anyway? And what-

Pedr closed his eyes and shook his head in an attempt to shut out any more questions from intruding his mind and let out a huff. He opened his eyes again and stared at the cloth around his hand which was slowing being stained by his own blood.

Right now, he was simply baffled. Right now, he was thinking what he had gotten himself into. Right now, he wanted to barge after that maiden and demand an explanation for her actions.

A glint flashed in his eyes as he made a decision. The young man nodded to himself before climbing up the stairs and walked to the door that he had recalled the young maiden walk into.

He blinked when the door entered his line of vision and stopped in his place.

Wait a minute...

Pedr slightly raised an eyebrow as something clicked in his mind. His voice came out as a low whisper, "Lady Silvia...?"

For a moment, he stared a random spot in the distance as he registered the thought.

Then, he blinked and turned around, walked away from the room, walked down the stair case and straight back to the boss's office.

He needed to confirm something before his mind blanked out from mass confusion.

Pedr knocked on the door before entering and walked up to the boss's desk with a prompt head bow.

"Sir, if it is permitted, may i see a picture of Lady Silvia Spinal?"
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Rozando has just been reading through different files on his desk, including to those related to the shipment of weapons he had just requested for, with his other hand sipping the last bit or black tea from his teacup when he heard a knocking on the door, and before he could look up, Pedr has entered the room. Rozando jumped a little upon this, for the butler has suddenly interrupted his peace and quiet.

"You knock before you enter, sir. You surprised me," he said pleasantly with his usual calm voice, covering up the bit of his displeasure upon the disturbance.

"And you want,,,Ah, a picture of Lady Silvia, I apologize but I do not have one, although I do have her file of her info as a member of the family, with her profile picture attached." Rozando paused for a moment before continuing, "However, to view it, requires her permission, not mine. It contains her private info, after all."

As if reminded of something, Rozando opened his mouth again. "Speaking of her, I believe she has rested enough. If you're to ask her for permission for her info, please tell her that I want to meet her as well."


Renatta looked at the boss as she heard her mission being said. It's not a mission which she could go alone of, but requires partner Felix along as backup from Delia.

She looked toward Felix then--who has stared at her as if he didn't like her---before seemingly wondering. Then, she shrugged, deciding to not give a damn. The mission's what's important anyway...Or so she believes. Nodding, Renatta agreed to the mission, pleased that if she messes anything up, Delia who's the backup, could help.

"A learning experience for them," Lino had truly said so. Yep, it is a learning experience, so messing up won't get too huge of a punishment,,,right?

Just in case though, she shall try not to mess up in the mission.

Turning to face Felix, then, to whom is her first parter in mission, she held out a hand. "Pleased to work with you, Felix." She said it without a smile, but with her usual blank expression, at least she knows she's being polite.


Dante has been eating quietly ever since. He could notice that Danielle couldn't get away with the thought of Spinal, in which the lad let out a sigh. That's when a familiar figure appeared along with her voice that Dante looked up to find Aeri greeting them.

She has finished her mission, then, Dante assumed. He nodded lightly as a greeting back, then saw her face hardening at the sight of Ethan.

Ah, so she's suspicious of him too. Maybe she knew something about him already.

He should ask her later.

Actually pleased that he's not the only one having suspicions, Ethan's remark on Aeri truly surprised him. When Elona commented on him being ditzy, Dante couldn't help but let out a soft laugh too.

"Aeri, there's an empty seat next to Ethan. Please sit down," he said with a hint of a tease in his voice, wondering how Aeri would react to this,,,Suspicious person's proposal.
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"Hello, will you marry me?" he suddenly said after he was introduced by the boss to her. She was taken aback by his words. She felt herself blush a little but she brushed it away. She was not going to show that side to him, not until she trusted him enough. He continued with a desperate attempt to explain what he had said but it's too late. What was said was said. Let him suffer in embarrassment, she thought.

"He seems pretty ditsy." Elona said. Aeri smiled. It was nice to see Elona again. She'll try to make-up for the lost time later on. Her smiled faded when Dante jumped in the conversation.

"Aeri, there's an empty seat next to Ethan. Please sit down," he said, tease evident in his voice. She shot a glare at him and mouthed the words "I'll kill you" to him. Of course, she didn't mean that, but she will get back at him someday. She sits down beside Ethan. He'd be smart enough not to hurt her.

"Hmph." she said, meant for Ethan. "Quite cheeky, aren't you?" she muttered. She turned her eyes to the side, studying him for a while. So he was already a member. If the others aren't thinking of him as a problem, maybe she'll hold her questions for now. She removed her hat and set it down on her lap.

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