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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Kat said follow the tiger ok just follow her.

Yui saw a girl that was crying but she run of slowly so the girl could catch up.
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Juliette was scared as she put her head against yui fur as she wimper a bit not sure how to handle it as she ride on her
"I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want anyone to hurt me" Kathy said

Jack was at Kathy's house and seeing everything,"Tell her to get off you" Jack said so Kathy could hear him in her thoughts,"Okay" Kathy thought then she released herself from Gabby's grasp and did a backflip.
Gabby got hurt from this person" what do you want from me tell me that" she say pissed
violate was looking at her sister she heard a gun and she felt pain shoot her side.she let out a scream before she grabbed a knife that she had in her pocket at she through it the way the sound came from she heard the sound of a body falling dead to the ground as the world went black. @eclipsehowls
Then Kathy fell to the ground making this look real and said,"I don't know anything promise just don't..." Then Kathy sweped Gabby off her feet and got up.
Juliette was so scared as they went back to the house as she look at the girl as she poke her as she got scared again hiding behind yui

Gabby was trying to get off her' ug so weak i can't move a mussual' she thought she was limp
Yui went in the house left the girls on the couch and went to go get some things to help them get better and yui chaged back to human form.
Gabby just felt so weak as she coughed closing her eyes the last thing she remember is being with enya as she drop a note saying HELP she don't belong with these people
"That's your problem," barked Rose, baring her teeth at the stupid zodiac. "You're on my territory mutt," Rose repeated, still not shifting from her dog form. She turned her brown eyes to the snake Violet as it ran towards the other girl, saying the other girl's name was Ruby. "Take her and get out," Rose barked before walking towards the human and tearing out his throat before turning her back on the other mutt and walking home to tell her family they had to move again. @Fluffykitty9000 @Kittycat

(You guys are trying to die aren't you? xD )

"Snow down," said Rylic and the dire wolf whined but jumped off the window seat and sat there staring at Kendell. "Nothing's going to hurt you," Rylic said. "Your mother, Gabby and I won't let anyone hurt you. That's Snow. My pet dire wolf," he said.

Enya snarled as the alarms went off and pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE?!" Enya shouted at Kathy, beginning to grow annoyed with damn zodiacs popping up AGAIN. "I don't care if you kill her Gabby," Enya said. As the sheep and this...person were fighting, Enya was watching the intruder's movements before shaking her head. "Pitiful. Needing to take orders from somebody else are we?" Enya questioned. "How pathetic," Enya said. She reached up above one of the horse stalls and pulled out a gun before firing at the intruder. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY DAMN PROPERTY!" @WoodenZebra She leveled the gun again and fired off another shot, this time making the bullet whizz past Kathy's ear. "Next time I have to tell you, I'll blow your damn brains out," she snarled as she went over to Gabby and stood in front of her friend. @Zeldafangirl
Gabby just watched as she smirked" you see i don't take orders from others except my friend here" she say smirking" so leave me alone go away and tell my nephew to fuck off do you understand" she say smirking as she felt a lot of pain in her chest she was way too strong for her' ug why do i have to be so weak its not fair' she thought looking around" ENYA" she yelled" you hurt my friends i have no other choice to kill you" she say she was angry as she pinned the girl to the wall in a strong grip chocking her in the pocess

Kendell just cried as she was scared getting rocked
ruby woke up to her sister lying hurt next to her.she had a bullet wound on her side it was not very deep and it was just a skim on her side but she was losing blood.she took her night gown out of her bag and tied it around her sisters leg then she pulled out the sack that held her money.she dumped the money out and ripped the bag and the string in half she rapped half around her chest and half around her sisters cut on her side.she helped her sister on her sholder and caried her off to her house to her family.
Wait yui says running to them you your not strong anotf plez stay i half to help just stay till your wounds are better you can't go anywhere like that.
Jul looked around as she went to play with some toys as she felt lonely as she looked around no one was around so she ran away scared bare foot as she ran no one would care if she was gone tears fill her eyes
Jul looked scared as she didn't know what was going on her head was hurting as she didn't know what she was yet as she growned in pain as her powers were acting up
Jul just held her head as she was confused what was going on she was the cat but didn't know what she was as her powers were twitching she was human but a cat she just were scared holding onto kat shaking up
Had Enya been able to shift into her tiger form, she would have been quicker. The last thing Enya saw before she was knocked unconscious was one of her leopards sneaking up on Kathy, the gun going off as Enya hit the ground, a bullet going into her leopard's head, killing it instantly. Its body falling to the ground with a thud. @WoodenZebra

Rylic wasn't sure what was going on outside but he continued trying to comfort Kendell. Snow growled as he heard the gunshots. "No Snow," said Rylic. "Stay here." @Zeldafangirl

Meanwhile Ash had woken at the gunshots and went to his siblings' rooms, checking them all to make sure his siblings were okay. As the oldest sibling, Ash felt like it was his job to make sure his siblings were okay.

"Ash what wrong?" Shale asked as he opened his eyes at the gunshot, Violet perking her head up as light spilled into the room.

"I don't know Shale. You and Violet go back to sleep," Ash said.

"Want stay Ash," said Violet. Ash sighed and nodded, taking his siblings back to his room. He opened his door to find Pine and Daisy already in his room, huddled in his bed. Shale and Violet jumped up and lay down against each other at the end of the bed. "I'm not going to have any room to sleep then," Ash muttered before getting into the middle of the bed and curling up into the fetal position.

Rose went home and told the family they were going to have to move.
Kendell just looked at her father as she looked at the wolf as she yawned looking around" story dada" she asked" or lullaby dada" she say scared as she calm down a bit

Yuzyu sat on the floor in her tiger form as she slept under the bed since she was scared

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