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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Serenity looked at her mother who nodded. "I'm Serenity Zeklos," Serenity said. "My mommy Amy Lee." @Sp00ky Nerd

Rylic looked at Kendell. "Do you think you can go back to sleep Sunshine?" Rylic asked her, Sunshine being his nickname for Kendell. The only ones who didn't have nicknames were Shale and Violet.

Enya slowly came too, looking around. "G...Gabby?" she asked, trying to sit up as the world began spinning around her. She smelled gun smoke, saw the discharged gun, blood on the ground, signs of a struggle. "Ga..GABBY!" she shouted as she didn't see her friend anywhere. "Damn. I need...control..." she muttered as she grabbed the gun and used it to help herself walk, making her way towards the house. For some reason, she decided to go down to the dungeon cells where Emily was being held and walked towards the area. Using the wall to support herself and for balance, Enya slowly made her way there. It took her longer than it would normally have but she made it and sat down carefully in front of the cell where Emily was. "How are you my sister? My mother Nuwa never had any other cubs." @Zeldafangirl
Miyo smiled. "What a nice name," She said to Serenity. She then turned to Amy. "Nice to meet you." she held out her hand for a handshake, sitting upright. "Miyo Konishi. I'm fifteen. How old is your daughter? She's very sweet." @eclipsehowls
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Luna walked past Ava and saw the clothes Ava was looking at "Nice style aren't they" she said smiling joyfully "They'd suit you" she said again with no hesitation she then pulled out a dark blue dress "This would look so good on you" Luna was not the typical fashionista but she knew a thing or two. Luna Pulled out a blush pink blowse "this would go nice with what your wearing" she exclaimed as she looked at Ava.Luna pulled out another top the same colour as the blowse "Same with this, it would look great" Luna smiled happily.







ava just blushed as she read her lips her favorite color was blue she don't loook her age' thanks but i don't have money on me ma'am' she say

emily looked up' i was kidnap by our biological mother i have this birthmark' she say showing it to her' your worried about your friend i can track her' she say

@eclipsehowls @xXMiaXx
Luna smiled then reached for her purse from her bag and pulled out $30 for the dress, $20 for one top and $20 for the other "it's Cool" She said pushing it onto her chest. Luna grinned then thought ' i hope she accepts it' "I'm Luna" Luna gave a continous Grin "Luna Lovegood". Luna then kept looking and waited for a reply her blode frizzy hair sawying as she bent down to look at the clothes, stand back up and look some more. Luna looked back up at the girl "By the way i prefer Luna...not the silly Ma'am term thing" Luna turned her head and glanced at a store, a Cafe'.

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"Why would she kidnap you and abandon her firstborn to die?" Enya questioned, looking at Emily. "Why else are you here? What is your real reason for being here?" Enya didn't believe this girl had come here by chance. She wasn't sure if she even believed that Emily was her sister and who could blame the tigress? It was hard to believe that her human mother would have abandoned her and then kidnapped or kept this girl before her in the cage. @Zeldafangirl
gabby was hurt her leg and was broken she screams in pain as she escaped them heading to the base she found heer way back as she fell blacking out last thing she remembers being with enya'' enya' she say weakly as her body hurts @eclipsehowls

Nichole was crying for her mother as she wanted to play

Juliette heard a baby cry
Ava just looked at the girl luna as she smiled" okay Luna i'm just Ava nothing special about me just ava thank for the clothes" she say as she smiled" i'm 12" she say to the girl" i live on my own but i get help" she say to luna

Nichole was reaching up from her mum as she wanted to be picked up since she woke up from her nap

@xXMiaXx @Kittycat
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Mika flinched as the distinctive sound of a gunshot reverberated off the buildings. When she listened closely she realized that It came from the alley she had just been passing through only moments before. "Shite!" She muttered to herself, "that was close". Better go check it out...

Fishing her cellphone out of her bloated bag, she then dialed 911 while jogging back towards the alley. A half-bored voice answered the call, "911, what is your emergency."

"I just heard gunshots in the alley between the bookstore and the laundromat on Applewood street." Mika huffed into the phone, rounding the corner that lead into the alley. Savage growls and shouting could be heard, complete with the muffled shout of "don't move or i'll kill her" followed by a young lady's scream.

Mika arrived at the scene in time to see the backs of a few people exiting the alley and a glimpse of some animal's tail. "There's a body here... oh gosh, I think he is dead"

the woman on the phone seemed rather uninterested."I've sent the boys out to deal with it. Stay where you are hun."
Zeldafangirl said:
gabby was hurt her leg and was broken she screams in pain as she escaped them heading to the base she found heer way back as she fell blacking out last thing she remembers being with enya'' enya' she say weakly as her body hurts @eclipsehowls
Enya growled in annoyance as the alarms set off and disappeared up to the main hallway, pressing a button over an intercom. "What is outside now?" she growled through the intercom.

"I don't know Mistress but we can check it out," came a voice on the other end of the intercom.

"Do so," Enya snarled and the person on the other end of the intercom hurried outside and looked around the base before the woman spotted Gabby

The female hunter ran over to her and helped her up, taking her back to the infirmary and lying on a bed. "Mistress is with the prisoner. I'll go alert her that you're back," the hunter woman said before running to the hallway where the pets were. "Mistress, Gabby just came back. She's in the infirmary with a broken leg."

Enya nodded. "Go check on my children. Do something useful with your time," she sniped out before making her way to the infirmary where doctors were already beginning to set Gabby's bones back into place.
"The same to you." Miyo smiled sadly. "Your husband, right? I'm sorry." She stared off into space for a second before speaking once more. "Six, huh? I remember being six. Running around, so full of energy," She smiled to Serenity. "Like a little mouse." She knew now, for certain, that this child was a Zodiac. Miyo could smell it. The rat, just like her father. @eclipsehowls
Zeldafangirl said:
Gabby just woke up" ENYA" she yelled for her trying to get tied from the chair" what the fuck you want leave me alone i'm happy there" she say pissed trying to kick him
Jack dodged the kick,"Look I know your problem with my mom so I invited someone important to come" Jack said then a knock came on the door then 1 second later the door was kicked down and a figure appeared before everyone,"What do you want" Cadence said before she saw Gabby tied up in a chair then just repeated looking her son to looking at her sister.Cadence palmed herself in the head.

"thank you so much for helping me and my sister.by the way i am ruby and this is my sister violet.whats your name?" she asked the friendly stranger. @Kittycat
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