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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

"thanks again" ruby says as she takes violet up to their room.once she gets there she puts her down slowly on one of the beds and starts to help her sisters wounds so that she could not lose any more blood.
hannah was walking down the empty street singing a happy tune.

"lalalalala yum yum chicken bum! laallaalla eat it up one by one! she let out a giggle as she walked to her make shift house that was between 2 dumpsters made out of old blankets and cardboard boxes.she crawled her way through the small door and went over to the pile of blankets that was her bed.she curled up into a ball and closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.
Miyo nodded in response to Amy. "Right. Sorry," she clarified. She them turned to Serenity again. "Yes, rats are very cute!" She smiled a knowing smile. "Personally, my favorite animal...is a snake! Do you know about snakes, Serenity?" She asked. @eclipsehowls
"They eat rats, can get into places rats and mice can, are good climbers and cold blooded. Some are poisonous and some aren't as well as being good swimmers and having heat vision," said Serenity. Her father had made sure she knew of the dangers of snakes before he had died. @Sp00ky Nerd
hannah could not fall asleep because the sound of cars was to loud.so she got up and got her worn sweater and pulled over her head and left the warm little hut and went out into the big world.she walked around looking at families running to their cars at the movie theater.she walked up to a shop that had beautiful dresses.she wished that she could wear those.Hannah continued walking around the town.she was now in a neighborhood were houses lined the sides she let out a wimper she rally missed her mom and dad but for all she knew they were died.she could not even remember their faces of their voice. she looked in one window and saw a mom and dad playing with a little girl.she felt tears run down her face.she turned and ran back to her hut[.
Gabby groan in pain as she just sighed as her hand was shaking her leg was in lot of pain" stop fuck that hurts really bad" she say to the nurses as she saw enya" hiya" she say to her friend as she smiled @eclipsehowls
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"You need to stay still so that leg can be set," Enya said. "What happened? Where were you taken? I don't remember anything but seeing you gone," she said as she looked at her friend. "That, the smell of gun smoke and blood." @Zeldafangirl
Gabby just looked at her as she sighed as she looked away" they shot me with a gun and they took me to a cabin......." she say as she bite her lip" i hate my sister damn her damn my real family she's alive i thought she was dead like jack" she say covering her mouth still not believing it she just lay back" i would always hate them for abandoing me i was all alone" she say as she sighed" i'm sorry enya" she say venting out on her
"It's fine," Enya said. "We'll figure out something. Maybe leave again if necessary," she said. "It's not like there's zodiacs in Greece or Africa." While she was talking the nurses successfully managed to set Gabby's leg. @Zeldafangirl
Gabby looks at her as she smiled at her" do i have to wear a cast for my leg enya" she say as she lay back on the pillow" you been my best friend i want to thank you for taking me in twice" she say" your like a sister" she say blushing a bit
Gabby just looked at her" yeah i know anyways do you want to watch a movie since the kids are asleep" she asked" or you wanna do something else" she say seeing the crutches" i want the leg to heal it would be worse if i was fully human" she say

Kendell hit her head on the crib as she was awake she couldn't fall back asleep
Miyo listened intently to Serenity, nodding slightly. "You sure know a lot about snakes!" She said. "Good job! Do you know how snakes smell?" She asked. "They use their tongues. Like this!" She stuck her tongue out and made a hissing noise, laughing a bit. "It's true that snakes eat rats sometimes, but..." She whispered. "I won't hurt you!" She winked at Serenity slightly, sharing her secret. @eclipsehowls
Movie sounds like a good idea," said Enya. She hadn't watched any movies for a while. Enya led Gabby into the living room and had the servants cook hot dogs, cheeseburgers and popcorn with lots of butter. It wouldn't help Enya with losing weight but it made her happy to be able to enjoy some quality time with her friend.

Rylic went back into Kendell's room, yawning as he picked her up "Are you alright Sunshine?" he asked her. @Zeldafangirl

Serenity cocked her head at the snake, taking a step back at the hissing. She didn't like snakes, mice or cats. "Are...are you a..." she looked around and then spoke in a whisper, "...a zodiac too?" @Sp00ky Nerd
Kendell was fussy as she just didn't want to sleep" no want play" she say wide awake there was no way she could go back to sleep now as she had her stuffed animal with her as she start to suck on it

Gabby just smiled as she got lead to the couch as she smiled" this will be great what you wanna watch" she asked sitting on the couch her foot on a pillow
Miyo nodded. "Yes, I am," she said softly. She bent down to Serenity's height. "I'm the Snake. I've been looking for more zodiacs for a long time, but you're the only one I've met so far. I'm really happy!" She smiled at Serenity, looking up to Amy and smiling to her as well. "I hope we can meet again some day. I get the feeling we will." @eclipsehowls
Seki was crawling to her mum as she laughed as she pulled onto her mum pants as she smiled she was teething late
(you be isa i suck at boy characters)

Seki just shocked her head" no" she say as she smiled
Ruby had finished tending to hers and her sisters wounds she took off her clothes now in her underwear she curled into her bed and went to sleep thinking of how for the first time in a long time she was sleeping on a bed and she knew that her sister was safe.
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Ava looked at her as she smiled" nice to meet ya too" she say as she pulled down her sleeves of her sweeter she just sighed she ran away from her parents that hurt her because she was a zodiac" anyways i better get going" she say' now i need to find a place to stay' she mumble loud enough for anyone to hear
Ok but you can have your food now Yui says (still someone wants to be Isa a we can't find him( :( )(:'()

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