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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

gabby just lift her head" he's my......nephew damn i hate feeling like this" she say sighing" i didn't even know i had a nephew i don't even care if he dies my sister betrayed me so why should i care" she say to her" why does he have pop up stupid zodiacs" she say" i mean other zodiacs not us" she say

Emily walked in the forest as she found a mission as she looked confused something about it was unusal so she tranformed into her tiger form sniffing around trying not to be sean she smelled her older sister she lived with her biolgacal mom but she hated her she wanted to save her sister from this place
violate took a deep breath before she switched back into human form (WITH HER CLOTHES ON)and put a weak hand on her leg wound.every thing was very dissy but she made sure she did not throw up."hi"she said weakly "i'm violate." @eclipsehowls
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(Ah okay. Just ignore that then Fluffy)

Enya frowned at Gabby having a nephew. "Guess Cadence took me at my word," Enya said. "Well...I guess...honestly I don't know whether to congratulate you for having a nephew or be annoyed," Enya finally said. "If he has Jack and Cadence's personality though...he's probably a menace with a taste for alcohol. Did they say what they wanted here?" @Zeldafangirl

"She's apparently deaf," Josh said.

Rose glared at her husband. "Don't mind my husband. We came here to escape humans who were hunting us and now we're just going to have to leave again thanks to you and yours showing up here," Rose said. "Zodiacs always bring trouble to other zodiacs and with them zodiac hunters."

Basil didn't say anything, except stared in surprise at Violet. When he saw she wasn't naked, the dog frowned "You're supposed to be naked," he said to her. @Fluffykitty9000
Gabby looked at her" please don't congrate me i don't even care about him" she say annoyed a bit" the only people i care for is you and your kids and relic i don't care about my family i wish they can burn" she say as she sighed laying on the bed as she heard a alarm" what was that" she say bonting up" another intruder great" she say as she sighed
Enya nodded before getting up and following Gabby as the alarms went off again. She hissed in annoyance before walking down the stairs after glancing the closed study. Rylic didn't seem to have heard the alarm so she assumed he was sleeping. She walked down the stairs, her sock covered feet padding silently down the three flights of stairs. @Zeldafangirl
Emily just sniffed around as she heard alarms' crap' she thought aas she ran towards the bushes hidding from the people
"yes i came here to get away from my old town......because of what happened to my family."

she looked ant the boy who said something that made her mind go blank.

"um...dont ask how i learned how to not be naked.its a very um.... not very... just never mind."

Enya walked out of the base/mansion, a few hunters running out after Enya and surrounding her. "What idiot is walking around private property?" Enya questioned to the surrounding trees and bushes, stressing the last two words of her question. The daughter of the original tiger zodiac wasn't comfortable without her fangs and claws to help her in a fight. Whistling for her cats, she had them accompany Gabby as a few stood around her, their forms mingling with the dogs as the tigress waited for an answer. @Zeldafangirl

Basil looked at his mother who shrugged. "You're a teenager," Basil said sadly. "Nobody goes into the forest. A bunch of zodiacs used to live here and they were all killed or disappeared. Why are you coming back now?" @Fluffykitty9000
Gabby just looked at the girl who was in the tiger form" um enya you sure you don't have a sibling" she asked" she kinda looks like you" she say

Emily was in her human form" you may not remember me but i'm emily i just wanted to say hi so bye" she say about to leave as the other girl stepped in front of her pinning her to the ground
she looked shocked at what the kid had said.

"what do you mean died......i have been coming back to town every week....the only reason i got attacked is because my snakes....they what....NO!"

ignoring the pain that shot through her leg when see got up she ran out the door and sprinted back into the forest to her cottage.

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Yui smilies.

Brooke asked yui you should take jul shopping for new clothes.

Kat looks at brooke,Brooke looks at her.
ruby was sitting on top of the dumpster behind the Landry mat it had just clossed and she had put her clothes that she had been wearing for 2 years.she now wore a old night gown that she had found in the dumpster 1 year ago.she heard the ding inside the landry mat.she walked inside the shop and before she got to the washing machine she had put her clothes in she saw a sweater in the garbage that looked to have a tiny black stain on the blue part of the black sweater.she went over and picked up the sweater and went back to her clothes she took them out and then striped down to her underwear she now put her nightgown in the wash. she went to the bathroom and washed her body in the sink.she dried her hair with a old towel and put on her clothes and went to get her night gown.she always remembered to shut off the cameras for the time that she was in the store she took out her night gown and put it in her worn old red bag witch held her water bottle her little bit of food money her moms locket (witch she just took of to shower)and her blanket and sack of wheat witch is her pelow.she put on her moms locket and the sweater then she zippered up her bag and left the store.
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Enya frowned. "Yes I'm sure. As far as I know anyway. My father never told Nuwa that I had any siblings and mother never had any other children," she said. "Put her in one of the dungeon cells," Enya said to the hunters who walked forward and grabbed Emily. The tigress turned towards the barn and began walking there, to check on the horses and other livestock the family had, thinking about this odd turn of events in her life. @Zeldafangirl

Basil and his parents just watched the snake zodiac leave. "Well that was odd," Rose said as the family turned back to their meal.
violate was out of breath when she reached her cottage she saw that the person who had attacked her had survived and had left the cottage she went over to the backyard were her snakes lived.but when she got there she saw that all there was dead snakes.she fell to the ground and cried when she saw a small snake come from under one of the snakes it looked very scared.

"lilly you are alive what happened?!'

"before you got home a man came to the cottage and killed them all.and said that you would die just like your family." violate felt a shot of pain go through her heart.she need to keep lilly alive.lilly was the child of her first snake she had to stay safe with her.she felt pain on her thigh it was still bleeding and she needed help fast or she would bleed to death she grabbed lilly and sprinted back to the house were she came from once she got there she knocked on the door. @eclipsehowls
Juliette looked at them" you don't need to buy me clothes i'm fine with these" she say as she smiled

Emily was grabbed" hey let me go i'm telling you the truth let me go" she say thrown in a cell
Jul lookekd at them" okay" she say as she smiled looking at the empty plate" we can go shooping" she say wrong as she laughed a little bit" can get new toys too" she asked
Juliette just held her hand as she smiled" yay store" she say as she held kat hand too as she smiled she only had 2 hands she couldn't hold brooke hand as she frowned
"What now?" Josh asked as he heard a knock on the door. "Basil go get the door and take Remus with you."

"Okay daddy," said Basil. "Remus, heel," Basil said to the German Shepherd/Alaskan Malamute mix. The dog got up and followed Basil to the door where the child opened it and saw the snake girl back again with another snake. "Mom! Dad! Violet's back again! With a snake!" Basil shouted.

"Oh for God's sake," said Josh. "Come in snake!" he yelled. Basil grinned and stepped back to allow Violet inside. "When did you come here?" Basil questioned Violet. "What month? Because a year before there were was a sheep zodiac, a dragon zodiac, a snake zodiac, a tiger zodiac, a ram zodiac, a rooster zodiac, a monkey zodiac, an ox zodiac, and some rabbit zodiacs but they were all killed on orders of the tiger zodiac last year or they ran away." @Fluffykitty9000

Enya reached the barn and began petting a few of the horses and that was where she was when Gabby found her.The hunters glared at Emily. "That's impossible. Mistress doesn't have any siblings," said one of the hunters. Mistress was an only child, given up by her human mother and left to die in the forest." @Zeldafangirl
Emily looked at him" that was my mum she was horrible but still i tried to look for her" she say as she was in the cage" well i came after 2 years later" she say to the guard as she just waited hearing a baby cry

Kendell was crying she had a nightmare as she was so scared as she was playing with her baby mointer
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"what year um well at the hosp- i mean i dont know when i came here all i know is that i came her 3 years ago i really tried to keep a down low because of the people that were- um...... nothing thank you for letting me in basil." violate said as she walked through the now open door into the heat.
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Do you want to fly their Yui asks smiling

Brooke goes to Dragon form so some of them to get on her back.

Kat smiled.

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