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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Brooke said I almost forgot it was your birthday tomorrow.

Kat smiles

And now that we got a new person living with us it makes my day happier Yui says smiling.
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(sorry i was sleeping)

Kendell grabbed for her sippy cup as she drink out of it she always sit next to her mother as she smiled" mama how was nap" she asked as she played with her tiger that her mum gave her for her first birthday she just played waiting for the food

Gabby looked at enya" yeah why are they popping up now and are you okay can you still not tranform into your tiger form" she asked @eclipsehowls

Juliette smiled as she just blushed @Kittycat
Kathy was walking with Jack when they stumbled apon a mansion,"No.No.No Nononono" Jack said,"What is it JJ" Kathy said,"Long family history at that place" Jack said,"Oh" Kathy said then she saw a camera look at her,"JJ whats that camera doing?" Kathy asked.Then Jack turned around grabbed a rock and threw it at the camera breaking it,"We were just detected lets go" Jack said hiding behind a bush.

@eclipsehowls @Zeldafangirl
Gabby heard the alarms" stay here with the kids i'll check it out" she say walking outside as she turned into her sheepform as she laughed as she saw jack and a boy who looked like her sister" what the hell you doing here i thought you were dead jack" she say pissed
Gabby tranform to her human form" what do you want boy" she say" if you know whats good for you leave" she say" or else i just kill you right here right now" she say to him not knowing he was his aunt
Basil was just sitting down to eat as his mother doled out a serving of each food. There was Chicken Fried Rice, Wonton Soup, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Chicken Egg Rolls, Chicken Lo Mein, White Rice, Beef Broccoli, Fried Noodles, packets of soy sauce and of course fortune cookies. One of their dogs, and they had a lot since both Basil and his mom were dog zodiacs,began barking as it heard something outside. Basil's father got up and followed the dog to the backyard, turning on the back porch light. As the light spilled across the yard, Basil's father saw a girl with blood pooling out of her thigh, lying on the ground. Looking around the man ordered the dog back into the house and went over to the girl, picking her up in his arms. But as he held her the girl suddenly transformed into a snake. "I hate fucking snakes," the man muttered, as he dropped it and then grabbed the snake by its neck before carrying it into the house.

"Josh what is it?" Basil's mother asked as she stood when Basil's father entered the room. The dogs started barking and his mother snapped at them to be quiet.

"I was outside with Hunter Rose," Josh said to his wife. "When I saw this snake...this girl...lying on the ground bleeding." He held up the snake that was bleeding along the middle of its body. "When I picked her up, she turned into a damn snake."

"Dad what type of snake is that?" Basil asked as he looked at the snake, the fact that there was another zodiac animal besides him and his mom in Everstone barely registering in the kid's head.

Josh held up the snake under the light to inspect it. "An Eastern Brown Snake, Basil. It's venomous so don't touch it. What do we do with it Rose?"

"Well put it in a cage somewhere where it can't get out first off," Rose said. "Don't need the dogs getting bit. It should transform back in a little bit and then I'll see about its wound. We can't take it to the hospital. That would be some hard explaining if the girl suddenly turned into a snake when she was being treated."

Josh nodded and went to get an old cage that he shoved the snake in and then shut it. He came back into the dining room with the dogs who had trailed him. "I stuck it in one of those old hamster cages when Basil had a hamster when he was younger," said Josh as he went into the kitchen and washed his hands, coming back down and resuming his seat.

"How old was the snake zodiac dad?" asked Basil.

"Mid to late teens," said Jason with a shrug. "Let's not talk about it anymore and enjoy our meal."

Basil and Rose nodded and returned to their meal, beginning to eat their dinner. @Fluffykitty9000

Amy and Serenity finally got their food and began eating their dinner as Serenity put her finished homework away.

Enya turned to Gabby and snarled under her breath. "I hope you haven't mentioned anything to Rylic or the kids about zodiacs being around again. He's fine with you and of course us, but he won't be happy with other zodiacs around again. I wonder if any of them are the ones from before?" she mused thoughtfully before shaking her head. At Gabby's concerned question about if Enya could transform yet into her tiger zodiac form, the fifteen-year-old shook her head. "No I'm afraid I can't. Even if I could, because of the weight I gained with Kendell's pregnancy, I'm too fat to be able to protect my kids until I can lose the weight," she said with a laugh.

"Kendell quit playing with your sippy cup," Ash snapped at his baby sister. "Where's dad?" he questioned one of the servants.

"With his animals young master." said the servant.

"Get him. Mother's almost here," said Ash.

In the control room, the camera monitoring a section of the property suddenly went all fuzzy but the guards had seen intruders on the property Cursing the guards got their guns as they ran out of the control room, notifying some of the hunters who set the dogs loose from their leads Enya had trained the dogs herself to identify the scents of her, her children and Gabby but to kill anyone else. There was barking as the dogs ran towards the intruders upon catching their scent.

Enya watched as Gabby left and barely had time to nod before the sheep zodiac ran off. She went downstairs and sat down at the table. "Where's Rylic?" she asked. @Zeldafangirl

"I sent a servant to get him mom," said Ash. "What's wrong?"

"It seems we have an intruder on the base," Enya snarled. "Kendell dear stop playing with your sippy cup," she said to youngest child. Shale and Violet were under the table, plates of meat being set before the two liger children.

Inside the hallway with his animals, Rylic looked up as he heard the alarms going off and the shouts from his hunters. "What the FUCK is going on?" he questioned, getting to his feet and walking to the door, only to run into the servant who Ash had sent to fetch him.

"Master, Young Master Ash sent me to fetch you," the servant said bowing. "Mistress is coming downstairs and the young masters and misses are at the table waiting your arrival."

Rylic nodded before letting his hunters deal with the problem as he made his way to the dining room, the tremors finally having stopped. He saw all his kids and Enya sitting at the table but didn't see the sheep zodiac. "Where is Gabby?"

"She ran outside to deal with the disturbance when the alarms went off Rylic," Enya said to him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine darling," Rylic said to Enya as he walked around to kiss her. "Just checking on my pets."

Enya nodded as Rylic sat down and the servants brought dinner that Enya had made, beginning to serve it to the family.
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Kendell just listen to her mum as she smiled" okay mama" she say as she looked at her she just drink the juice in her sippy cup as she put it down as she ate her food she ate her food as she smiled as she didn't like vegetables as she always try to avoid them
(@Sp00ky Nerd: Give me a couple minutes and I can post my characters Amy and her daughter Serenity in the cemetery where you could stumble upon them if you want.)

As the family began to eat, Rylic thought about what he was going to say to Enya tonight. He wanted to propose to his girl but wasn't sure what to say or how Enya would take the proposal. Enya shook her head as she saw Kendell not eating her vegetables. "Kendell you need to eat your peas," said Enya. "They're good for you." @Zeldafangirl

Amy and Serenity ate their meal in silence, enjoying the warmth of the cafe. "Mommy I wish daddy was here with us," Serenity said. Her father's rats obeyed her naturally since she was the rat zodiac but the girl, like her father, didn't have any friends in school and with Shadow dead, had nobody to teach her to control her powers. She knew she couldn't let boys or male teachers touch her but thankfully she only had Mr. Peterson for Gym and her other teachers were female.

"I know Serenity. I miss your father as well," Amy said sadly. After they had finished their food, spending an hour within the cafe, they got up and left. Amy took them to the car and they drove to a flower shop where they got some flowers to lay on Shadow's grave before they drove to the cemetery. Serenity left her backpack in the car and took her mother's hand as they began walking through the tombstones. @Sp00ky Nerd
Kendell just looked at her mum as she smiled" okay mama" as she ate the pees as she looked at her family as she smiled" can i go play after dinner" she asked as ate as she yawned a bit

Yuzyu looked at her little sister her own birthday was in few days she hasn't told anyone about it' please forget my own birthday i don't wanna celbrate it' she thought

Gabby went back inside as her hand was shaking as she went to her room she was at a breaking point her sister was dead but she left him.... jacks son she wanted to punch the wall as she try to calm down she sat down close to the window as she sighed singing a lullaby she liked


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Enya nodded. "That's fine if you go play after dinner," Enya said.

Unlike Yuzyu, Ash hadn't forgotten about the twins' birthday. "Mommy, Daddy. Yuzyu and my birthday is in a few days."

Enya blinked in surprise as she looked at Ash while Rylic just seemed confused. "I'll be eight and Yuzyu will be seven," Ash said.

"I'd forgotten it was your birthday," Enya admitted sheepishly. "Is there anything either of you want for your birthday?"

"Can I have the horse's foal that she's having, the one that the human Jack made my friend?" Ash asked hopefully

"That's up to your father Ash," Enya said.

"Sure Ash," Rylic said. "But it will need to be with its mother until it is weaned."

Ash smiled happily at getting his own horse.

"What about you Yuzyu?" Rylic questioned his daughter, slightly annoyed again with Enya. @Zeldafangirl

Reaching the grave of Shadow Zeklos, Serenity took the flowers from her mother and set them on her father's grave, tears falling slightly from her eyes. "I miss you daddy" Serenity said to her father's tombstone. "I wish you didn't die. I don't have anyone to help teach me how to control myself as a rat and I have no friends at school." Amy just watched as her daughter and sighed. The woman missed her husband and wished he was here with them, to explain what Serenity would be going through.
Yuzyu just shrugged as she didn't know what she wanted" i dunno daddy uh i guess surprise me" she say

Gabby was all calm down as she went downstairs" hiya" she say to enya as she smiled

Kendell was finished with most of her food" no more full" she say" do i gots take bath" she say pouting a little

(heh i got a idea for a cs but i want permission befor i do can i make a little sister for enya or something like that what ya think @eclipsehowls )
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(Sure you can Zelda.)

Rylic nodded, still lost in his thoughts at Yuzyu as Gabby came downstairs.

"Yes you do," Enya said. She turned her head as Gabby came downstairs but didn't say anything with Rylic and the kids. "Are you alright Gabby?" Enya asked her friend, gesturing to a seat where food was waiting, steaming under a cover. @Zeldafangirl
Gabby just looked at her" tell you later" she just say as a servent got the food for her as she smiled she liked helping enya she had that boy in her mind as her hand was shaking again but it wasn't noticable
violate woke up to find her self in a hamster cage.she was in her zodiac form.she looked around the outside of the cage it was a house and it smelled like dog.she tried to slither to the cage door but a sharp pain shot through her tail she let out a painful hiss.her eye site became blurry.she stopped and waited to see if the person who put her in this cage was friendly or unfriendly. @eclipsehowls
((Thanks @eclipsehowls ))

Miyo strolled through the cemetery, a collection of balloons bouncing behind her as she walked. It was her friend's birthday today, and Miyo went here every year to give her balloons. As she went along her usual path, she saw a woman and a small child standing near a grave. The little girl appeared to be crying, even from a distance. It must be her father, Miyo thought to herself, slowing to a stop. A pang of sympathy shot through her, and she turned away from the path and towards the girl and her mother.
Enya looked at Gabby and nodded before turning back to her own meal. The tigress mother didn't know that she had a sister somewhere who was looking for her. It had just been Enya, Nuwa and her cats. There was silence as they ate the meal before Rylic excused himself and went up to his study, leaving the rest of the family alone. @Zeldafangirl

Once Rylic got up two flights of stairs, the lead hunter allowed his steps to slow before making his way up the last flight of steps to the family quarters on the third floor and then made his way to his study, shutting and locking the door behind him before stumbling to the couch and collapsing on it. Despite Enya's cheating on him, Rylic hadn't been like other people who just committed the same act as 'revenge' against their spouse. "Fucking cats," Rylic hissed out before rolling onto his side and attempting to get some sleep...and deal with the pain of Flame's mark.

Josh went into the room where the snake zodiac was being kept and stared at it, one of the dogs beside him. "I wouldn't move," Josh said as he watched the snake, having been sent to check on it by Rose. "Why are there other zodiacs here in Everstone?" @Fluffykitty9000

(You're welcome.)

Amy turned as she heard footsteps coming towards them along the path and moved protectively in front of Serenity. But all it turned out to be was another mourner with balloons walking towards them. Probably towards another grave, thought Amy to herself. Nevertheless, the mother remained in front of Serenity, not willing to lose her daughter either. Behind her, Serenity had fallen silent except for her sniffling. @Sp00ky Nerd
violate stared at the dog zodiac and she knew it was a zodiac because of the smell.she was very week but she manged to say in human tong "get me out of this cage i may be poisonous but that does not mean i will bite you." @eclipsehowls
Gabby finished her meal as she washed the dishes going back to her room as she just sat on her bed putting her head between her knees as she just wanted to cry she couldn't cry in front of enya or the kids the boy told her sister was still alive

Kendell was getting a little fussy it was almost time for her bed" i don't wanna go to bed" she say yawning a little bit
"I'm not a dog," Josh said in annoyance. "You still haven't answered my question about why there are zodiacs in Everstone," he added as he walked forward and opened the cage, reaching in and grabbing the snake by its neck behind the head and carrying it into the kitchen before dropping Violet on the table.

Basil looked at the snake with interest. "Hi," he said to Violet. "I'm Basil, dog zodiac. And that's my dad and my mom. My mom's also a zodiac animal," he said.

"My husband said he found you collapsed in our backyard with a wound in your middle," said Rose. Josh left to get the snake's clothing. "We didn't know there were other zodiacs here in Everstone." @Fluffykitty9000

Enya shook her head at Kendell. "Yes Kendell you're getting a bath and then going to bed. That goes for all of you," she said looking at the rest of her children.

"Okay mom," said Ash yawning as he went upstairs to his bedroom and got changed into pajamas. Ash had taken a shower when he woke up tonight. Shale, Violet, Daisy and Pine went upstairs as well and went into their own rooms while Enya got up and carried Kendell to bed as the servants began cleaning up the dining room. Enya took Kendell into the bathroom and gave her a bath before carrying her to her bedroom and putting her in the crib since Kendell wasn't ready to go into a bed yet.

"Goodnight Kendell," Enya said, shutting the door and leaving her youngest child's room. She went to Gabby's room and knocked on the door. "Gabby? Can I come in?" Enya asked. @Zeldafangirl
Gabby just sighed" yeh" she say not lifting up her head as she just was sad about what happend today' he should die just like jack' she thought pissed she had tears in her eyes" you can sit on the bed if you want" she say
"I'm actually a dog zodiac," Rose said to Violet. Josh came back with Violet's clothes and dropped them in a chair, picking up the snake and dropping it into the chair before going back to his meal. @Fluffykitty9000

Enya walked in and sat on the bed, turning her head to look at Gabby. "Okay who were the intruders?" Enya asked. "That is why you're sad right? The hunters said they'd killed everyone who was a zodiac except us," she said. @Zeldafangirl

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