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Fantasy The Time Travelers' Medieval Fate (open)

As soon as his hiding place became compromised, Adrian leapt from his hiding place, knife in hand. He tackled the older boy to the ground with all his might, pressing the blade of his knife against his throat. "Come no closer, or I shall cut this boy's throat!" The wolf barked angrily, and the knight set her hand upon her sword. Nobody took another step. "You simple knave." Adrian snarled. "There is no one who can escape the king's justice, not even a lousy street urchin like you. Speaking of which, why has a lowly city boy and a little girl come all this way?"
My face was first surprise, then horror, than a cold smile as I brought my knee to Adrian's stomach and grabbing the wrist holding the knife twisting it until I could turn and roll away.
"You can." I say quickly grabbing a hidden small knife I keep in my shoes, which I moved into my new shoes.
A sharp pain stuck Adrian in the gut. The little shit had somehow struck him in the belly with his knee, and now he struggled for control of his dagger. He pulled his knife hand back, freeing him from the boy's grip. He swung his dagger back down with fury, but did not get a good hit. A strike that should have sliced the kid's throat had only left a gash at the bottom of his chin. Damn! Adrian thought. The boy dashed in the other direction while his partner mounted that monster of a wolf, ready to take flight. Adrian gave chase to the two.
I hopped on Josh's back and we rode off in a random direction. As Josh came to a stop minutes later, I wondered how I'd find Felix again.
"Hey newcomer," I shout drawing his attention, "why dont you give me a fair fight." I say twirling the knife with ease
"You rob from old men and you expect fairness in return? That's hardly fair." Adrian said as he raised his knife. The tip was slightly reddened with blood. "The lord would be pleased to make your acquaintance."
Seeing the I touch my chin and fell the blood trickling down, "Crap my sister is going to kill me," immediately after I say this my face it touched with loss and then it goes to a cold slate
I got off of Josh and climbed a tree, sitting on a higher branch. "Josh, keep watch, ok boy?" I wished I could bring him up the tree with me, but have you heard of a climbing wolf? No, I had to leave him on the ground. I dangled my legs and nervously glanced around, hoping the next person I would see wasn't that stranger.
I throw my name at the stranger's foot and start running in the direction Addie and her wolf ran.
I swung my legs back and forth in the air as I kept making sure the stranger hadn't followed me or anything. I glanced at Josh, who seemed to be pretty calm now that we were a good distance away from danger, or at least I hoped.

Haru Evergreen

Haru assessed the situation as she watched the scene unfold. The person hiding, whom she assumed was a bandit, took Felix as hostage. She would have tried to save him but it seemed the young man could handle himself. He was able to escape the man's grasp and managed to run away. What tugged at the back of her mind, however, was why that thief talked about justice towards those two. Maybe he wasn't a thief after all. Maybe an assassin of sorts? She watched the two run away as she thought to herself whether she should follow or not. This wasn't really her business anymore. Besides, she had an errand to finish.

She looked at the armed person before adjusting her bag and turned towards the direction of the village.

I hopped down from the tree from impatience and began calming down Josh. "Shh, it's ok Josh, even if that person did follow us, we can go for a ride. Ok boy?" He gave a sharp nod like I'd taught him to. "Good. Well ride if the next person we see isn't Felix." I still glanced around every so often, but I liked the safety of being so close to Josh.
Eventually I lean against a tree, exhausted, "Josh, I really hope your wolf ears can hear this or something, or that you can understand this, because if not I look like an idiot. But I got away, can you, can you, I don't know somehow, get that across to Angie?" I say in a normal tone and volume not wanting to shout to give away his position to the man he had thrown the knife at.

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Josh wagged his tail like a dog and gave a small playful bark. "What is it boy? Do you hear someone or smell something?" He wiggled his ears a little and his lips curved upwards as much as he could without looking menacing. "So you hear someone, someone that is a good person?" He gave a sharp nod. "Felix?" Another sharp nod. I glance around and didn't find him, but according to Josh's hearing he was alone and most likely relatively safe. I sighed in relief but began to wonder where the stranger had gone off to. He had seemed pretty dead set on catching us, so I figured he couldn't have just run off.
Once I rest up a little I continue wandering around hoping to find Angie or someone, "Crap, of course I had to veer off course, why not." I say in a obviously frustrated voice.
I sat down and Josh cuddled next to me in an adorable position. I stroked his soft fluffy fur and began daydreaming, almost not paying any attention to any of my surroundings.
Once I wander for a bit I decide I put enough distance that I can at least somewhat shout, "Angie, you anywhere near here?"
I come back to reality when I hear Felix's semi nearby voice. I get up and so does Josh. "Over here!" I looked around, unable to pinpoint where his voice had come from.
I hear someone call "Over here" and start jogging in that direction, once I reach you I say, "I take it you got away smoothly."
I nodded with a smile. "I'm pretty sure the stranger that attacked has no idea where we are. At least I hope so." I glanced around still worried that the stranger did follow somehow. I notice a cut on Felix's chin. "Are you ok?"
I reach my hand to my chin to find the cut still bleeding, "Yeah the guy nicked me, my sis is not going to be happy," then with a slight chuckle leaning against another tree, "I remember hoe she reacted to when I broke my arm, she was so mad I broke my promise not to get hurt that she almost broke my other one." Then my smile turned to a frown as I remembered i wouldn't be seeing her again
I felt a pang of sadness when I saw his smile drop. "Don't be sad... please don't be sad.. Do you want to hug Josh? He's super fluffy!" I didn't know how to make him less sad, but I still had to try.

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