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Fantasy The Time Travelers' Medieval Fate (open)

"This cloths are seriously uncomfortable." I say with a unsettled look on my face
"I know.. better they think we're one of them than they think we're somehow evil just cause we're different..." I thought for a moment. "You know, we're going to need to explain who we are at some point, someone's going to ask who we are eventually. I think we could pretend to be related or something, I don't know. Otherwise we're still suspicious people if we don't have some sort of backstory or something."

Haru Evergreen

"What do we have here... Some herbs, fruits, and... a wolf's pelt? Seriously?" she exclaimed after reading the short list of the items she had to gather. She was going to some nearby forest, apparently. The herbs and fruits she had to gather were there, including the wolves. She sighed. True, she was a swordswoman but that didn't mean she can take on wolves alone, especially since they travel in packs. She looked back at the distant village, pondering if she should go back and get someone to help her but she was a little too far away. It would be a waste of time.

Not too soon later, she arrived at the forest. The herbs she had to find were fairly easy to spot. Since the greenery was still reach here, she had no problems about looking for them. The fruits were a harder challenge, having to climb up the few trees written on the list. And finally, the hardest challenge of them all, the wolves. Atop a tree, she spotted a pack of wolves preying on a carcass. She placed her hand on the hilt of her sword as she timed her attack.

School has taught her well. She knew how a pack of wolves work. They had a hierarchy system, and she figured the ones loitering around, waiting for the other to finish eating were the omegas, the most inferior ones. If she could somehow get one of them separated, then she would be okay.

She whistled, trying to get the attention of one of the wolves. It took a few tries before she was successful. Just a few more calling sounds and she finally got one of them separated. Once the wolf was under her, she jumped and stabbed the wolf at its vital point. It seemed the other didn't care that one of their members are missing and so she took this opportunity to silently move away from them, her prize slung over her shoulder.

I glanced down at Josh who seemed distracted by something. I glanced around and listened for a few moments, but didn't notice anything. I awkwardly patted his head to comfort him about whatever unsettled him. I looked back up at Felix. "I guess we could be brother and sister and maybe we're orphans..? I don't know, maybe that wouldn't be entirely believable..." I frowned, unable to come up with any other idea.
I look around after noticing your behavior and ask, "Something the matter?"
"Uh nothing, Josh was acting as if he heard something we didn't, but whatever it was is gone now, I think." I ran my fingers down his soft coat.
"It would make sense if he did, and if he did, we might have trouble." I say paying more attention to our surroundings

Haru Evergreen

Finally out of the forest, she made her back to the village, her compass her only guide back. She exited in a different place than where she entered and judging from where her compass is pointing at, it went pretty deep into the forest searching for those items. She looked up at the sky. She still had lots of time before dark, fortunately. She should arrive while there's still sunlight.

As she made her journey back, she saw a distant figure of people. A kid and a man, if her judgement was correct. Perhaps a merchant of sorts? And then there was an animal beside the girl. She raised an eyebrow as she approached them cautiously. When she realized what kind of animal it was beside the girl, she made a mad dash for them, her sword unsheathed. She had to kill the wolf before it attacked them. It was her lucky day. Two pelts of skin to bring back means more pay.

Halfway through her run, she noticed that the girl was petting the wolf. She slowed down, a little confused. That was a pet? She stopped fully a few meters behind them, her sword now down at her side.
"Uhm..." she started, thinking of an excuse for her brash actions. "Sorry?"

I look at the newcomer and say quietly, "That kind of trouble."
I nearly jumped when I saw the person who had a sword unsheathed. My eyes were wide and I didn't really know how to respond, so I simply tried not to sound as if I was anything but medieval. "Uhhh, good day..?" I would've said hi but I figured that'd be a dead giveaway that we weren't from around here. Josh began growling deeply and I kept my hand on his back. He knew as long as my hand was there he shouldn't attack.
I look at Angie and her wolf and step between her and the newcomer. I turn to the new person and say, "I'm Felix, pleased to make your acquaintance."
I peeked from behind Felix. "And I'm Angela." I didn't say my nickname since it didn't seem like the right thing to say to sound like a medieval person. I began petting Josh more to relax him. I didn't want him attacking someone who clearly knew how to kill things. If I needed his protection, I'd just hop on his back and he'd get me to safety.
Adrian could see see the faint outlines of stone towers through the fog. The manor he thought. A sea of golden wheat spread out in all directions with a great deal of serfs standing within, busy with the harvest. Adrian walked down the dirt road, looking on at the village ahead. There were thatched roof houses, a water mill, and most notably a tall, but simple parish church. The only thing taller than that was the huge manor, which presumably belonged to the lord. Perhaps he could find some work at the chapel. After all, he wanted to keep the image of a pious believer.

Just as Adrian found himself lost in thought, he was shaken back into reality as two children zipped right past him, both with bundles of clothing in their hands. He could not catch a good look at them, being caught off guard, but one of them was a young girl riding a wolf, of all animals to ride. Chasing far behind the children was a portly man, dressed in a dirty white apron. "Thieves!" he shouted. "Crooked bandits!" The man quickly ran out of breath, and paused from exhaustion as the kids dashed out of sight. Adrian then approached the old man with a look of sympathy on his face. "Have those two been bothering you, sir?" Adrian asked. The old man looked up at Adrian. Sweat was pouring down his bald head.

"Aye, that they were. I'm a tailor, you see, and two thieves had just made off with the clothes I had woven this morning. I suppose it can't be helped."

"'Tis a shame." said Adrian. "If i find those two, I will tell you immediately."

"No, no, you need not trouble yourself." replied the tailor, with a sheepish grin on his face. "But I thank you for your offer."

Adrian nodded understandably. "Very well. But in the off chance that I find the thieves, I will do my best to return your stolen goods."

"Many thanks." said the tailor.

Haru Evergreen

"F-Forgive me for my rudeness. I'm not used to seeing... wolves as pets." she muttered. She remembered the wolf she had killed earlier and she hid the bag containing the wolf's skin behind her. It seemed the wolf was onto her deed but as long as it didn't attack her, she wouldn't attack it. The would be rude of her to kill someone's pet.

"I'm Haru Evergreen, loyal squire of Sir Hadrian. I know, my name is a little odd." she placed her sword back into it's sheath. She should have considered changing her name when she first came here but it was a little too late. "Forgive my asking, but why are you camping out in the wilderness at this time of the day?"

I felt a bad feeling wash over me. Felix and I didn't really have much of a story for ourselves worked out, how could we explain things to this stranger? I didn't realize, but I had began petting Josh faster with a slightly wavering hand.
I look at Angie with a worried and panicked look, "We are, traveling and we decided we would go into the town tomorrow."
I nod back with a face that basically said, "That's the best I could do."
Adrian trekked back into the woods to find the thieves. Although the podgy little tailor was humble about his robbery, Adrian would probably get a pretty penny and some respect if he brought the thieves to the sheriff. It did not take long before he heard the muffled voices of conversation echoing trough the trees. Adrian investigated, moving furtively through the bushes towards the voices' location. As he peeked around a tall pine, he caught sight of the two thieves from earlier, only this time joined by a young woman in a knight's surcoat, plate armor, and mail.

Adrian waited for the moment to leap out and confront the scoundrels. He had no intention of being diced to pieces by the knight's sword, nor be mauled to death by the little girl's... wolf. Slowly, Adrian drew the dagger from his belt.
I saw Josh's ears perk. I looked around nervously. "What is it boy, do you hear something?" Josh began growling a bit again. I placed my hand firmly on his back and nudged Felix with my free hand.
I notice and look around, to see someone in the bushes and I call out, "I can see you, living on the streets makes someone pretty observant."

Haru Evergreen

Something still didn't feel right to her. Why did they have to wait until tomorrow? Surely they had money to at least stay at an inn. Questions ran through her mind but she decided to drop it. She was never good at economics anyway. Their business wasn't hers.

"Well, I might as well be going back to..." she the wolf growled. Her hand instinctively went to her sword, ready if in any case the wolf did jump on her. Then the man called out to someone. She turned around, looking if there was anyone but she saw no one.


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