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Fantasy The Time Travelers' Medieval Fate (open)

I glanced at both of our clothing. "We'd stick out like a sore thumb if we don't wear the same things normal people of this era wear and act how they act.. Yeah, but we should get the clothes quickly before anyone notices we aren't from here."
"Do we have to? I mean it can't be that important right?" I say with a somewhat hopeful smile.
"I think it's kind of important, if they see us in this kind of clothing, they might get confused and then scared and after that they might do regrettable things." For my age, I still spoke like a much older kid, but I was speaking from experience. Scared people was in itself pretty scary because of how some people rationalize their fears until they somehow make you out to be the bad guy.
I look down at my clothes with a disappointed look, "All right but how are we going to get clothes without going into a town?"
I smiled at the idea of getting back to my time machine and grabbing some medieval clothes from my dresser, but stopped before I said anything when I remembered that it kind of pretty much blew up on impact with this era. "Erm.. good question..."
I smirked automatically. He sounded like he doubted I was even capable of stealing. As much as I loved helping people, I was fine with doing something bad but wouldn't overly have tons of negative effects. "Mhm. How do you think I got a full dresser of clothes on my-" I stopped realizing he wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I know how to steal."
"Ok." I say as I start walking in a random direction, I look back to see if you are following or going your own way.

Haru Evergreen

The sound of clashing against another filled the small space of the room. Haru breathed out before inhaling sharply again as she braced herself for another blow from her opponent. With a flick of her sword, she was able to parry another incoming attack before she went for the kill. Her sword angled and went for the neck of her opponent but she stopped midway when she realized the opposing blade got to her first. She stood down, accepting her loss and the sword under her chin dropped as well.

"Not bad Haru. You're getting better." said her sparring partner and she beamed at him. Back in the modern world, she was almost smarts and almost no brawn; however, now that she was here, she needed a way she could defend herself. One thing led to another and now she was a swordswoman in this village she decided to stay in. "But be careful now. I don't want you ending up like Jeanne d'Arc!" he said, laughing as he walked away. She could only shake her head at his words.

She went to a Tavern to get herself food for the day. It's been a while since she first arrived at this time and it took quite a lot of change to be able to fit in and not get any unwanted attention. She had to change both her mannerisms and her style, not that it really bothered her that much. She was always fascinated by this Era.
"The usual please." she said to the waiter who later gave her the meal she always ate. She had to say, food was better in the future.

After hours of walking I finally see a village, "Thank god, took long enough." I say, crouching down to avoid being seen to soon.
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Adrian woke to the soft whistles of wind. He groaned groggily as he squrimed to sit up straight. His back had been slouching against the trunk of a tree for the whole night and now it ached dully. He was most certainly looking forward to the day he would be able to sleep on a mattress again. Adrian staggered over to his campsite. The firepit had been snuffed out during the night, but small wisps of smoke still rose from the charred tinder and ashes. Fortunately, nothing had been disturbed while he slept.

Adrian then went to check on his belongings, confident that they had not been ravaged overnight either. A hollowed oak stood not to far from his sleeping place. Carefully, he reached his hand into one of the holes and pulled out a laden, burlap sack of provisions, again untouched by thieves or animals. Adrian sighed with relief. He pulled the bag's drawstring, making sure that nothing was damaged. Inside was enough food to last him a week, a sheathed dagger, and a half-filled waterskin. It was not much, but it would be enough to carry himself to the village.

He had heard from passing farmers of a small manor that lay to the south-east. With luck, he could find something to help fix the time machine. Even better, he could find one of his team members alive. The latter did not seem likely, but Adrian would not deny the possibility. If he could find just one of his colleagues, he would be tremendously overjoyed.

Fortunately, Adrian had planned in advance. He had found some suitable clothing to wear to blend in with the serfs at the manor: A coarse woolen tunic, breeches, and a leather belt. He took the dagger from his sack and hung it from his belt, in case he needed to pull it out quickly. He then slung the sack over his shoulder and continued his journey.
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"I dont know it might be quicker that way but," I glance at you with a worried look, "If someone spots you, I don't think any story would be good enough for a twelve year old girl, especially in this time period from little i do know about it."
I frowned, knowing he was right. I glanced down at my wolf and a small smile came to my face. "Maybe so, but Josh can get me to safety fast or protect me."
I look at the wolf nervously again, "Yeah i guess so. So we meeting back here?"
I quietly and quickly found a clothing stand, grabbed some clothes, and jumped on Josh. He ran at top speeds, making sure I'd lost any guards that may have been chasing. We made our way back to the meeting spot.
I steal some, from what I think, are normal for this time and head back to the meeting spot.

Haru Evergreen

Haru sighed in content, full from the meal she just had. The bread was stale and the meat was hard and almost tasteless but considering that she was in an era hundreds of years from her own time, she had to understand. It took her a while not to be bothered by the sanitary of their kitchen and hands and tools... everything. She shook her head, taking those thoughts off her head.

The moment she stepped out of the tavern, someone came up to her and gave her a piece of folded paper. It was a small errand for her, asking her to gather materials outside the village. She chuckled, wondering how long it took for them to look for her and give this. If they had a phone, then it would have been rather quick. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and made her way outside the village. The sooner she does this, the sooner she can rest.

I ducked behind some bushes and quickly changed into a cute little sleeved dress, hooded cape, and comfy boots. The dress hung loosely on my small frame, but at least it fit fairly comfortably. I emerged from the bushes looking like almost any lite girl in this time. I nearly cringed at the fact that I was wearing a dress, I was more a fan of comfy jeans and a light jacket and loose hat, but this dress and hooded cape had to do. I sighed in relief as I saw Felix approach.

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