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Fantasy The Time Travelers' Medieval Fate (open)

I looked at the wolf next to the girl. I automatically remembered a song about wolves. I grabbed my guitar and started singing "They're pacing and glowing bright, their faces all snowy and white.." I completely forgot about the question the girl had asked me.
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I was surprised by how good the new person was with his voice and guitar. I forgot my own stupid question and just listened to the beautiful song, realizing he'd started singing because of seeing Josh.
Anil cocked his head to one side. "Strange instrument....strange person...." He muttered to himself. He turned to the girl, wolf, and the boy accompanying her. "My name is Anil Angelico, pleasure to meet you."
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I remembered meeting these guys in robes once in a wierd country. The people were very polite and diciplined. They also bowed a lot, so I bowed deeply, almost putting my head against my knees and said: "Soraru. Stage name Sky."
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He smiles and turns, bowing to the girl and wolf. "Pleasure to meet you." He thinks for a moment before reaching into his pack and pulling out a small strip of dried meat, offering it to the wolf.
I stare at the piece of meat the person named Anil was holding. I hadn´t eaten anything ever since my last concert took place. And that was around 2 hours ago. I was hungry as a wolf. "I wonder if trees can grow meat in this time and period..." I say quietly. "Like they do in 2019.."
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"Did you just say meat grows on tree's?"
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I don´t like when people ask me questions. I´ve gone through atleast 50 interviews in my life and I didn´t like a single one. I always answer as shortly as possible and I never bother explaining. "Yes." I say.
I sigh and frown a little bit. "Cats can fly." I say with a blunt expression on my face.
I sigh and walk a few meters away. I find a tree with nice red apples on it. The tree is quite tall, but luckily so am I. I grab one and start munching on it. "I guess." I answer the person asking me questions.
I giggled at Felix and Sonaru with their short tid bit of a conversation. I saw Josh hungrily grab a chunk of meat that Anil had offered. I myself practically drooled at the sight of the meat and shook it off, pretending I wasn't hungry.
I looked down at Josh and patted his back. "Ear food, boy." I whispered to my wolf and he darted off after a few moments of sniffing the air. "Josh can hunt pretty well, only reason why he stopped was because he ran into Anil."
He nods again. "I see...We'll I must be off. I need to learn the land, find someplace to trade and such. By the way, whats tge currency here?"
I look at Angie, "We probably need to figure that out ourselves."

Evelyn Ross

Finally arriving back to the village, she gave the items to the knight she works for. He seemed delighted for her to have finished the errand early, despite the delay that those strangers caused. She bowed in respect to the knight before allowing herself to have the rest of the day off. Her mind thought back to the events earlier. The strangers were quite unusual, namely the kid with the wolf and that teenage boy. It was almost as if... no that was impossible. She didn't know anyone else who were working on a time machine before they got stuck here and she was pretty sure those two were not from her team.

She went back to her home before blocking her door and closing her windows. She then went under her bed and messed with the floor underneath. When she found that distinct small hole, she raised the board, revealing parts of the machine they used. She could only fixed a certain part of it, the one she was assigned to before. Without the others, she couldn't quite complete it. If they were time travellers indeed, then she would need all the help she could get.


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