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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion

He left the final puff of smoke out before throwing the cig away and stepping on it. He looked to his side to see Riley looking up to the sky. He looked up, same spot as her, and at the sight of the beautiful stars, he started humming his favorite song, while swaying his body slowly.

(( The song

Quincy raised an eyebrow at his gesture, not used to someone behaving gentlemanly. She slipped into the car, a smile still on her lips. She gave a shrug. “I dont really know, Im just glad to get out. I cant drive, so my adventures outside the house are limited." She said, looking at him apologetically. “Im afraid I cant help you on that front. I dont drink." She said easily, her blue eyes honest. “I only party for the dancing." She added, glancing away for a split second.
Tris thought for a moment before deciding what to do next. For one, the people who had went outside stated it was for smoking, which he didn't do. Not because he thought it was wrong or unhealthy, but simply hadn't cared about it. Second, even though he seemed to get along with this boy, looks can be deceiving. Tris got up and finally decided he wanted to walk to town and see what was here. As he did, Moon Jumped onto his shoulder, of which she had the habit of doing of in recent weeks. Tris had moved from a town not too far from this one, and since this was his real first time being here it would be smart to know where everything is. Plus he would get some exorcise by walking instead of doing anything else.

"I'm going to go walk around town to figure out where everything is, you want to come with or no?" Tris asked the boy. He started to walk outside, wondering which direction he should go from the mansion.
Riley followed suit, getting rid of the cig. She smiled knowingly at the sound of Hollywood Undead. She didn't listen to them as much anymore, but it was familiar to her. "So, stranger. Got a name?" Looking down from the sky and back at him she tilted her head slightly again. She hadn't caught it earlier and didn't remember him telling her before.

Blake smiled knowingly, "I see. I don't really drink, myself, but being twenty one in this place makes you an alcohol bearer. It doesn't bother me to get it, as long as everyone's having a nice time." Starting the car, he pulls out of the driveway in the direction of the nearest grocery store. "We can get snacks first. I'll let you pick stuff out. I never know what everyone will want. It's like hosting a party of pregnant ladies all the time here. You never know what food will be requested," he jokes.
Mia looks up at the new person, her tail sways lightly as she licks the melon juice.

Dom chuckles slight "yes thats mia." He says as he leans against the counter "feel free to pet her, she loves new people...Give her some melon and she will love you" he says with a smile " Also I'm Dom by the way."

Mia slowly steps closer georgina
"I don't have anything better to do. Well, I do." Owlie said, thinking about the blood coursing through his veins and that it would only take one knife and he could- he cleared his throat and his thoughts, smiling, "But I'll come with you instead. Anyone else?" Dylan grunted, to show that he didn't care and Jade just shifted nervously in her seat. Clarissa glared. So, Owlie got up and followed the boy from the room on his own. He caught the boy up.

"What's your name anyway, Cat Boy?" Owlie asked, "Is it Cat Boy? That'd be great."

Jade wondered about going with them but spent too long wondering and missed her chance. She let out a small sigh, since everyone seemed to have something to do. She glanced over at the two people that she knew for certain were free and decided that she'd rather spend the day alone than with Don't-Care-Dylan and Constantly-Angry-Clarissa, as she'd renamed them in her head. She left the living room and headed to her room.

Dylan glanced over at Clarissa and wondered why she hated him so much. He guessed he'd never know. He stared at the TV, blankly, not really watching it. He wanted to change the channel enough but was too lazy, (and too cool), to reach for the remote. He waited for Clarissa to reach for the remote, knowing that she hated zombie flicks and would want to swap to some music awards show or another soon.

Clarissa wasn't interested in what was on the TV either. She glared at Dylan and wondered why he wasn't changing the channel, since he clearly wasn't interested in what was on either. She came to the conclusion that he was waiting for her to change the channel, since she was closer to the remote. She snorted. No way was she going to change it. So, they sat there in silence and stared at each other, waiting for the other to give in and reach for the remote.
Georgina was absolutely livid by the sight of Mia. She handed Mia some lemon and the fox snuggled up to her as Georgina let out a gasp.

Georgina snapped her head up at Dom, realising she had completely forgotten about courtesy "Errrm, I'm Georgina. Hi!"
Quincy shrugged. “Addiction runs in the family, so I stay away from anything habit-forming," She explained lightly, clearly not bothered by saying so. Her eyes watched the scenery as they went. “Although here its pretty hard," She added with a soft chuckle. That chuckle turned into a bright, musical laugh when he mentioned the food. “With a house full of such characters, nothing is predictable." She agreed, her eyes still watching the world outside go by. “Its an odd place. The mansion." She added, glancing at him. “With odd people. But its nice to have a home." She mused, not thinking much of her statement, even though it carried a pretty heavy undertone.
Blake chuckled, "They're all so different but it fits. It's a nice place to call home when you get used to the crowd it can accumulate." He pulls into a parking spot and gets out, once again opening the car door for her. "Thanks for coming along, by the way. I usually have to make these runs alone," he smiles a friendly smile at her.
Dom laughs slightly "hello, you a fan of foxes?" He asks kindly as he watches Mia snuggle against Georgina. "Looks like she took a liking to you." He says as he downed the last of his coffee. "Glad Mia could make a friend." Dom says warmly.
''Yeah, this strangers name is Jonathan.'' he said, while tilting his body to face her, giving her a smile. He found her quite attractive, so no suprise he was acting flirty with her.
Tristan remembered he had passed some stores on his way to the mansion, and decided to try going through forest nearby and see if there was a shortcut before answering the boy. "Silver, sorry if that isn't as great as Cat-Boy. What is your name?" Tris asked, he hoped he didn't sound stupid or the boy thought he was rude. Walking to the start of the forest, he saw Moon jump off and begin prancing around as she walked on the ground. Tris remembered when he first found her, Moon was just a baby and her mother had died in the cold. The kitten was the only living child of the mother, which belonged to nobody. He snapped back to reality when he walked right smack into a tree.
Riley smiled at him and then directed her attention back to the sky. Her shyness was catching back up to her. This guy was nice, though. It was nice talking to him. She realized she hadn't answered him and bit her lip slightly. "Um, it's nice to meet you Jonathon." She shoves her hands in the pockets of the shorts she was wearing, feeling the very slight chill in the air.
Georgina started to gently pet Mia "I'm generally a fan of all pets. My parents never allowed pets, so yeah." She continued stroking Mia for a short while, until she looked back up at Don "But I swear, someday I'm gonna get at least 5 cats!"
"Oh, it's Owlie. That's short for Oscar.... Well, it isn't really but... Nicknames are weird." Owlie said. He'd been Owlie for so long that sometimes, he forgot that it wasn't actually his real name. If somebody was chasing after him, yelling "Oscar", he wouldn't even turn around. Suddenly, Silver walked into a tree and Owlie wasn't sure whether to laugh and be shocked or horrified or call 911 or what. He edged forwards slowly.

"Are you okay, Silver?" he asked, "Do you have a concussion? Should I call an ambulance? Will a hug make it better?"
Gaia threw his cigarette down before stomping on it. Blowing out the smoke he didnt bother introducing himself and instead headed back inside. He will learn everyones name eventually and visa versa. Flopping back onto his spot on the couch he went back to watching tv.
''Nice to meet you too....Riley?'' he asked, thinking that was her name. He took a deep breath and sighed. He started swaying his arms back and forth, bored. ''I'm bored, you know something to do? ''
Quin nodded in agreement, watching as they pulled into the store. She climbed out, but leaned on the door looking at him. “Im glad for the fresh air. As nice as it is, it can get crowded and stuffy at home." She paused, still not moving towards the store, a secretive smile on her freckled face. “I just realized that I got into a car with you without actually being sure of who you are. Youre Blake, right?" She knew that there was a Blake around, but she had never run into him before. She had only been living in the mansion for a few weeks, much of that time was spent tricking out the extra room for her pet.
"Uh...yeah....yeah I'm fine. Just spaced out for a bit." Tris answered back to Owlie as he regained his composure. Continuing his walk into the forest, he noticed Moon seemed a bit scared. Tris picked her up and placed her on top of his head, which was her favorite spot to sleep. "So how long have you lived at the mansion?" He asked Owlie, trying to make small talk. One of his past councilors told him that it helps bond people and can get others to open up towards you, so Tris wanted to find out if it was true.
"A while." Owlie said, "You know, since my parents kicked me out." He climbed on top of a fallen tree and walked along it, sticking his hands in his pockets. He hummed to himself under his breath, trying not to think about his parents or his past. He didn't like to talk about it and had done well to forget his past until Silver brought it up. He jumped off the end of the tree and landed on his feet.
"Yeah, Riley," she confirms. "There's a lot to do. Bowling, mall, tattoo place. I'm actually thinking of getting two new pieces sometime." She tries to think of other things to do, but forgets basically everything.

Blake laughs, "Do you always get into cars with strangers? I apologize for not introducing myself. I am Blake. You are?" He asks, amused for not knowing who he just allowed into his car.
He started rubbing his chin, thinking of where and what he could do, or maybe them. ''Do you want to go somewhere to eat? I'm quite hungry and I'm feeling for a lasagna or something.'' he asked. Maybe they would go eat, or she'd deny, who knows.
Tris decided from Owlie's answer, it would be a smarter idea to change the subject. "So how is your relations...er, I mean, what do you think of everyone else?" Tris asked, trying to think of something else to talk about as he continued walking and watched as Owlie landed on the ground. Wondering why Owlie's parents had kicked him out, Tris's thoughts moved to why his parents stopped visiting him at his uncle's house. Then again, they did tend to completely ignore him when they did. He realized that he could no longer see the mansion, which seemed bad since that was the largest house Tris ever saw. Stopping his walk, Tris looked around for some kind of landmark that could give him a clue he wasn't lost, however to no success.
"That sounds wonderful." Riley agrees and smiles at this attractive guy she's just met. She's suddenly aware that she hasn't eaten anything today and food sounds incredible right now.
He had to think about it for moment before answering. He saw that Silver had stopped walking, so he stopped too, wondering why they weren't walking anymore.

"Everyone else? Well, most of them just throw parties and drink alcohol." Owlie said, thoughtfully, "And smoke cigarettes. But some of them are okay. We... We don't talk to each other that much, really." He shrugged, "I mean, half of us are loners so... I mean, what do you think of everyone?"

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