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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Tony pulls out his phone and looks at the weather app. "Lord! It's 107 degrees out there right now! That has got to be some kind of record!" He thinks for a moment then turns to Maya. " since you are pretty hot, and I'm VERY hot, we should travel the world, unleashing ooh total hotness upon other people!"
"A hundred and seven?!" Maya seemed to squeal, momentarily forgetting the different systems of measurement the continents used.

"Thats, oh my god, wait… oh."

A look of realization swept over her face as Maya sunk in to the chair, once again embarrassed.

"I-uh- yeah. That's a great idea! I wonder what would happen if we went to the arctic." She said, trying to change the subject from her previous eruption.
"Ah, so you do find me attractive?" Ezra asked, smiling, "Life in Birminghamshire is great. Not to sound like my life is absolutely perfect because trust me, it's not. Anyways, they have this thing in Beaconsfield, that's where I live in Birminghamshire, but they have this thing called Bekonscot Model Village and it's so fun. I would tell you what you do there but I don't want to spoil it. You'll just have to come to Beaconsfield and see for yourself." As Ezra said that, she made sure she didn't move so that she wouldn't mess up the drawing. Ezra was going to go into her personal life but she decided not to. She didn't really know Agnes that well and she didn't want anyone feeling sorry for her. "So, Agnes, tell me about yourself." She said, changing the subject from her to Agnes.
Tony laughs. "I understand you are used to using Celsius? I can't blame you for freaking out like that, you're not really used to the way Americans work... But neither am I! I moved here just a few weeks ago!"
"Really? Where are you from then?" she asked, intrigued now by this boy's story. She hadn't heard much of an accent, but she could always be wrong. Maybe hers would start to fade in a couple of days as well? Maya wondered on this and she looked for any signs of where he might be on the boy. He could blend in anywhere he wanted to at this point.
"Mhmm," Agnes hummed, enjoying listening to her while she drew. Of course, she'd never been anywhere in the UK, and she doubted that she'd ever get the chance to go anytime soon... nor would she feel safe enough to. She didn't say this, though. "I doubt I would be able to go," she admitted, refraining from giving anything away. "So do please tell me about it sometime." In between talking, Agnes kept stealing quick glances at Ezra, tilting her head before returning to her drawing. Though Agnes continued drawing, she was quiet for a minute, unsure how to answer. Finally, she said, "My name is Agnes Faraway and I am eighteen years old." She shrugged uncomfortably and shifted her focus to the details of Ezra's eyes.
"Well... I guess I'm American, but I grew up in Japan. Lived there practically my whole life!" Tony smiles warmly. He had to admit, this girl was cute... But then again he thought a lot of girls were cute. "How long did you live in Australia?"
"That's quite the name, Ms. Faraway," Ezra said, keeping her head tilted, "Where are you from? I can tell you have an accent but it's very faint." Ezra wanted to ask Agnes why is it that she wouldn't be able to come to England but she decided against it. If she wanted to tell you she would have, she thought to herself, don't push it. Ezra suddenly became more interested in Agnes and she liked that. Not because she wanted Agnes or anyone, for that matter, to be her girlfriend or anything. It was just nice that she was beginning to really like the people she would be living with for a while and that was a good thing.
"That's really cool, so you're bi lingual?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Japan was pretty close to her country, but she wasn't anywhere near it. Maybe one day she could take a road trip across country, then a boat over. That would be really fun.

"My entire life. I've made a few ventures to other countries, but this is my first time in the states." Maya said, smiling from pure excitement. Her step father always told her about how the country is out here, and how bright and vibrant it all is. A few years have definitely passed since then. He always told stories of the Appalachian mountains, not that she really knew where those were to be exact.

"The money here kind of sucks though… it's ally he same color. And it rips so easily. You can't go int eh water with it at all!"
"Well, if you don't like your money, I'll take it off your hands!" I say jokingly. This girl seemed really interested in the Sates... Maybe she studied it in school?
"I just have a bunch of Aussie money." She said, pulling her wallet from her back pocket. It was pretty slim and made of metal to keep it from breaking when she went out long-boarding or something. She pulled out a blue tenner bank note, reddish/pinkish fiver, and some coins that were mostly composed of 2$, 1$, and 50 cents.

"I think it works a lot like your money. A hundred cents in a dollar, but our bank notes are different. See? They're all plastic and different colors."

Handing then to Tony, she let him check it all out.
"Thank you," Agnes murmured, beginning to panic. She didn't know how to answer. Her first instinct was to lie and protect herself, but she deliberated on this. The people here were all her age, it was an isolated area, and all of them except for Nick were obviously not Russian. Besides, she'd been talking to Ezra for a little while now. She took a quick break from her drawing to make sure nobody was around - in fact, there wasn't even anybody else outside. Finally, returning to her drawing and trying to act normal, she said, "Russia." She made a note to focus more on disguising her accent, but maybe... maybe she wouldn't have to. She took a deep breath and let her fake accent drop. "I have a Russian accent," she said quietly, focusing more intently on her drawing.
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"That's really cool! Japanese money basically just looks like Monopoly money if you know what that is." Tony says, still looking through the Australian money.
"I've played that game once or twice before. There are no friends." She said, laughing to herself. Last time she did, her best friend threw a game piece into her mouth as she was laughing over something, and it led to some unweary choking.
"Last time me and my friends played, I won and he tried to punch me in the face for cheating!" He says, laughing.
"Why do you hide it? It's hot," Ezra smiled, "Do you mind if we go inside and finish this? This heat is absolutely killing me. Actually, let's take a break, turn on some music, and dance. We'll invite everyone. It's a great way to get to know some of the other people, eh?" Ezra got up from the chair and grabbed her pack of cigarettes that were sitting on the table beside the chair she was sitting on and proceeded to make her way back inside the house. "Whew," she said, aloud, when she noticed Maya and Tony, "It's blazin' out there. How about we all wind down, enjoy some music, and dance?"
Tony turns to Maya. "Sound good to you?" Tony didn't really want to, but if everybody else was going to, he didn't see why he should be left out.
"Depends what music you've got, and who I'm dancing with" She said, standing up. Her glass was now empty, so a quick trip to the sink took it off her hands. Maya took her hair out and ran a hand through it, letting it drape messily over her shoulders.

"I haven't had a chance to check out any of the american radio stations yet so that'll be up to you guys."
"Thank you," Agnes said, still in her native accent. It was a relief to speak as she normally would in a safe, comfortable setting, like at home with her mother, but it was to be a short-lived reprieve. The heat was getting to her too; she didn't mind going inside. Plus, the conversation was off of her now, which was even better. And so, at Ezra's suggestion, Agnes flipped her sketchbook closed and stood up. She didn't mind getting everyone together and socializing, but she wondered why Ezra wanted to do something physical like dancing after getting out of the sweltering heat. She joined Ezra inside, feeling a little more comfortable around her now that Ezra knew something about her, and nodded at the three. American accent firmly back in place, she said, "I would be up for that." Besides, maybe she could learn a bit more about the kind of music people her age liked. Looking at Maya, she added, "I don't know much about them, either."
"Well, aren't you all lucky to have me then?" Ezra said, as she walked over to the radio that sat on a table on the side of the living room. Ezra had been to the States quite a few times with her little sister and she loved their radio stations. She turned to Energy 103.7 and the song "Happy" by Pharrell came on. She immediately started dancing, and singing along. "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say.."
Tony sighs and walks to go find his room. He had decided he didn't want to participate in the "party." Eventually he found one and sat down on the bed. He lied on his back and stared at the ceiling.
Talia plucked a few books from shelves, enjoying the little bit of time she had to herself. She crossed her legs, glancing at her reflection in the window. Her long hair looked a bit disheveled, the loose shirt she was wearing only partially tucked in to her shorts. She sighed at her partially unkempt appearance but shook her head rather carelessly. She made her way to the room where the others were, smile on her face when she found them, music filling the room. She started laughing, dropping her books on a coffee table.

"I love this song," she grinned happily, joining Ezra in dancing a long to it. "Sunshine she's here, you can take a break," she sang along happily, joy at dancing coloring her words.
Maya immeditantly sprung to action, happy to hear a song she knew. Hopping over the couch, she danced a long wight he others. She had noticed Tony's absence, but figured he just went to the bathroom or something. Maya's hair was bouncing as she did, singing and smiling to the others.

"I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space. With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way" She sang, taking Talia's hand and twirling her.
"Someone doesn't know how to have a good time." Ezra laughed, referring to Tony, continuing to dance. She was trying to be nice to him but she just came to the realization that he just wouldn't be the type of person she'd ever hang around. She turned her attention to Talia and happily surprised that she decided to join in and dance. She continued to dance and watched as Talia and Maya danced together. She extended her hand out to Agnes and smiled, "Shall we?"
Talia laughed as she twirled around with Maya, music moving them around like nothing else could. These were the moments she loved so much, to spontaneously do something fun...and it seemed that these girls liked that too. She smiled, feeling fortunate, starting to feel more excited about this house. She grinned at Maya, singing along with her as they danced.

"You've got some good moves," she called cheerfully over the sound of the music, hand in hand with Maya.

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