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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Talia tucked her hair behind her ear, happy to see Tony settle and calm down a bit. She returned his smile quickly, blushing a bit at the forward attention. At the mention of Nick, she looked around a bit. "He seems to have disappeared for now. He'll show up eventually," she said, glancing about the room. "I'm in search of the library though, if you'd like to join. If anyone would like to join."
"I'd love to go to the library with you! I love to read... I know, I don't look like the kind of guy who spends all his time reading, But, it happens to pleasure me! Well, not as much as sports, but it's the next best thing! I can find my room later. Off to the library we go!"
Talia felt a rush of anticipation, excited to finally be exploring the big house. She began to walk down one hallway in search of the library. Looking over at Tony, she threw a quick smile in his direction.

"I love to read, too! I like sports...but I'm not good at any of them. Well, except for soccer," she said with a grin, happy to be speaking with someone so enthusiastic. "What sports do you like?" she asked as they wandered about the house in search of the library.
"Well, I like almost all of them... except for badminton and ballet." He smiles, happy to finally meet someone who he could get along with... he hadn't met someone like that in a long time, considering he was so different. "This place is neat..."
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Talia chatted easily with Tony as they walked. He was quirky, but so was she, and she quite enjoyed his company. Thinking the best of everyone, she hadn't met anyone she disliked yet. She hoped that things would go smoothly. She focused back her attention on Tony, who was smiling at her. She returned the smile and nodded at his words. They paused in front of a heavy wooden door on the first floor.

"Might as well check here," she smiled, pushing the door open. Inside, was the library she was waiting for. Shelves filled with books lined the large room, big windows flooding it with light. Tables were here and there and the air smelled wonderfully like old pages.

Talia clapped her hands in joy.

"Nyaa..." she exclaimed as she hurried into the room, looking around. Turning back to Tony, she grinned widely. "This. This is paradise!"
Tony jumps into the air in excitement. "Finally! A place where I can enjoy myself here!" He quickly cozied up to a book, and get lost in it, completely ignoring his surroundings. "Oh, I love this series!" Shows Talia the book in excitement. He still couldnt take in how big the place was.
Talia watched Tony pick up a book, and walked around, fingers running over the spines lining the shelves. He held out the book to her, and she glanced at the cover. She touched a hand to her chin and looked at him.

"I've never seen this title," she said curiously. "What's it about?"
"This society is really big on population control... so parents may only have two kids! If they have more, the government kills them as babies! It's called The Shadow Children." Tony goes back to reading his book.
Talia nodded at Tony as he explained, her interest piqued. When he went back to the book, she turned around, squinting at the titles on the shelves. She meandered around the library, simply absorbing the setting. She pulled a book out, and walked to the big window. Leaning easily against the window pane, she hugged the book against her chest as she watched the sun begin to set. Closing her eyes, she simply soaked in the reality of being in the house.
Tony sets the book down and looks at Talia. "It's pretty amazing, huh? You know, being in this wonderful house... the only thing that could make it better were if we weren't guinea pigs right now." I say, chuckling.
Talia tilted her head a bit to the side and nodded thoughtfully. She looked at him and regarded his thoughts slowly.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," she began. "But then again, I'm just glad I could help...especially if helping includes staying in such a lavish place." she concluded happily.
"I agree. Especially when you find nice people!" Tony says, smiling warmly at Talia. She had been the only one who had offered to help him... That said something about most of the people here.
Talia smiled back at him, blushing again. Today was their first day here, and everyone had nerves. She felt glad that she had met a few people she liked already. And Tony seemed genuinely kind, something she appreciated a great deal. She nodded.

"It is better when we find nice people. I hope we'll all get along well," she said, grinning cheerfully.
"I hope so too! But... I don't think it will happen, sadly. The people here are too different...that's why they sent us here, to see how we'd react to each other." I frown. "But yes, I hope we all get along fairly well."
Talia felt her smile fade as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"Hmm, yes. I guess you do have a good point. Well, I'm hoping for the best. See, we get along well! That's a good start," She said, grinning at Tony.
"Yes, I'm happy we do. You are nice, pretty, and like the same things as me. It seems that the scientists set us up to see our reactions to people we would get attached to, and to people we'd hate." Tony say, thinking about he situation they were in.
Talia's face pinked when he called her pretty, a blush coloring it. She smiled softly, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Thank you, you're very kind," she said. "And that does make a lot of sense, why they would bring such a diverse group of us in,"

She nodded, glancing outside the window at the hilly landscape, the corner of the pool outside glinting in the sun.
"You're kind too. I like you the best so far. The other people have been somewhat...creepy. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, but I get the feeling most of them don't like me..." Tony says.
Talia looked at him, understanding the feeling of not fitting in.

"Oh, don't worry. I've met them, and they all seem pretty nice to me. I think I'll be rooming with Agnes, who's pretty friendly. I don't think you've met her yet. But hey, I'm sure it will be fine. You're pretty likable," she smiled, her optimistic outlook like second nature to her.
When Agnes returned downstairs, a weathered sketchbook under her arm and a pencil in hand, the only person she noticed was Ezra. She realized Talia and perhaps others must've already gone off to explore. Feeling rather stupid for not having accepted her invitation to be roommates before, she sighed. She probably went to the library. Maybe, if she could find her, it wasn't too late. "Hello, Ezra," she said, nodding at her. "I guess the others have gone looking? I should go find them then. I will be in the library if you need me." With that, Agnes started down the hall with absolutely no sense of direction. It wasn't long before she caught a snippet of Talia's voice. She ran to follow it and stopped short in the doorway. "Apologies!" Agnes said, momentarily mesmerized by the books lining the walls. "I was distracted," Agnes said, indicating the sketchbook she held. She turned to the new boy who'd been chatting with Talia. "Sorry to interrupt," Agnes said. "My name is Agnes. I was hoping to find the library as well, which it looks like you two have already done."
Tony looks up. "Oh, um, hi Agnes! My name's Tony. Talia here has already talked about you a little. Something about you two being roommates?" Although he wouldn't admit it, the new girl scared the crap out of him when she came in... He wasn't expecting her arrival.
"Nice to meet you, Tony," she said, smiling, and then nodded quickly at Talia. "Yes, speaking of which, I would love that. I can show you where my room is later," she promised. She stepped into the room, gazing up at the books lining the walls. "Found anything good yet?"
"Hello, Agnes." Ezra replied, before she watched Agnes go to the library. A part of Ezra wanted to join but then she thought, maybe not. Ezra was not the reading type of girl. Only things she enjoyed were women, scary movies, and coffee. Coffee, she thought, I could go for a nice cup. Ezra got up and went into the kitchen. She smiled when she noticed the beautiful interior kitchen design. Nice, she thought to herself. She immediately began searching for a coffee maker and smiled when she noticed one on top of one of the kitchen counters. As she walked closer to it, she realized it was the Cuisinart Brew Central and she gasped. "You people know how to spoil me." She said, while looking into the camera in the kitchen she noticed when she first got there. She wasn't sure she was allowed to do that but she didn't care. The coffee maker was voted best in 2013. She had always wanted one but she was far too attached to the Nespresso VertuoLine that she had at home. People who didn't drink coffee would think Ezra was completely nuts for loving coffee the way she did and yeah, maybe it was a little obsessive but she didn't care. She began filling the coffee pot with cold water and then pouring it into the reservoir. She scooped out the coffee and put it into the lined filter basket. She put the basket back into the reservoir and closed the cover then turned on the function knob for it to brew. She smiled, as she lifted herself onto the kitchen counter, next to the coffee maker. After about 7 minutes, the beeped five times and Ezra took it off the machine. She then poured it into a cup and began blending her sugars into her coffee. She took a sip and smiled in delight. "Yum." she smiled, as she put the coffee pot back onto the coffee maker, turned around and proceeded towards the living room, to watch television.
"You're just care free aren't you." She said to herself, referring to Ezra who had just walked out. Laying down for another couple of moments, Maya tried to decide what to do. She was sure Agnes would be in the library by now, and the smell of coffee was already wafting down the hall. Maya felt like it always smelled better than it tasted.

Finally standing up, she took off her shirt to replace it with something a little more okay to be around others in. It wasn't much, but her old school football jersey was pretty comfortable even though it still had a dirt stain on her side. She'd set her ball in the biggest of her bags, buried under all of her clothing. Digging it out, maya started down to the ground floor and through the living room to the back door.

Walking back to a grassy knoll behind the pool, she set the ball down and popped it up onto her foot, and set it up into the air high enough to be hit into her knee. She was always horrible at using her head, but she definitely had great footwork.

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Tony leaves the library to leave the two girls to do as they please. "I think I'll avoid that Ezra character for a while.... she seemed like she didn't like me very much..." He says to himself. He was always pretty good at reading people, and he was definitely getting a weird vibe from that girl. "Oh well, there are plenty of other people here.... who I hope to god will like me." Tony comes out to the opening where to the pool is, and sees a girl playing around with a soccer ball. "Uh, hi." He calls out.

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