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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"Feel free to settle in my room, if you wish," Agnes said (not directing it to anyone in particular though she would much prefer that Talia roomed with her over Nick) before she could doubt herself. She didn't want to put these people off more than she already was - nor did she want to tip off any potential threats. She refrained from commenting on the longboarding, as she had no idea what it was and wasn't keen on embarrassing herself; instead, she smiled brightly at the quiet newcomer. "Welcome!" she beamed. "My name is Agnes, and we were just talking about doing some looking around. Care to join us?"
Ezra smiled at the cab driver as they arrived at the new house she would be living in for a while. "Thank you, beautiful," She said to the woman, and winked at her before exiting the cab. She watched as the woman quickly got out of the cab and began helping Ezra with her two suitcases and bag, "Why thank you." She noticed the woman blushing but it didn't effect Ezra much. She was used to women practically dropping their panties for her. The woman began to say something but Ezra quickly turned around, lifted her bag over her shoulder and carried the two suitcases towards the house. She walked into the house, hearing voices. She quickly followed it, only to see other people conversing among each other. "Hello," she started, smiling that very charming smile of hers, "I'm Ezra."
Well whoever wants to room with me, feel free to put your stuff in the room. I'm really not picky with anything. If you want to use mine, then feel free to." She said. Maya smiled to the newcomer, leaning against the stair bannister.

"I'm Maya, welcome to the house." She couldn't help but smile to the new girl. She was obviously a charmer, and definitely someone that knew her way around people. This was an attractive quality, but definitely something to bring out her more playful and competitive side.

"We're talking about who's getting who's rooms. Currently, I'm lacking a roomy unless anyone feels like claiming that spot now."
Nick ran upstairs and threw his bags in a room hurriedly. Who he would be roommates with, he didn't care. All he was concerned with right now, was getting back to the others and exploring the house. Leaping out of the room and slamming the door shut, he sprinted toward the stairs and--

"дерьмо ебать!!"

A loud crash, and a few thuds could be heard as Nick came tumbling down the stairs. A pain shot in his back as he pushed himself up from the floor.

Before falling flat on his face again.

"Damn stairs, I'll... I'm gonna kick that staircase's ass I swear!" An aura of angst surrounded him as he lie on the floor. Despite not being too hurt at all, his temper was still getting to him. Nick slowly but surely calmed down, breathing deep breaths, before finally standing and facing the group.
Maya wrapper her hand under Nik's arms and pulled him up, fairly easily.

"You alright?" She asked, raising an eyebrow to him. Yeah, she could definitely tell who of them she would end up having a lot of fun hanging out with. The other's seemed to be pretty fun as well but quiet. Ezra would be a total flirt definitely.
"Hello, Ezra," Agnes said, smiling at her as well. Her composure was keeping itself together pretty well, if she did say so herself. She always had been far more comfortable in social situations than her mother was. As for Ezra, she seemed to be a lovely girl with another non-American accent, but it wasn't Russian either, which was a relief. So far, the only one who really posed any type of threat was Nick, who seemed to be too much of a goof to want to kill her in her sleep, but she could never be too careful. To her own surprise, however, she chuckled as he tumbled down the stairs. "Lovely language," she commented. "Anyhow, yes, I believe I am in need of a roommate too, if you wanted. My room is in the corner." However, quickly realizing that she wasn't nearly as warm and amiable as Maya was, she amended, "and I believe Maya's room is at the end of the hall. Once you put your things down, care to join us for a tour?"
Ezra smiled at the one who called herself Maya and said, "That's a very beautiful name, Maya." She then looked around at the rest of them and said, jokingly, "Well, whoever can deal with my rather obnoxious personality, I have no problem rooming with." She quickly turned her attention to the sound of someone falling and couldn't help but to stifle her giggles which turned into a smirk. "That's quite the entrance." She said to him. She then turned to the pretty girl with dark hair who said hello to her and said, "What's your name?"
"Da I'm quite alright," Nick looked at the lady who helped him up. "Thank you for the help." He patted her on the head and gave her a smile, "though I could've done it myself."

He looked around and saw the newest of the bunch (Ezra) comment on his falling. "Well I am Nikolai Fremont after all," he winked and smirked, "I meant to do it on purpose, I swear! The floor is comfortable." Once again back in his 'cheery' attitude, he thought to himself, wondering when they would be able to see the rest of the building.
"I'm sure it is, but no problem." She laughed, running a hand through her hair. Maya blushed a little at Ezra's comment, and thanked her briefly.

It was still bright outside, so hopefully she'd be able to go for a swim or explore outside.

"I'm going to go finish putting clothes away." Maya said before making her wait up the stairs, practically bouncing up. She was having a good day so far, but the jet lag was killing her. She was definitely going to sleep well tonight.
Ezra shifted her attention back and laughed at the man who called himself Nikolai with the very apparent Russian accent then replied, "Well, Mr. Nikolai Fremont after all, I'm Ezra and these floors do look quite comfortable." She joked along with him. By his attitude, Ezra knew that she and Nikolai would get along just fine mainly because he reminded her of a friend back home. "Now," she said, "I guess I'll room with Maya." She grabbed her bags and walked up the stairs. She went all the way down to the end of the hall and found Maya, in the room, putting away her things. "Lucky you," she said, as she walked inside, "You've got me as your roommate. Or maybe I'm the one who should be lucky? You're beautiful." Ezra said bluntly, and she paid close attention to how Maya reacted while pretending not to pay attention as she sat her things on the other bed on the other side of the room and began putting her clothes away, too.
"Apologies. My name is Agnes," she said quickly, just before Maya headed upstairs and Ezra followed immediately after her. "Figures," Agnes muttered to herself, letting her accent slip for just a hint of a moment. She wasn't doing very well at this whole making friends thing. Maybe this place wouldn't be so different after all. "Well," she said brightly, American accent firmly back in place as though it had never left. "Do you need help finding a room or anything while we wait?" she asked Nick, forcing aside her instinctive unease. "If not, I suppose I can wait down here."
Looking back behind her breifly, Maya smiled to herself and finished throwing the last of her shirts into a drawer.

"Well aren't you sweet?" She said, "but yeah, it's still probably me that's the lucky one"

Maya hung up a few of her shirts before flopping back onto her bed, leaning over to lay her long-board on the floor.

"So where are you from, gorgeous?" She asked, closing her eyes and taking the moment to rest.
Ezra smiled at her comment as she continued to put her things away then replied to her question, "I'm from Beaconsfield. It's a town in Buckinghamshire which is a county in South East England. Where are you from?" Judging by how she spoke, Ezra knew she had to be from Australia. There were plenty of times when she visited there and she absolutely loved it there. When she was done packing, Ezra noticed Maya's long board and suddenly, it made Maya even more attractive. Although Ezra had a massive thing for American woman, something about Maya definitely caught her attention but it wasn't just Maya who caught her attention. It was also the dark haired girl she had met earlier who she had forgotten the name of. You promised yourself you wouldn't start any trouble, she thought to herself, or play with people's emotions but then again, who are you kidding? It's in your nature to do that exact thing.
Talia watched Ezra and Maya head upstairs after greeting them. Nick had come falling down the stairs. She glanced at him, slightly concerned, but figured he was fine once he started winking and joking again. She gave him a small grin, as he was already becoming one of her favorites. She then turned to Agnes with a pleasant smile on her face.

"So, Agnes, what do you think? Want to be my roomie?" she asked happily. "And then maybe we can all find this magical sounding library," she concluded, rubbing her hands together excitedly as she looked between Nick and Agnes.
"I'm from Byron Bay, Australia." She said, opening her eyes to look at the girl.

"East Coast, great surfing town."

Maya tried to tone out her accent a little bit, still embarrased by how strong it was even though it was obvious the others had accents all their own. Ezra's was smooth, and quite honestly nice to listen to.

"I've only been to England once, it was banging to go to some ripper concerts there, they really were going off." She laughed, remembering the night she lost her best friend in the streets, who was then found later fawning over a stature of a man on a horse. Maya didn't do much traveling, and the Europe trip was just for her school's trip. She took a lot of history of art classes, so it all interested her a lot. The art departments held the annual Europe trip every summer so for a senior send off her mother and step father sent her.
Tony walks into the room. "Hey, so, um, what exactly is this? This place is big and I'm confused." He walks toward the girl who held the door open as he asked her.
"Byron Bay, eh? Sounds nice. Yeah, concerts there are always going off. Now that you've met me, you have more reasons to visit. How old are you? I would feel utterly weird if you were like 17 and here I was flirting with you." Ezra said, only half joking. There had been times where she was caught up with the police over young girls who had told her that they were older than they actually were or who didn't even mention their age and Ezra assumed they were older.
Talia smiled at the new boy in welcome, nodding her head. He seemed a bit lost and confused. She tilted her head to the side.

"Well, this is the house we're staying in for the relational study. Right now we're all picking rooms and looking around. There's two beds in each room. Nick here still needs a roommate," she said, smiling brightly as she hoped she eased the worried look on his face.
"I guess I do, eh?"

Maya wasn't surprised at all by this question, as she'd gotten it a lot. 18 it's the wierd age where your being hit on by 15 and 21 year olds, but they both have the same age difference.

"You're all In the clear. I'm 18" she said, trying not to laugh. Maya was never one to fret over who it was she was hitting on, but would definitely feel awkward As well.

"I'm gonna go with your... 19?"

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"I'm sorry, this embarrasses me... but who is Nick?" He asks, blushing. He hoped he wasn't annoying her. He didn't want to seem like a screw up on the first day there!
Ezra sighed a sigh of relief and smiled then said, "Oh good!" She laughed. "I didn't want to seem like a creeper or anything." she said, as she finished putting her clothes away then put her suitcases and bag under her bed. She then walked toward the bedroom door, looked back at Maya and said, before going downstairs, "I hope you're not straight. It would be a shame to take you away from your boyfriend." With that, Ezra went downstairs and went back into the room she was in when she first got there. She noticed a boy that she didn't really notice at first. He definitely seemed like the quiet type. "Hello," she extended her hand to him, "I'm Ezra." She then looked at the dark haired girl who was talking to the guy and smirked at her, "Hello to you, as well."
Tony shakes the girl's hand. "Hi, I'm Tony. I just got here, and I have no idea what's going on.This place is huge, and I'm just one, small person!" He lets go of her hand and turns to the other girl. "I don't know who this is, though..."
Talia looked at both of them pleasantly, reaching out to shake their hands. Turning to the Ezra first, she spoke brightly.

"Sorry, I didn't get the chance to talk to you earlier." she said as Ezra regarded her with a smirk on her face.

As she brushed hair out of her eyes, she glanced between her and Tony and smiled. "I'm Talia, nice to meet you both,"

She turned to Tony then and smiled reassuringly at his nervousness. Heavens knew she got anxious too. It always helped to have a friend.

"They're conducting the social experiment here? As in, some scientists are monitoring how we relate to one another. This is a big place but all you have to do right now is pick out a room," she said, searching her mind for the right thing to say.
Tony smiles warmly at Talia. "Thanks so much! That helps! I'll go find a room right now, maybe with this Nick character you were talking about?" He waits for a reply. Some of the people here seemed pretty weird, but he wasn't going to mention it. Talia seemed to be the only one that was beautiful, and acted normal.
Ezra smiled at Tony but she knew that he would probably be one person she stood away from while in the house. It wasn't anything personal, she just had a feeling and could already that he would be a nuisance to her. She didn't want to babysit children on this nice trip. She wanted to have fun and enjoy life. She turned her attention to the girl who called herself Talia and said, "That's quite alright. It's nice to meet you, too, Talia." Ezra sat down on a comfy chair and she listened as Talia explained the whole thing to Tony about everything that was going on.

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