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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

Maya kicked the ball up high, and caught it as it was coming down. Her hands stung a little but but not bad enough I make a difference.

Turning to the boy, she smiled and waved.

"Hey! I'm Maya!" She yelled back, still panting a little bit. It was the middle of the day, so the heat was at its worst. Probably not her best choice by a long shot.

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"Do you mind if I play with you? I love sports!" I call out, anxious to be able to play soccer

This girl seemed pretty cool, but who knows, she could end up being a jerk.
"Come on ova, I won't bite."

Maya leaned against the large oak tree, pushing a rope back and forth that was hanging from it.

"So what's your call tag?" She asked. The bit seemed pretty nice, but nervous. Hopefully he'd end up being someone she could play with and hold nice games with. But his name would definitely come in handy if she knew it.

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Agnes watched Tony go and as she did, she smelled something pleasant: coffee. It hadn't occurred to her to look for a cup earlier, but it would certainly be nice. At home, she made coffee for herself now and then to get her through all her extra work, but her mother avoided it at all costs; she hated any type of drug. Agnes didn't blame her, but as for herself, well, she could enjoy a cup of coffee, couldn't she? "Talia," she said, "I think I will go get some coffee and come back later. Or you can come find me." Agnes waved and followed the smell of coffee, which led her to the coffee maker in the kitchen. She put down her sketchbook and pencil and poured herself a cup, added her milk and sugar and what have you, and stepped out into the living room, where the TV was on and Ezra was holding her own cup. "Did you make this?" Agnes asked, indicating the cup before taking a sip. "Tastes good," she commented idly, moving to sit in one of the comfy chairs facing the television. "Where did everyone else go? I left Talia in the library to come get coffee."
Tony walks up to the girl. He laughs at her way to say name, not accusingly, but more of a joke.

"My NAME is Tony." He says, "Tony Fraw. May I ask yours?"

Yup, this girl was nice too. He guessed it was only the Ezra girl who didn't care for him.
"Sorry bout that." She laughed. Placing the ball on the ground and passing it to him.

"I'm Maya Lovelis, from Australia. Though it seems everyone's already been able to guess that." She said, putting her hair up and wiping her forehead off.

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Ezra smiled at Agnes and nodded when she asked if she had made the coffee. "I'm glad you like it, beautiful." She turned her attention back to the television laughed at the show she was watching. It was about little girls in a beauty competition against other little girls. She had never seen it before but it was very appeasing to her for some reason. Watching the little girls reminded her of her little sister, Autumn, and how much of a brat she was but more importantly, how although she had only been away from her for a day, she missed her dearly. Ezra's little sister felt more like a daughter to Ezra than a little sister considering she did had to practically raise the girl on her own when their parents were killed in the car accident. Ezra reminded herself to call her best friend, who said she would look after her little sister, to see if everything was okay. Sure, Ezra was an arrogant jerk at times but she truly had a heart of gold once you really got to know her. Ezra's attention went back to the television when she heard one of the little girls throwing a tantrum. Yeah, definitely like Autumn, she thought to herself. "I'm guessing someone is outside." Suddenly, she heard yelling and she put her cup of coffee down then she quickly got up, to see what was happening. To her relief, instead of it being a scuffle of some sort, it was Maya and Tony, talking to each other. She noticed Maya had a ball in her hand and it piqued her curiosity. This girl sure knows how to have a good time, she thought to herself. She looked back at Agnes and said, "If you want, you can come sit out here with me and get some sun." With that being said, she took a pack of smokes out of her pocket, walked out of the opening where the pool was and sat down on one of the outdoor recliners, lit her cig and began to take puffs of it then watched as they interacted with each other. Ezra wasn't a big smoker but she did do it every once in a while, and she thought no shame in that.
"You're accent pretty much gives it away." He says, smiling. Tony kicks the ball up to his knee, then bounces it on his head. "You know, I used to play football." He points to the girl's shirt. "Pretty fun actually... they let the guys take their shirts off. There's nothing that brings me more joy then showing off my abs!" He says jokingly, then laughs. This girl was awesome. Tony had never met a girl like her... she was so... what was the word he could use? The only thing that could come to mind was awesome. She didn't act like a Ms. Priss.
While tony had the ball, maya bent over backwards to stretch a little bit. Her hands just grazed the ground before she stood straight back up. Sitting down on a plane for so long had her entire body aching, and she wasn't used to it.

"It really is. I've played it since I was pretty young. They let the girls take theirs off as well, but only if they've got sports bras on." Maya laughed.

"Honestly, me too!"

She couldn't help but laugh again, waiting for the ball to be passed to her. Today was definitely going to be great.

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Agnes frowned briefly at the "beautiful" remark, bemused; she wondered if perhaps it was a British thing, because she'd certainly encountered no such behavior from any Americans... or Russians. She went quiet as she watched Ezra get lost in her thoughts and then too became distracted by shouting. To Ezra's offer Agnes quickly nodded, doing her best to focus on interacting and not isolating herself as she tended to do. "Would love to," she said, gathering her sketchbook and pencil and standing up to follow. Once she got outside, she waved hello to Tony and Maya, sat near Ezra, who'd pulled out a cigarette (for which Agnes had never had any interest), and watched Tony and Maya interact. They were playing with what she recognized to be a soccer ball, but she'd never played herself. "Nice day out," Agnes commented for lack of anything else to say, sipping her coffee. Suddenly inspired, she carefully put the cup down and arranged her sketchbook on her lap. Finding a blank page was difficult, considering how old the sketchbook was, but it'd served her dutifully and there was always space in the corner of a page or something to doodle.
He waves to Agnes and looks back to Maya.

Tony kicks the ball up and headbutts it to Maya.

"You know, you're pretty cool. I can't quite get my finger on it... but you're different than most girls I know..."

Tony motion for Maya to kick the ball back.
Ezra smiled at Agnes' comment and replied, "Yes, very nice." She leaned back in the reclining chair and continued to smoke her cig with her attention focused on Maya then quietly said to herself, "very nice indeed." She then looked over at Agnes and noticed the sketchbook she had in her hands. "You can draw?" she asked. She put her cigarette out in the grass that surrounded the whole backyard and then walked over behind Agnes, "Can I see?"
It took Agnes a minute or so, but finally, she found a page covered in smaller doodles, which meant that there had to be space in between the smaller doodles for even more small doodles. After a moment of contemplation she found a suitable spot and picked up her pencil, but she was interrupted by Ezra moving behind her. "I try," she chuckled, putting her pencil down by her side again. "You can," she said, twisting around to hand the worn sketchbook to Ezra. She refrained from apologizing for the sorry state of the entire book. "I am not sure how good any of it is, but I do my best."
Ezra took the sketchbook, gently, afraid that if she was took it any harder, it was rip. Although it was in a very fragile and worn out state, Ezra liked it. She thought it looked cool. She flipped through the pages, gently, and was pleasantly surprised. "Wow, Agnes," she said, aloud, "you're really good. Have you ever drawn people?" She continued to flip through the pages of the sketchbook and every doodle was different but connected in some way. She's definitely talented, she thought to herself, I wonder if she can draw me. "Can you draw me sometime?" Ezra asked, speaking her thoughts.
Agnes found herself enormously grateful to Ezra for her careful handling of the sketchbook. She hadn't even realized that she'd been concerned, but it looked as though she needn't have worried. "Thank you," she said, prompting a genuine smile. "Not as much, but I have tried," she said, trying to remember her last attempt. She definitely preferred large landscapes and whatnot, even condensed into tiny drawings, but she must've tried drawing people to go with them at some point. She did like drawing royalty, so surely there were a few kings and queens in the mix. "I could certainly try that as well," she said. "I have never tried to draw a real person before, so no promises. Would you like me to try now? Or later? You are rooming with Maya, right?"
Ezra's eyes lit up when Agnes offered to draw her now. "Yes, I'm rooming with Maya. You can try now, but only if you'd like. I wouldn't want to distract you from anything you're working on already," Ezra gently handed back Agnes' sketchbook back to her and smiled, "It's really up to you."
"Well! I'll leave you to do your thing!" Tony says, and walks away. When he gets inside he waves to Agnes. "Hello again." He then turns his head toward Ezra slightly, nodding nervously. He goes to the kitchen and makes himself a cup of soda, then sits down in a chair.
((Looks like my reply was just a second too late haha))

Maya nodded to him, running forward to catch the ball she had just gone to kick to him. Caught in the crook of her neck she let it roll off her shoulder and to her forearm, then back onto the ground where she kicked it up into her hands.

"Alright man, I'll catch you later" She said, rubbing her back of her neck with a free hand.
Tony motions for Maya to come in and sit next to him on the chair/couch. He was pretty sure she was dying of heat. "I already got you a drink!" He yelled out to her. "You like soda, right?"
Agnes quickly waved to Tony as he went inside, stole a glance at Maya, who was skillfully managing the ball, and then turned back to Ezra. "Good to know. My room is close to Maya's, so if I cannot finish now, I will come find you later. You might want to sit," Agnes said kindly, unsure how long a drawing like this would take. "This will give me something to do for a bit." Agnes focused on finding a page with enough space to draw and once she found something satisfactory, she picked up her pencil again. "While I do this, will you tell me about yourself?" Agnes asked, somewhat out of personal interest, but mostly to stimulate conversation. She was letting her guard down a bit, yes, but she felt safe enough to do so thus far.
Yelling back to him inside, Maya jogged around the pool and to the back deck before slowing to a walk.

"Yeah! Thanks!"

Looking briefly to Ezra and Agnes, she tipped her head a little bit a smiled. "Hey spunks." She motioned before walking inside. Maya dropped the ball and kicked off her shoes by the door, practically collapsing into the couch.

"And here I was thinking America was cooler than back home."
"Nope, America is about the hottest place you can be!" I do a mocking flex and raise my eyes brows. "Especially since im in it." I suppress a laugh, trying not to ruin my own joke.
Ezra nodded back at Tony and noticed he was a little nervous around her. It sort of made her feel bad for writing him off completely but she pushed that feeling to the side and turned her attention to Maya but quickly turned her attention back to Agnes who told her to sit. Ezra did as she was told and nodded when Agnes asked her to tell her about herself. "Hey show off," Ezra replied to Maya, teasing just a bit, "Well, Agnes, I'm from Birminghamshire in South East England. I'm 19 and I'm probably one of the most attractive people you've ever seen in your life." Ezra smirked at her own comment.
"Well I guess I added about ten degrees when the plane landed." She said, flipping her hair. Leaning back on the couch, her face contorted for a moment.

"How hot is it right now anyways?" She asked, looking around the room for a dial, but she didn't see any. "It can't be that much different from back home…" She wondered aloud, noting on how the heat was something she was used to. At the beach it was cooler but the farther inland you went, the more water satchels you'd wanna have on you. Often her and a few friends would go camping at one spot out in the bush they'd found with a fresh water river with a small waterfall coming over one of the rock drop offs, and falling into a larger pool of water. It was a great place to go fishing at, and an even better place for bonfires.
Agnes looked up and smiled at Maya to quickly acknowledge her before returning her attention to her sketchbook. She listened intently to Ezra as she began to sketch the outline of her face. As she did so, she was further convinced that Ezra wasn't out to hurt her. "This is true," Agnes remarked nonchalantly in response to her comment on being attractive, as though it were nothing. To Agnes, it had no immediate special meaning. "What was life like back in Birminghamshire, then?"

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