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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Jason sheathed his blade, concealing it as a cane. He stood up and he noticed a mark on Celestine's neck. "Hey, did he bite you?" Jason asked her carefully touching the wound.

Celestine quietly laughed. "When you're 80% of a specie then come talk to me about enchantments." Celestine was in pain but she wouldn't give up stopping the transformation from happening. I will not change. She gritted her teeth together.
"...Got it take a break and rest up I'll make sure the bastard pays for what he did. Next time you see me you'll hopefully have your powers back at his expense." Jin then got up to start making preperations but before he left he turned around and said "I'll get some of our classmates to come over here and make sure he stays away from you" then he left the infirmary and went back to the drama room. A couple minutes later he arrived and went in and went up to Axel and Jason and called over Dru. He asked them "Hey guys could a couple of you do me a favor and head to the infimary to keep an eye on Kiki and make sure nothing else happens to her? I'm going to go make that son of a bitch pay and make him regret what he did. Oh before I do that I need to let you know he somehow has the ability to steal our powers and thats what happened to Kiki as well as Celestine before and where the mark on her neck is from "

@Drumonkey @Pyosimros @Axel Kumori
"Yah, sucks to be you," Jason laughed nervously. "Should you go to the infirmary for that wound? There could be a toxin that got injected," he examined it some more.

He stood up and looked at Jin. "How's Kiki?" he asked him.
"Please don't touch it. It hurts like hell when it gets touched." She whispered when he touched it.

(Anyone else think it's funny how this happened in drama class and the principle hasn't noticed yet?)
(remember its not the principles' job to be there when you need him/her, its his/hers' job to be there when you don't need them! xD ...also mesa so lonely ;- ;)
"I really don't know. Maybe it would be best." Celestine struggled against the transformation but it was almost complete. I don't want to go full on banshee though. She thought angrily.
"It depends on how weak I am. Normally not that long but I guess this may take a while with the kind of magic the guy used." Celestine panted. Somehow she had gotten an upside on her Banshee side and was able to start to suppress it.
John was walking around when he smelled a sweet scent. There was an illusion maker, he rounded the corner and saw his target "tasty." He said quietly, he opened his mouth and sucked the girls power vanishing from her and sending her crashing into the ground.

Jenny had been walking around the school, clueless to what had been going on. She had stopped cold as she felt something like her life or something being sucked out of her. She screamed before she had passed out and had fallen to the floor.
Kiki heard a scream, she didn't exactly have a weapon on her so, she grabbed a glass of water and ran outside. There was Jenny on the floor and creepy guy standing over her "Get away from her you sadistic freak!" she said then threw the water on him and he started burning. Since he stole her phoenix strength's he also stole her weaknesses "Jenny?" she said, "Jenny?! Help! someone Help!" Kiki cried out.
"Hmm...if we can trigger him to have a vision then he will have intense pain. Also i'm not sure if he has gained my weakness to bright light." Celestine figured that if he had her abilities then he must have gotten her weaknesses.
"You have a weakness to bright light?" Jason laughed for a few seconds since it must suck. After he was done he was focused again. "Other then that, how do you think we could trigger him?" he asked her.
"Well visions happen unpredictably. They randomly get triggered by random things. However with me they often happen under periods of emotion such as stress or fright." Celestine thought about it for a few moments. "Maybe if we make him stressed it will trigger. Also get him in bright light and he will become weak, if he got that weakness." She explained to the people around her.

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