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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

Rattles shot an intense ball of lightning at him as he began to flee. Dru got the text and a call from rattles and began to try and chase after the creepy guy.
"what the heq......" he mutters to himself staring at the girl (celestine) "that pain......it isnt ordinary..." he speaks again noticing the dark vibe behind the reason of the pain.


He looked at his phone. It was a text from Jin. After reading it he stood up quickly. "Crap I don't have any from my weapons with me right now!" He mentally shouted to himself.

"Alright Dru keep him distracted while I head over to my dorm, don't die," he ordered Dru and he ran through the emergency exit to avoid the guy.
The pain on Celestine's neck was not getting any better at all. Instead it continued to get worse. "Oh I feel kinda dizzy." She moaned. Celestine could feel her spirit self starting to come out and she could see the evidence of that with her hands. They were becoming transparent. Oh crap. This isn't normal.
Jason frantically opened his closet. There it was. "It's still here," he sighed with relief and he took the cane sword from it's stand. Jason grabbed another tool and attached it to his wrist. "I'll save this for navigation," he thought. After gearing up he ran towards the hallway that led to the drama room. There stood Dru.
Erman and Oleg sat off to the side once more as the Principal spoke, though Oleg was giving much more attention to her than Erman was.

"Malicious intent." Erman stated offhandedly out of nowhere

Oleg looked back at him "Huh?"

"There's a lot of malicious intent that just left this room." Erman said with his ever-present smile. Oleg blinked, looking at the Principal for a while before looking back down at Erman and repeating "Huh?"

"Something bad is going on out in the hall." Erman commented with a stretch

"So when did you take up divination?" Oleg asked

"Never did, I just watched Mr. Shady from the back mysteriously leave seconds before several others took the same path." Erman said as he lounged in his chair "Anyone with a brain could assume that something negative is about to occur."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Buddy, when you've seen enough stuff as I have you learn not to question your gut. Right now, my gut says that pain is going to be inflicted on someone."

The second Erman stopped speaking he raised his head for several seconds before lowering it again "Yeah, someone just took some damage of some form."

"Oh and I suppose you just guessed that as well?" Oleg asked skeptically.

"Nah, if you listen carefully you can hear the curses of anger coming from the halls."

"You don't know if its from physical pain!"

"In a school full of hybrids, I'd bet on it." Erman said with confidence

The two went silent for a while as they continued listening to the principal's speech. Finally, Oleg turned to Erman "So hypothetically," Oleg began "if what you think is happening is true. Why aren't we out there helping people?"

"Nah," Erman said, waving the idea off "Let's just sit here and wait for this to end."

Oleg stared at the half-ghoul for a while, then shrugged before returning his attention to the Principal.
He noticed the girl changing into a spirit form and walked closer to her. "you have to hold onto ur courage and bear a while longer, dont let the pain take over your conscience" he says to celestine before walking away outside the class to have a bit peek on the fight that was going on inside the campus.

Kiki opened her eyes, noticing the white roof and bright light above her and immediately knowing it was the infirmary. Wait... Why am I in the infirmary!? Kiki wondered suddenly incredibly scared. Her eyes weren't glowing though. Kiki looked around and noticed there was a nurse in the corner, "Hey hun, You okay? does anything hurt?" she asked. Kiki moved around a bit and she felt fine but there was something missing "Okay do you mind answering a few questions for me?" she asked, "Sure?" Kiki said with a slightly uneased tone "Okay first of all what is todays date?" the nurse asked Kiki, Kiki didn't exactly pay attention to what day it was but she knew the month and year, "Well I didn't really pay attention to the day but I know its September,2015 oh and school started today." she said and the nurse wrote something down, "Okay now what is your name?" the nurse asked, " Unless it changed within the last 5 minutes, my name is Kiki Slade." she said, the nurse nodded the wrote something else down "Okay now who brought you here?" she asked. Wait who brought me here? I don't even know how I got here. she thought, "I don't know." the nurse wrote something down then got up, walked over to the door and said "You can come in now." who's coming in? she thought to herself.
Jin heard the nurse say that he could come in now so he opened the door and walked in. He saw Kiki was awake and went over to her and said "Damn do you know how worried I was when you collapsed right after turning the corner? I know you're confident in your strength and rightfully so as you are pretty much the strongest one out of us but even so overconfidence is never good." Scratching his head Jin sighed and said "Sorry I didn't come in the lecture you, I was the one who brought you here after that bastard jumped you. I don't know what he did or what his power is because he was gone by the time I caught up. I'm just glad you're alright I just wish you were more careful". "I swear I'll make him pay" Jin said quietly to himself.

Celestine groaned and clenched her hands together into fists. Dang it. I really really hate that guy right about now. She thought clenching her teeth. She could feel herself shifting even more into spirit mode. Even the tips of her hair were turning white. Come on, don't change. She fought against the change even though she had changed before. She had a feeling that if she fully changed then something bad would happen to her.
He flew so fast away that he was outside on the roof in seconds, no trace of were he'd gone left. He played with blue wild fire in his palm. This power was magnifecent! He smiled deviloshouly and continued to play with the girls power
Jason unsheathed his can sword. "Come on! Just need to corner hi-" and then we was gone. No clues, no trace of him anymore. "Damnit!" he shouted and he didn't care who heard him. Jason slammed his fist on the nearby wall and he slowly calmed down.
"Jumped me? who jumped me?" he said in a tone that gave away she was pissed. But her eyes weren't glowing, everyone knew when Kiki was pissed her eyes glow "I don't even know what happened! can you please just tell me how I got her and who jumped me."
He looked at them fighting and running around. "Cat Fight eh?" he muttered to himself with his hands still in the pocket he continued to spectate refraining himself from taking any action.

He changed his emotions when he looked at the guy playing with the blue wildfire "power absorbtion huh.....pretty rare...." he whispered to himself standing outside the class and spectating them fight.
When Jason was calm, he adjusted his top hat on his head and he went back to the drama room. "Hey, are you okay!?" he ran over to Celestine, who seemed to have her own problems.
Celestine shook her head No. "Nope, I'm trying really hard not to shift here. Which isn't turning out very well." She said as she saw herself shifting even more. "Something might happen."
"Who else but Creepy McCreepsalot who was staring at us the entire time during the principals speech? As I just said I carried you here when you were unconcious I'm not sure what he did to you though" Jin replied and then angrily said looking skyward " But I swear to you I WILL make him pay for what he did I swear it. He's not getting away with this."

Kiki didn't listen, in fact she was panicking, fire, fire, fire, work, work, work! "My powers," she said under her breath. "Work, Work, Work! Jin my powers there not working!" she cried out, she was confused and upset and scared and she couldn't help it she broke out crying, something that her phoenix side would never let her do.
Axel went closer to Jason and Celestine "Girl.......have faith in yourself and overcome your fears and gain control over them you will learn to control ur spirit more or less in no time....its all i can say for now...." *he turned his back towards them looking towards the sky "clouds......i envy them....." he sighed.

@Pyosimros @Wings

"that transformation is pretty intense" he repeated to jason " its not that simple to control to be exact"

Jin connected the dots to the mystery and said "..that explains why he knew what you were going to do, and why Celestine's neck was bleeding as well as why he was gone right after jumped you....Somehow that bastard has the ability to steal the powers of others... Shit that's not good I don't know how long they'll be gone or how long he'll have them but its the only possible explanation I know its not something you want others to know and I promise you I will tell no one else but....If I'm right I'm going to need to know what your weaknesses are in order to deal with him. I know we just met and you probably don't trust me with information like that but please...I want to make him pay for what he did to you" He said to her with a dead serious expression.

She wiped a tear away and tried to think clearly, "Water burns me." she said, it was kind of ironic since it was water but it worked, "and when theres cold temperatures, it makes me feel like I can't breath." she said.

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